O&E Committee Meeting

Blazer Hall Rm. 233

January 25, 2017

1.  Welcome

2.  Roll Call

a.  Present: Brady Ekman, Ben Fluke, Dalton Hampton, Ben Harris, James Kash, Will Lovan, Duncan Paul, Jake Rankin, Paul Savage, Angelo Stekardis

b.  Excused: Esias Bedingar, Lauren Chavira, Chelsea Folmar

c.  Absent: Hannah Botts

3.  Review Elections Board Nominee

a.  Unanimously yes

4.  Special Guest: Michael Adams, Director of Finance

a.  Talk about the budget and where money has been spent thus far

b.  Any ideas about where the Presidential discretionary fund can go

i.  $110,000 surplus last year, most likely will have a surplus this year

c.  Idea for website to add a section where people can ask questions to people in SGA directly on the website

d.  Talk to Garrett if any questions about Kentucky Wildcab

e.  Question about where the money goes if there is a surplus

i.  Response: Sits in an account, but it is not good to have a surplus because it shows inefficiency.

f.  Question about whether the presidential discretionary fund can go to organizations outside of SGA?

i.  Response: yes, but it needs to be something that benefits all students

5.  Special Guest: Nick Pridemore, Election Board Chair

a.  Dismantling of ticketing besides president/vice president

b.  Make it known for the beginning what is ticketing and what is not

c.  Big promotional opportunity

i.  Event next week possibly about campaigning for SGA

d.  Important this semester to see how things go for the future

6.  Plan rest of semester:

a.  Review Programs:

i.  Safety Walk

ii. LiveSafe Data

iii.  WildCab

iv.  Budget

v. Clothing Closet

b.  Legislation Review

c.  Program Review: Will Lovan, Duncan Paul, Dalton Hampton, Paul Savage, James Kash, Chelsea Folmar

d.  Legislation Review: Everyone else present

e.  Teacher Course Evaluations

i.  Have to do it for every class, data from from course evaluations goes to make a Rate-My-Professor

7.  Questions and Concerns

8.  Adjourn

a.  7:30 pm