Nocton Village Hall Management Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 28th September 2015

in the Village Hall.

Members Present

Mr.N.Tomlinson Chair Mr.S.York S.C.

Mrs.C.West Vice-Chair Mr.M.Kaye P.C.

Mrs.L.Storr Booking Clerk Mrs.J.Free NAG

Mrs.J.Franklin, Treasurer Mr.M.Cunningham School

Mrs.D.Green, Secretary Mrs.S.Wyatt W.I.

1. Apologies: Mrs.A.Kennedy (Church) Mrs.J.Keeton (Nocton Park)

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th August 2015 were agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.

3. Chairman’s Report: Nothing specific to report.

4. Matters Arising:

i.  Outside lights still awaiting attention.

ii.  Yoga classes are no longer held in the V.H.

iii.  The Chairman was informed when he contacted Potterhanworth regarding collection of the tables and chairs the committee agreed to hire to them, that they were no longer required.

5.  Lincolnshire Day: 3rd October a hog roast, baps, potato salad, green salad (Mr.&Mrs.Tomlinson), apple sauce (Mrs.Storr) stuffing balls (Mrs.West) and deserts to be prepared by the committee, cream and custard (Mrs.Franklin). Posters are up, Mrs.Franklin will put it on Mr.Hall’s blog. Mrs.West will do sign boards. The social Club are serving the Lincolnshire Beers from the main bar.

Costing’s: Hog £500. singer £280. Mr.Tomlinson said he would pay for the printing of the tickets.

Mrs.West proposed that all committee members take three tickets each to sell.

Meet at 11am on the to set up the hall. On the evening Mr.Stoneham will man the door, Mr.Eagle sell raffle tickets ( numerous prizes), to avoid a cueing Mrs. Franklin will arrange table by table collection of their food, and organize a rota for the clearing of tables and washing up. Mrs.Green and Mrs.Kennedy will serve salads etc. from the kitchen.

6.  Village Hall Refurbishment Team: Nothing to report.

7. Reporting Procedure of Maintenance/Repairs: The Chairman had been accosted on a Sunday when he

was with his grandson, by a S.C. member regarding maintenance, this is not the correct procedure! there

should be forms behind the bar to complete and deliver to the Chairman for attention.

The procedure should be if urgent ring the Chairman, fill in and deliver the form and the Chairman will organize any repair/maintenance required.

8. Parking Issues: Following more complaints from a resident the Chairman asked Councillor Kaye if he

the Parish Council would write to Mr.Clarke regarding the complaint, parking and the V.H.

responsibilities. Mrs.West volunteered to spray paint an area by the back door for unloading/loading.

9.  Village Hall Cloakroom: Volunteers will meet on Wednesday 30th September at 2.30pm to clean out the

cloakroom and store room, ready for the Lincolnshire event on Saturday.

10. Finance: The Treasurer reported that the Current account stands at £4660.61. The Fundraising account


Expenditure: PPL PRS £172.03. Phs £86.34. Water Rates £208.47.

Outstanding invoices: plumber £84.98. Chairman’s expenses, booking clerks expenses and cleaning.

11. Fund Raising :

I . Christmas Fayre date agreed as 28th November.

ii. Pumpkin Trail on Halloween weekend.


11. iii. All monies raised for the restoration fund need to be scrupulously recorded and deposited in one

Restoration Fund Account, (NVHMC) already have such an account.

12. Bookings a proposal:

Following a proposal by Mrs.West seconded by Mr.Cunningham, Councillor Kaye is to ask the Parish

Council to consider a request from the NVHMC to investigate the introduction of ‘Hallmaster’, a

computerised system for managing bookings and invoicing, etc. for both the hall and Social Club. The cost

of using the web-site is around £160.per annum, it is understood that the NVHMC would wish the P.C. to

be the lead “user” although the day- to- day management of the bookings would continue to be dealt with


This item to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

Extra bookings:

Mr.York stated that the Social Club need seven days notice of any extra bookings.

Only informal meeting can be held in the S.C. not AGM’s

Bookings for October

M / T / W / Th / F / Sat / Sun
Autism Care
Youth Club / 3rd
Autism Care / 3rd
Lincolnshire Hog Roast / 4th
5th / 6th
Art Group / 7th
Craft workshop
Bowls / 8th
Youth Club / 9th
Mr.Penfold / 10th / 11th
12th / 13th
Art Group
P.C. / 14th
Bowls / 15th
Youth Club / 16th
Party / 17th / 18th
19th / 20th
Art Group / 21st
Bowls / 22nd
Youth Club / 23rd / 24th / 25th
NVHMC / 27th
Art Group / 28th
Bowls / 29th
Youth Club / 30th / 31st

‘The Cottage’ would like to hold a Quiz Night in the hall.

13. Correspondence received from:

i. Community Lincs return of cheque for a cancelled training event.

ii. Terry O’Toole Theatre program booklet of events for Autumn/Winter 2015/16

14. Any Other Business:

i. The blocked kitchen sink is now cleared.

ii. Mr.Tomlinson and Mr.York are to set a date for the electrical check in the Social Club.

iii. Mrs.Wyatt and Councillor Williams had attended the Community Lincs Lincolnshire Community

Buildings Cluster meeting.

iv. All monies raised for the restoration fund need to be scrupulously recorded and all funds deposited in the

same Restoration Fund account already set up.

The next meeting was confirmed as Monday 26th October 2015 at 7. pm.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9 pm


