Life Member News
Fall 2016
From The President: Bryant “Bubba” Blankenship
Hello Life Members, Wanted to take a moment and say hey to everyone. If you missed the planning meeting well you missed it, not gonna tell you what a good time we had. Hopefully we can get a few new members this year, if you need to nudge a chapter please do so. The kids don't know what happened years ago and who is deserving of a Life Membership.
Joyce and Roz have invited everyone to their vacation weekend, hope to see you in Chincoteague. Hope to see everyone in November. If you need anything call.
Yours truly
BUBBA ------Membership Vice President: Hello Fellow LMA Members! I hope that everyone had a great summer and are starting to get prepared for the fall. There are many great opportunities as LMA members to give back! We just need to check with our local chapters and see what kind of help they may need. We also have many great opportunities to get together as the LMA to enjoy being together and bringing those who may not have been around for a while back to enjoy the fun and laughter that we have. Whenever we have an event, please invite those who many not know about it. It’s always great to see people may not have seen for a while.
Lee Wolfe and I are in the beginning stages of planning the spring winery tour. We are planning on doing it down in our area with a slight twist. We are still going to do some wineries, but we are also looking at adding some places that make stuff that comes in mason jars that is made in Smyth County and also a place that makes vodka, wines, and spirits.
If there is anything that you would like to see or try at meetings, please let me know and I will see what we can do. Go ahead and mark your calendars for the next VA Jaycee state meeting, It is going to be November 18 – 20 in Richmond. As information is put out
we will make sure that everyone knows about it. I look forward to seeing everyone in November at the state Jaycee meeting in Richmond.
In the LMA Spirt,Lin Martin, Membership VP
Management Vice President:
Happy Fall everybody! I hope everyone's getting revved up and ready for our November meeting; it's always so much fun to see everyone, especially folks who haven't been around in a while. As Management VP for President Bubba this year, I'm looking forward to seeing how the new structure a) organizes our organization better, and b) prepares us for the future.
For one thing, I'm working with another life member on a new fundraising project for Camp Virginia Jaycee that's so simple everyone can participate and I don't think it can be snafu'd! Of course we'll provide details at the November meeting.
We're also looking forward to all the goodies the Hospitality Guru Roz will be providing us with, as well as tasty beverages from Ruth Ann - can't wait!
Now, let's talk about products for a moment: I hope to have a few new samples to show everyone in November, from hats to laptop bags! If you have something in mind that you would like for me to look for and have prepared for you by the November meeting, please email me at and let me know what it is; as long as I have the order by November 14 I should be able to have produced and bring with me. Keep in mind we can also ship products as well for a $10 shipping fee anywhere in VA.
Again, looking forward to seeing everyone soon, and in the meantime, safe travels!
Lee Wolfe
LMA Management VP, 2016
Communications Vice President:
Hello fellow Virginia Life Member Association! I am happy to serve this year as your new Communications Vice President. It is my job to make sure that we keep all our forms of messaging open with each other. Everyone is welcome to submit any information to me, and I will make sure it gets distributed properly. Thank you to Joyce Cooke who has agreed to take care of our newsletter this year, to Rob Cooke who will once again serve as our webmaster, and to Jennifer Rebby who will make sure that we talk to each other on Facebook and keep our information updated on the List serve. This new VP position should help President Bubba to better disseminate information throughout the year and not just in advance of the next meeting. I look forward to working with all of you. Thanks so much for your support!
In Jaycees,
Melissa H. Sleeth
2016-17 LMA Communications Vice President
Secretary’s report:
Virginia Jaycees Life Member Association
Summer Planning Meeting
August 7, 2016 @ 1:00PM
Goin Farm, Dillwyn, VA
President Bryant “Bubba” Blankenship called the meeting to order at 1:10PM.
Scott Grantham led the Pledge of Allegiance
Mike Wolfe gave the Invocation
Jennifer Rebby presented the minutes from the May meeting. Ariel Jones made a motion that the minutes be approved, one correction noted. Stu Shatz second the motion. Motion passed.
Sharon Showalter, Treasurer: no report
Lee Wolfe, Management Vice President: no report
Ruth Ann Bates, Bar: no report
Roz Goin, Hospitality: working on menu for the November meeting.
Lee Wolfe, Products: requests contact her by email to order any promotional items. New t-shirt idea with Old Farty on front. Need a minimum of 10 to order.
Lin Martin, Membership Vice President: dues should go to Sharon Showalter, Treasurer. November meeting will be 3rd weekend, in Richmond, and will include the OYV banquet. Please invite Life Members to attend.
Melissa Sleeth, Communications Vice President: needs a Newsletter Editor. Rob Cooke will continue to maintain website. He needs officer information for website. Jennifer Rebby will continue to maintain Facebook and List serve posts. Next newsletter will be in October.
Patrick Knightly, Liaison: has reached out to state exec team to get list of current local president, wants to reach out to chapters get an idea of who is eligible for LMA membership.
Old Business
Rob Cooke: reports 30 life members attended May meeting. He obtained a refund for false hotel charges. We are welcome back at the hotel.
