Type of Prayer / Explanation
1. Prayer as Adoration and Blessing / -Blessing:this type of prayer calls down God’s blessing upon us
-from God alone all blessings flow
- “May God Bless you” or “God Bless you” is the shortest prayer of blessing
- every Christian should call down God’s blessing
- a priest will bless you in the name of Jesus
- Adoration: God is our Creator and we as His creatures humbly adore and honour Him.
- we kneel before God to express how He is great and we are little
2. Prayer of Petition
/ - Although God knows all of our needs, God wants us to call upon Him, to turn to Him, and ask for His assistance
-Jesus tells us “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
- someone who does not turn to God shuts themselves off from God
- prayer of petition brings a person into a relationship with God
3. Prayer of Thanksgiving
/ - everything we have comes from God thus we must thank Him for all we have received
- the greatest prayer of thanks: Eucharist (“thanksgiving” in Greek). Jesus takes the bread and wine and offers them to God on behalf of all creation
- we can express our gratitude to God in various ways
4. Prayer of Praise / - God needs no applause however we need to express the rejoice we feel in our hearts
- We praise God simply because He exists and is good
- when we praise God we join in the eternal praise of the angels and saints of heaven
5. Prayer of Intercession
/ - this is the act of praying for others
- Jesus prayed for His disciples and the early Christian community looked “not only to their own interest, but to the interest of others”
- we are called to pray for: people we love, people we may not be closed to, and even our enemies
- we stand in the midst of the family of mankind and we may receive strength from the prayers of others and may call down divine assistance for others.

Positions of Prayer

  1. Standing: one stands in reverence or respect of God’s presence, just as you stand when a superior enters. It represents readiness and watchfulness.
  2. Sitting: one may sit in God’s presence to listen and ponder God’s Word
  3. Kneeling/ Genuflect: by kneeling one makes themselves small in the presence of God’s greatness.
  4. Prostrating: one adores God, they cast themselves down before God
  5. Folding of the Hands: by folding their hands one overcomes their distractions, this is the original gesture of petition.
  6. Orante: this is when one’s hands are outstretched