November Reading Project



From October 19th to November 20th you are to be reading either a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel that you have had approved by the teacher. This book should be read nightly and also be with you daily for reading in class during allowed times. We have gone over the genre characteristics of both Science Fiction and Fantasy and the PowerPoint used in class can be reviewed on the homework page.

1.  ____ Get a bookmark based on your selected novel from the teacher.

2.  ____ On one side of the bookmark you are to fill in the appropriate information noting the page number as you read, where you find that information. Print or write neatly in blue/black pen or a dark lead pencil. Edit carefully.

3.  ____ Also, as you read you are you are to choose a very visual sentence that shows the reader the genre of the book. You must be able to clearly see the picture in your mind.

4.  ____ On the blank side of the book mark, draw and colour the picture that you see.

5.  ____ Under the picture, write the sentence, noting the page.

6.  ____ Underline the visual words that allowed you to see, hear, smell, taste and feel what went on in your drawn picture.

Your book must be completed and the project ready to be handed in on Tuesday, November 20th.

Fantasy Bookmark

Name: ______

Title: ______

Author: ______

List the page number and a brief reminder

of the genre characteristics

you find as you read.

Talking Animals or Objects

p. ______

p. ______

Magical Powers

p. ______

p. ______

Medieval or Mythical Elements

p. ______

p. ______

Sci-Fi Bookmark

Name: ______

Title: ______

Author: ______

List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics

you find as you read.

Details on Science or Technology of the Future

p. ______

p. ______

Set in the Future, Space, or a Different World

p. ______

p. ______

Makes Guesses about the Future

p. ______

p. ______

November Reading Assignment
SF/Fantasy Bookmark
Name: Class:
Title: Author:
SciFi or Fantasy
Outcome / 4
Met the outcome / 3
Approaching the outcome / 2
Showing initial understanding of the outcome / 1
Having difficulty with the outcome
6.3 find evidence and examples in texts to support personal views about themes, issues, and situations / - Drawn and coloured picture clearly shows an understanding of the genre
-Chosen sentence and underlined visual words clearly depict genre
10.1 I can understand that using correct spelling is important, I can use writing strategies that will help me to improve the quality of my writing / None or minimal spelling errors
10.4 demonstrate a commitment to crafting pieces of writing and other representations / Neat and tidy, none or minimal editing errors
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