“Your Behaviour Matters More Than You Think”.


MIKE: Look, I’d appreciate it if you could meet up with Darren and see what you think.

BRAD: Check up on him?

MIKE: We’re pushed for time,we can’t afford any more stuff hold ups like this – It’s the 30th, remember?

BRAD: I’m happy to talk with him, Mike, if you want me to.

MIKE: I spoke to him earlier when he told me he couldn’t make it and said you might be paying him a visit… tomorrow.

BRAD: Oh...ok.

JULIE: Why does he want you to go?

BRAD: He doesn’t trust Darren.

JULIE: What?

BRAD: Can’t afford any more mistakes. More than likely we’re going to be hit with a fine for what Jack did.

JULIE: But you said that there was nothing Darren could have done.

BRAD: No. Nor Jack. If he was told to use the road crane then he’d have to clear the trees, so he didn’t have much choice.

JULIE: Didn’t anyone point that out to Mike?

BRAD: Not directly, no.

JULIE: Why not?

BRAD: That’s just the way it is.

JULIE: Just the way it is?

BRAD: Yes. I tried to speak up for Darren - said he’s experienced, but Mike always covers himself – that’s why he is where he is.

JULIE: But if no one ever challenges him, he’s not going to change is he?

BRAD: Ok, Ok! Look, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but, it kind of works.

JULIE: Are you going to be back in time to take Jamie swimming?

BRAD: I don’t know. I hope so, but I can’t say for definite.

JULIE: I hope so too!

JULIE: I just don’t understand why someone else can’t do Mike’s errands?

BRAD: Mike’s errands?! It’s not Mike’s errands, it’s my job.

JULIE: What? Dogsbody?

BRAD: Nice. That’s what you think, is it? Give me some credit.

JULIE: Have you spoken to him about going part-time?

BRAD: Look, I’m not going to speak to him while he’s like that. Look, let’s just let him chill out and I’ll speak to him then, OK?

JULIE: [Interview] Doesn’t make any sense to me and I don’t think it does for Brad either. Sometimes I feel like going into the office and banging everyone’s heads together!

BRAD: [Interview] Damned if I do and damned if I don’t...!

DARREN: Seriously, Brad. You didn’t have to come all the way down here! You could’ve just picked up the phone.

BRAD: Yeah, I know. I just wanted to come and see how you were.

DARREN: Just wanted to check up on me, did you?! Seems mad though; what is it, a hundred mile round trip for you? Especially with everything that’s going on. It seems crazy.


DARREN: What can I tell you? Noone likes a late change, do they? Jack wasn’t best pleased but I had a word with him and he did what he had to do… And qwe are where we are.


BRAD: Hi love

JULIE: How did it go?

BRAD: Complete waste of time

JULIE: What time are you home?

BRAD: God knows.

JULIE: OK. I’ll see you later.