Abhijeet Upadhyay


I am a good learner and like exploring new areas of work. My objective is to put to use all the skills which I have picked up not only at IIIT, but all through my life. I want to utilize my strengths and give my best to whatever I do.


Degree / College / Percentage
B. Tech / IIIT, Hyderabad (2007) / 7.01 CGPA
Senior Secondary / GIC Gorakhpur UP / 75.5%
Secondary / GIC Gorakhpur UP / 78.9%

Work Experience

internship in BSNL(lucknow): Made a sample data base of BSNL user in a particular area .

Software Skills

Programming Languages / C, C++, Perl, Python ,Java(Core,J2EE)
Operating Systems / Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, GNU/Linux
Programming Environments / GNU/GCC, Microsoft Visual Studio, Matlab
Software Tools / Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Latex,
Libraries / QT, WS-PYTHON ,ZOPE
Database Technologies / Mysql, MSSQL Server

Personal Details

Date of Birth : 1st May, 1984.

Permanent Address : Commissioner Campus ,Gorakhpur ,UP

Sex : Male

Nationality : Indian


1.Mega Scanning Center Portal

Project Guide: Dr. C.V. Jawahar

Team: 2

Technical Environment: Linux, PHP and Mysql

Abstract: This project gave us the actual feel of working in a corporate atmosphere with strict deadlines in all the phases. The main idea behind this project was to develop a tool that could help in smooth functioning of the mega scanning center in IIIT Hyderabad. It is used to take control of the complete information flow among various sub-levels.

2. Instant Chat Messenger

Project Guide: Dr. G.Ramamurthi

Team: 2

Technical Environment: Network Programming in C++, GUI in Qt

Abstract: By this messenger multiple user can chat simultaneously on LAN or INTERNET . It is more likely to Yahoo Messenger . Many users can chat on a particular topic in a chat room also.

3. Web Site

Project Guide: Enrich Technology ( A IIIT incubated company )

Team: 2

Technical Environment: HTML , CGI , CSS , Adobe Photo Shop , JAVA technologies

4 .Course Management Portal - This portal is used to manage the functioning of any course during the semester. It needs the user to fill up a configuration form initially which itself manages the complete information flow.

5 . DBMS for Hospital - This Database project included development of a DBMS software which handles all the functionalities in a hospital. This was done as a part of our DBMS course.


§  I am the Campus Life secretary IIIT Hyderabad,05.

§  I am the class representative of my batch since the very first year thereby portraying leadership skills.

§  I am good in playing Table Tennis

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