Hello, Seniors:

Information for 12th Graders

* My remind 101 information is:

Enter this number – 81010

Text this message - @47e43c

* You can find SAT and ACT testing dates and registration deadlines under the Administration tab of the BRHS website. Click on “Counselor” and you will see a menu on the side. Look under SAT/ACT. Our school code is 440720.

* If you are applying to any public college/university in Texas, you can use the Apply Texas application. You can fill out one application and send it to multiple schools.

*You must take the TSI test if you have not already. Remember, some of you may have been exempt based on your EOC scores. Visit the Collin College website to register for this. It is given almost every weekend.

*Many college application deadlines are coming up. Remember, you want to go by the Scholarship Deadline. This will make you eligible for scholarships and financial aid. This deadline is different from the regular application deadline.

*If you need your teachers, coaches, or counselor to write you a letter of recommendation, be sure and give at least two weeks for the letters to be completed. Don’t run in the day of and tell us you need a letter! 

*The spring semester gets very busy. Be sure you are keeping up with your assignments and making up work when you are absent. We love you, but we will not just pass you along. We have had seniors who decided to let things slide, and they were sitting at home when their classmates were walking across the stage accepting their diplomas! DON’T BE ONE OF THESE STUDENTS!

*Don’t get into trouble with your attendance. This can also keep you from graduating.

*If you fail a course the first semester that is needed to fulfill graduation requirements, you need to see me about credit recovery ASAP!

*I will send out scholarship opportunities over Remind 101. I will also keep a notebook in my office with hard copies of scholarship applications.

*If you need a transcript, use the online request form found under the parent resource tab on the BRHS portion of the Blue Ridge ISD Website.


What is meant by “post secondary” education?

College/University : refers to attending a 2 year or 4 year school after high school graduation. However, this may also include attending a technical or trade school.

*Junior College: has two year programs where students can earn an Associate’s Degree or a Certification/Licensure for a specialization.

*University: has four year programs where students can earn a Bachelor’s Degree. After a Bachelor’s, you can also pursue a Master’s Degree and Doctorate at a university.

*Technical School: programs designed to train students in particular skills required by certain jobs. Examples: UTI – trains for working on or building specialized engines and other automotive systems like diesel engines or race cars.

*Trade School: programs designed to train students for a particular trade (job). Examples: Cosmetology, Welding, heating/air conditioning repair

Note: Many technical and trade programs are also offered by junior colleges and usually at a lower cost to the student.

All students in order to make a salary above the poverty line, need to pursue additional education after high school.

What if my family can’t afford college?

There are many avenues to be able to pay for college or a technical program including:

  1. Scholarships/Endowments – These are offered by the college or other organizations. This is free money that does not have to be paid back! Endowments are special scholarships set up by families given through a certain college/university. Many endowments go unused because students don’t ask about them.
  2. Pell Grant – This is a grant given to students whose family falls at or below a certain income level. This is a federal program applied for through FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Grants do not have to be paid back.
  3. Work/Study Programs – These are offered by the college to students to have a job on campus while attending school, also. Some are funded by federal funds, but others are not.
  4. Student Loans: This is money that is made available to you based on income needs and is also accessed by applying through FAFSA. Student Loans must be paid back after graduation. Although a good option for many students, student loans should be taken out carefully and other means of financial aid should be researched first.

Find the online application for FAFSA at fafsa.ed.gov