Athens High School Chemistry I - 2013-2014

Course: Chemistry I Teacher: Mrs. Alycia Townsend Room: 108

Prerequisites: Algebra I and Biology

Textbook: Modern Chemistry ( Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 2002)

Course Description: This course is designed to teach the fundamental concepts of general chemistry. Topics include scientific processes, application skills, matter classification, carbon chains, periodic table, solutions, kinetic theory, stoichiometry, ideal gases, physical and chemical changes, and chemical and nuclear reactions. Mathematical calculations and laboratory techniques are an integral part of this course. Chemistry fulfills the requirement for the physical science graduation credit (Standard or Advanced Diploma).

Course Goals/Objectives: Students will learn basic concepts and skills in chemistry that are considered foundational in this discipline and are outlined in the Alabama Course of Study for Science.

Supplies/Materials Needed:

1) 2 composition notebooks

2) A large supply of LOOSE LEAF notebook paper

3) A pencil or a blue or black ink pen (I don’t have any to give you, so don’t ask!)

4) Your Chemistry book


6) A scientific calculator with logarithm and scientific notation (~ $12 at Walmart or Staples)

7) Lab Fee $20.00 (due within the first three weeks of the course)

8) Poster board and other materials will be needed throughout the semester. You will be notified when it is required for you to bring these additional items.

Grade Determination: You will be graded on a variety of areas such as laboratories, homework/class work, tests, and quizzes/notebook. Keep up with your grade by checking The following weight will be given to each category:

Tests : 30%

Homework/Class work: 30%

Laboratories/Activities: 20%

Quizzes/Notebook: 20%

Consequences: The board and this instructor shall not tolerate any student conduct which interferes with or substantially disrupts an atmosphere conducive to learning. Violators will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures designed to assure that no student interferes with rights of others to receive a quality education. Consequences for disrupting class are a warning, removal from active participation during activities, after school detention, and a phone call home. Additional disciplinary matters will be directed to the principal. The academic misconduct policy of Athens High School will be followed in this course.

Rules and Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness

1) Respect one another.

2) All school rules apply in this room at all times.

3) Bring materials and supplies to class every day.

4) Follow all directions I give you the first time they are given.

5) Remain in your seat until the bell rings at the end of class.

6) Be on time.

7) NO horseplay in the lab! (This could result in your not participating in the lab.)

Homework: Late work will not be accepted! If you are in class (NOT absent) and you do not turn in an assignment, you will be credited with a zero (0) for that assignment. Be responsible and get your work turned in on time! (30% of final grade)

Tests and Quizzes: All tests and most quizzes will be announced in advance, however be prepared for a pop quiz at any time. (Test are 30% and quizzes are 20% of the final grade)

Laboratory: Lab work is an important part of this course. The chemistry lab is a safe environment when all safety rules are followed. Refusal to follow all safety rules will result in removal from the lab and a grade of zero being assigned. The $20.00 lab fee is due within the first three weeks of the course. (20% of grade)

Notebook: You will be required to keep a notebook for this class. It should be divided into the following sections: notes, homework/class work, laboratories, and quizzes. You will be given a quiz over the contents of you notebook every three weeks. Keep up with it and keep it organized!

Science in the News: You will be required to bring an original article from the newspaper or a current magazine (August, 2011 or later) with a one half page summary of the article on the day after every test. (A summary is NOT copying directly out of the article. If you do this, you will be given a zero.) This will be counted as a quiz grade. I will choose several students to share their articles with the class each time. It is your responsibility to remember to bring these articles. I will not be reminding you every time.

Passes Out of Class: You will be given THREE PASSES out of class for each nine weeks. You can use these for whatever you need to leave the room for. When you use up these passes you will not be allowed to leave the room for ANY reason. Save your passes for an emergency, don’t waste them!!

Tardies to class: A tardy is defined as not being in your seat and completely ready for class when the tardy bell rings. Tardies will be dealt with as described in your student handbook.

