Distance Education Committee


2/16/16, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.


Name / Representing / Present / Absent
Jennifer Grohol / Adjunct Faculty / X
Maj-Britt Kimm / Adjunct Faculty / X
Zahi Atallah / Administrator / X
Renata Funke / Administrator, DE Coordinator / X
Carol Hobson / Faculty, DE Specialist / X
Lindsey Bertomen / Faculty / X
Lisa Storm / Faculty / X
Maria Teutsch / Faculty / X
Pimol Moth / Faculty / X
Tina Esparza-Luna / Faculty, Chair / X
Peggy Mayfield / Head Librarian / X
Laura Lark / Instructional Technologist, CSEA / X
Mark Shelor / Student Senate / X


Name / Title or Representing / Present / Absent
Kimberly Kessler / Administrative Assistant, Minutes / X


Meeting called to order at 1:05pm Tina Esparza-Luna


1.  Minutes for 11/17/15 reviewed and approved. Tina Esparza-Luna

Minutes for 12/15/15 reviewed and approved with questions about Dave's comments. The Canvas Steering Committee will follow up and have an update at the next meeting.


1.  OEI Update Tina Esparza-Luna and Renata Funke

Putting classes in exchange for HC won’t happen before spring 2017. Renata mentioned there will be demos at the Online Teaching Conference in June on tutoring, proctoring and Cranium Café for counseling.

2. Canvas Update Lisa Storm and Lindsey Bertomen

A question was raised regarding NetTutor: Why not switch over district wide for all online classes? Hurting retention by not moving forward. Lindsey sent out information; not only for pilot instructors. He said College of the Canyons reported fewer dropped students when using NetTutor software. Jenny reported that MPC has two “buttons”, one for Moodle and one for Canvas.

3. Hybrid Policy Update Tina Esparza-Luna

Need percentage data for face-to-face and DE. Committee agreed to table item until fall


4. Best Practices FIG Carol Hobson

It was reported that Sabrina from Gavilan College will be bringing two people with her to give an update on Best Practices FIG and will communicate with Laura Lark on a plan for putting a

sustainable teacher training module in place.

5. AS Recommendation for Canvas Training Forum

A question was raised regarding adjunct stipends because there was no incentive for adjuncts to

train. The committee was reminded that at one time all instructors had to pay for Etudes training out

of pocket. Carol Hobson remembered getting paid at Shasta College.

6. Hybrid Growth Proposal Forum

Tina reported that the Business Department was told that 50% of their offerings needed to be face-

to-face for summer. Lisa: No rationale? Tina: After HCFA approves it needs to go to Lori; Tina to

forward to Carole; Tina: Right of assignment; Jenny: HIS department has five DE and two face-to-

face courses being offered in summer; concerned

7. OEI Readiness module into a positive attendance course Tina Esparza-Luna The committee has decided at this time to not move forward with this.

8. Hybrid attendance policy Tina Esparza-Luna

It was reported that instructors cannot drop students for not completing assignments. Need to get

Mary Dominguez to determine when students can be dropped. Add/drop within three days? Carol will research other colleges.

9. Resource Allocation Requests for PPA – Funds/DE Training & Coordinator Forum

Faculty training stipends plus repeat last year’s request for Assoc. Dean position; increase professional development funds for more than $1,000; if FT get 12 hours flex why not take the $125,000 savings from Etudes (moving to Canvas/OEI) and pay adjuncts $50 for training. Renata to prepare PPA before next meeting and report back.


Agenda Items for next meeting: Tina Esparza-Luna


March 15, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 3:00p.m.