CargoPoint Entry Summary Monitor
The CargoPoint Entry Summary Monitor is a windows application for updating time-sensitive statuses of CHB entries. For complete information concerning exactly what it monitors, please see the documentation noted below. However, here is the list as of this writing:
FDA Prior Notice
FDA Prior Notice Status Counts
Aii Status Counts
Initial Installation
Browse in Windows Explorer to C:\Program Files\Clearcross\bin
Right Click on Cpesmon.exe and choose “Create Shortcut”
Find the Shortcut that gets created and Drag to the Desk top.
Right Click on the shortcut and choose Properties.
Click on Shortcut Tab.
Click on Target Field
Press the END button and type “<space>UI” then click OK.
Double Click the new Icon.
This will open up the CPESMON user interface.
You should copy the connection template into the upper window. Complete the connection where the data source = the name of the data server and the catalog = the name of the database.
Click on Test.
When you get a successful connection, click on Save.
Go to the Service tab and click on Install to install the service.
When this is complete you can click on Start to start the service.
To verify that the service has started, go to Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Services.
You will see CargoPoint Entry Status Monitor …. The Status should be started.
You can also start and stop the service from this window.
Set-up Monitoring
Click on Service Tab.
Select the services that are desired and the frequencies for monitoring.
Be sure to re-start the service after making changes so that they will take effect.
Special Notes:
To add an icon to the desktop for the UI version, go to c:\Program Files\Clearcross\Bin and create a shortcut of cpesmon.exe and drag it out to the desktop (or wherever else you might want it). Right click on the icon it makes and select Properties.
The Target field will read: “C:\Program Files\Clearcross\Bin\CPESMON.exe”
Change it to add a space and UI after the final “.
It will look like this: “C:\Program Files\Clearcross\Bin\CPESMON.exe” UI
You must stop the Entry Summary Monitor service prior to starting a CargoPoint update. You will have to start it again manually when the update is completed.
Full documentation can be found by opening the UI, going to Help – Contents. This will give additional information regarding service and it’s operation and purpose.