Attendance Policy: When you are absent from my class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what we did while you were gone. You may ask me before or after school or before or after class, or you may ask a friend. You are responsible for copying any notes we took and doing any class or homework that I assigned. I will not ask you for the work. You are adults, and if you want a grade for the work, you must take the responsibility to get it turned in. If you miss school on the day of a test, you must make the test up before or after school. YOU HAVE ONE WEEK FOLLOWING A MISSED TEST TO MAKE IT UP. After that time has elapsed, you will be given a zero. If you miss class because of a school activity, you are responsible for having your homework or being ready for a test UPON YOUR RETURN.

Personal Items: Personal Items such as lotion, makeup, hair accessories, catalogues, clothes accessories, etc. brought to class and used during class will be confiscated and returned at the end of the semester.

Other information: The syllabus lists general concepts presented in this course. The time frame given is a general guideline. The schedule will be adjusted as necessary to meet the needs of the students. Additional lab work and demonstrations will be included as time allows.

Chemistry I Course Pacing Guide/Syllabus:


(ALCOS – Alabama Course of Study Objective)

1  Safety, Laboratory Rules & Equipment, Chemistry and Matter (Ch 1) ALCOS 1

Labs: Extraction of Dyes & Separation of a Mixture

2  Scientific Method; Metrics; Math Review (Ch 2)
ALCOS Scientific Process & Application Skills
Lab: Metric Mass and Volume

3  Dimensional Analysis, Significant Figures, Density (Ch 2)

ALCOS Scientific Process & Application

Lab: Accuracy & Precision

4  Atomic Structure (Ch 3) ALCOS 3

Lab: Isotopic Mass Versus Atomic Mass

5  Quantum Theory, Electron Configurations (Ch 4) ALCOS 3

Lab: Excited Elements & Flame Test

6  Periodicity, Composition Stoichiometry (Ch 5) ALCOS 3 and 6

Lab: Graphical Analysis of Atomic Radii

7  Chemical Bonding (Ch 6) ALCOS 2, 3, and 6

Lab: Determination of Melting Points

8  Molecular Geometry (Ch 6) ALCOS 2, 3, and 6

Lab: Bond Types and Physical Properties,& Molecular Models Formula Writing,

9  Writing Chemical Names and Formulas; Molar Mass, % Composition (Ch 7) ALCOS 6

Lab: Formulas of Ionic Compounds

10  Calculation of Chemical Formulas (Ch 7) ALCOS 6

Lab: Formula of a Hydrate

11  Chemical Equations (Ch 8) ALCOS 6 and 8

Lab: Chemical Reactions

12  Reaction Stoichiometry; Nuclear Chemistry (Ch 9 & 22) ALCOS 6 and 9

Lab: Mass and Mole Relationships & Introduction to Radiation

13  Gases (Ch 10) ALCOS 5, 6, and 7

Lab: Molar Volume of a Gas & Boyle’s Law

14  Liquids, Solids; Calorimetry (Ch 12 & 17) ALCOS 4 and 8

Lab: Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

15  Solutions; Colligative Properties (Ch 13 & 14) ALCOS 4 and 8

Lab: Beer’s Law, Oobleck ,& Ice Cream

16  Acids, Bases, and Salts (Ch 15), ALCOS 4

Lab: Household Acids and Bases

17  Titration, pH (Ch 16) ALCOS 4 and 6

Lab: % Acetic Acid in Vinegar

18  Exam Review and Exams

Parents/Guardians and Students,

I look forward to working with you this year. In Chemistry I we will do many activities to facilitate learning various concepts. Parents, please encourage your student to attend and participate. Students, please bring your best stuff every day and put forth your best effort. Here are a few tips for making this semester a successful one

·  Find a quiet, well lit place for doing homework and keep materials.

·  Make sure that daily assignments are completed and organized.

·  Students, seek help when necessary. Parents, help students study by reviewing their vocabulary words or notes and class work with them.

·  Be responsible! Be resourceful and informed about your progress. Progress reports will be sent home every three weeks and updates on grades and lesson plans are available 24 hours a day at

All requests for accommodation for this course or any school event are welcome, from students and parents. Any student who receives failing grades during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher.

This packet should give you a good understanding of what will happen in Chemistry I this semester and a good understanding of what you will be required to do. To show me that you have read and understand what my expectations are, please sign and date below and then take this home and have your parents read, sign, and date below. (This information sheet should be kept in the front of your notebook at all times.)

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Signature______Date______