Project Challenge Summer Jump Start Program 2006
“Jump Start” was a five-day intense program held at RedLakeNationTribalCollege where students focused on developing transition skills. The key resource used in this training was the “Expanding the Circle: Respecting the Past; Preparing for the Future” (ETC) curriculum ( Elders, community members, American Indian college representatives, and businesspeople supported the transition activities throughout the week.
The following schedule of the five-day summer program may be useful as a model for summer program development using the ETC curriculum.
Monday: June 12 / Tuesday: June 13 / Wednesday: June 14 / Thursday: June 15 / Friday: June 169:00-9:45: Opening Ceremony: Mary
10:00-10:30: Introductions, Purpose of the week, complete paperwork for stipends; Pass out OS’s; Pass out journals;
Complete Contracts and turn in; Pass out “A Story About Me” (Dennis)
Human Knot (Dennis)
10:30-12:00: Career Assessment Inventory (Dennis)
12:00 – 12:45 LUNCH
12;45-1:00: Graffiti Wall (Lynn)
1:00: Community Decision Making Quilt (Lynn)
1:30: Learning Styles Inventory (Jean)
2:30 - BREAK
2:45: Pass out camera’s explain Picture Books; return film on Wednesday (Jean)
3:00: Experiential Leadership skill development with Lynn
3:45: Close
Homework: Journal writing: write about supports you have/ need in your life. / 9:00: Opening; turn in journals for review
9:15: Life Within the Circle (Lynn)
10:45-12:00: Elders Interviews (Ruth set up)
Sharing from Elders’ interviews
Social Supports: Expectations;
Support Star (Dennis)
2:30: BREAK
3:00-3:45: And then There Were Five: (Lynn and Dennis)
3:45: Close
Homework: Journal writing: write about what it felt like to interview the elders; what did you learn? / 9:00: Turn in journals & film; Asking questions to find out what you want to know: prep for employment panel; refer to personal interest areas from career inventory
9;15: Self-advocacy
What Does it Look Like
View DVD portion of “The Business of Fancy Dancing” showing “The Toughest Indian” and discuss (Kathy)
10:15: Goal Setting & Goal Setting Star (Lynn)
12:00-12:45: LUNCH
12:45: Stress Balls (Dennis)
1:00; Employment Panel: Don Desjarlait (RL Foods) Questions (Ruth and Kathy)
2:30: Websites for exploring career interests
3:45: Pass out pictures developed from AM; Homework: Begin Picture book development; write in journals about plans for after HS. / 9:00-10:00: Work on picture books, A Story About Me
10:00-11:30: College Panel: Mary (RL); Tee Harris (student-BSU); Vernelle Lussier (student-Haskell); Clayton Roberts (graduate: Forestry Technician Program NW Tech/Redby campus); Colette "Tori" Dahlke (BSU-Admissions counselor)
11:45: LUNCH With college panel members
12:30: Military training discussion: current recruit & Viet Nam Vet (Kathy & Ruth)
1:00: Prepare for final presentations
3:45: Close
Homework: Journals: reflection on college panel and military discussion
Complete presentations / 9:00: Work on presentations
9:30: Student Presentations
10-15 minutes each
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
Continue Presentations
Final Ceremony; certificate of completion; invite elders, community members, parents; LUNCH; paperwork turned in for stipends.
Invite NYLT & OBW staff to see presentations and recruit