Sonning Common Centre
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of Meeting
12th January 2017
Welcome: Jennie welcomed everyone and said we would be taking the agenda out of order so Donna and MikeH could get back to work!
Apologies - None
Present: J. McLean, F. Woolsey, M. Williams, R. Adams, S. Litchfield, P. Woolsey, F. Nickson,
Mike Hall, Donna Edwards
Minutes of the last meeting were proposed and passed by Fred N. and Mike W. after it was pointed out that the date should have been 3/11 instead of 3/10.
Donna – Introduced herself as the person within the Health Centre who produces brochures, and the newsletter, amongst many other tasks. She gave us copies of the latest patient brochure and asked for any suggestions to improve it before it goes to the printers, particularly with regards to the information in the footers. She also asked us to check the PPG page on the website.
The committee discussed the brochure and came up with the following suggestions:
* The size of the print was felt to be too small (needing to be at least 14.)
* The contrast on the footers, which is currently white on yellow, is very difficult to read.
*The main suggestion made was that rather than go to a printer and incurprinting costs, it would be both cheaper and more flexible if it were set on A4 paper and printed in-house. If required a colour photocopier could be used and they could be bound with plastic covers and a slip on plastic binder. This flexibility would allow for the updating of the general information and staff changes on a more regular basis especially if smaller printing runs were done as and when needed. Several members of the committee offered to help with the collating and assembling should these suggestions be accepted.
Mike Hall’s Report
* A letter from a former member of the committee was handed to the Chair.
* Mike informed us that he was leaving the Practice and Andrea Tsoi would be joining and working 5 days a week. Mike informed us that he would be still working at SCHC two days a week at least until the end of March and said he hoped he would be able to sort things out which he had not been able to do before as he was so busy fire fighting.
* He also confirmed that Dr. Burnett is retiring.
* Three new salaried GPs will be joining and he would be looking at new ways of supporting them.
* Dr. Drury was also looking at cutting back his hours.
* A new Registrar – Dr Joanna Teixeira - will be starting on 01/02
* One receptionist has left and been replaced by Rosie Taylor.
* He reported on the GP Access fund and that the practice had joined with 10 other practices on a rotational basis in order to help people who can’t make an appointment locally as quickly as they want . These to be in out of hours and weekend slots.
Chair’s Report
- A request was made for ideas to be put into the PPG section of the next Practice Newsletter.
- Mike Hall had received a request from Rossane Joseph-Anthony of Henley Opalus Clinic which is a private practice to come and give a talk to the PPG committee. The Committee asked Jenny to decline.
The Committee re-appointed The Chair, Vice Chair and Minutes Secretary for another year.
Peter Woolsey report on SELF – The main concern was the Social Services and the current bed blocking emergency. He had some ideas and asked if somebody could come and speak to the committee at the next meeting. He has a meeting on 19th January and would arrange it then.
Advanced Care Planning - Rika informed us that the next workshop was on 18th January and then there is going to be an open day on 1st March at the Sue Ryder Hospice Nettlebed.
The new fence in the car park needs more notices along the breadth of the whole fence in order to clarify the parking rights.
Date of the next meeting: Thursday, 16th February 2017 at 3pm in the Practice.