Joyce Cooke: reports Silent Auction earned $720 to be presented to the Virginia Jaycees at November meeting. She thanked those who donated items to the silent auction.
New Business
President Bubba: announced possible partnership between Roanoke Jaycees and LMA for next year's Big Lick Beertopia, the 2nd weekend in June. Volunteers requested to pour beer. Sean Neff reported via cell phone chapter will need 4 volunteers during planning stage, 10-12 volunteers day of event. Chapter proposes to split profits 50/50 with LMA. They also request financial help to increase advertising budget.
Jennifer Rebby: shared dates of Virginia Beach Jaycees' ECSC event, 8/21-8/28 and requested volunteers sign-up on the ESCS website.
Joyce Cooke: shared dates of Chincoteague Trip, 10/14-10/16 and invited members to come early, stay late, eat, have fun, and enjoy a day trip to the casino. The more the merrier!
President Bubba: is happy to see folks. The best way to contact him is by cell phone.
VA JCI Senate President Kay Faries: reports May meeting will be hosted by the Senate. She requests LMA consider having only 1 hospitality room, shared by the Senate and LMA. Joyce Cooke suggested 2 hospitality rooms during the day due to overcrowding 1 shared hospitality room at night. Topic will be discussed at November meeting.
Lee Wolfe: reports Pulaski Jaycees want to host a regional social in September/October. Researching Jackson Park Hotel for guests.
Wine Tour: Spring wine tour to be discussed with Sean Murphy and Chris Taylor.
Sean Neff: arrived at meeting in person, renewed discussion about partnership for next year's Big Lick Beertopia. He distributed copies of Beertopia 2017 Tentative Budget to those present.
Roanoke Jaycees need help with project. Chapter did not advertise enough this year, only 700 attended event. Chapter anticipates 1500 attendees with effective advertising. Chapter requests money from LMA to increase advertising budget. Chapter seeks a partner to split profits 50/50. Chapter seeks 3-4 volunteers for planning, 10-12 to pour beer day of event for early and afternoon shifts. Difficulty filling volunteer slots for afternoon shift. Only 3-4 chapter members volunteer; 40-50 community volunteers help execute chapter. Event has a good reputation.
Discussion points
- Lee Wolfe suggested T-shirts and glasses with event logo, w/o date so can reuse items, requested email with event details to consider cost.
- Elissa Grantham suggested chapter prints posters, more radio time to improve advertising. Sean Neff reported past use of Facebook ads.
- Donna Yenney inquired about location. Event held at Salem Memorial Stadium in past but double-booked with youth event this year which impacted sales. Chapter seeks new location. Elmwood Park suggested.
- President Bubba inquired about security. Event had 2 officers this year. Suggested chapter speak with Event Staffing, Inc.
- Sean Neff suggested concession stands to sell food, other beverages.
- Roz Goin, Vanessa Kinsley, and Scott Grantham inquired about loss of revenue due to bad weather. Suggested rain dates for event, tents, researching insurance. At stadium, event held under concourse if it rains.
- Rob Cooke requested show of hands for volunteers. 10 members volunteered.
- Sherri King confirmed profits from event will go to Camp Fund.
- Sean Neff stated he wants LMA partnership to be long-term.
Sherri King made a motion that the LMA commit to assist with manpower (10-12 volunteers) and to nominate a 3-4 person committee to review project financial information for the purpose of preparing a PMG that will request financial assistance from LMA. PMG to be presented at the November meeting. Stu Shatz second the motion. Motion passed. Scott Grantham, Patrick Knightly, President Bubba, Lin Martin, and Donna Yenney volunteer to be on review committee.
Adjourn with the Jaycee Creed led by Sam Goin at 2:50pm.
Respectfully submitted by Jennifer Rebby, Secretary
2016-2017 LMA Board
Treasurer’s Report:
Hi Everyone, The new LMA year started June 1st but it is not too late to pay your 2016-2017 dues! As of the end of September, I have collected dues from 57 people, and they are listed below:
If you do not see your name listed here (and there are a lot of missing names) then please pay your dues using the membership form included in this newsletter. You can mail your renewal check, or bring it to the November meeting. If you are one of our “long lost” life members, we would love to hear from you! The November meeting would be the perfect time to get reacquainted with a fun group of people, so please join us.
Sharon Showalter, LMA Treasurer 2016-17
Virginia Jaycees Life Member Association Dues 2016-2017
Dear Fellow Life Member,
The Virginia Jaycees Life Member Association is continuing its efforts in 2016-2017 to reconnect with all Life Members. If you know of any member who has lost contact with us, please let us know.
The Life Member Association dues year is June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017. You can choose to pay one of two types of dues:
Regular Dues ($30 per year) – Member may vote, run for office, conduct the association’s business and receive all issues of the newsletter. Member may also enjoy the hospitality suite at State Meetings.
Sustaining Dues ($40 per year) – Member is entitled to all the benefits of regular membership. The additional $10 goes into the general fund and provides the Association with an additional source of income for unforeseen expenses. In addition, your name will be included in the newsletter as a sustaining member.
Checks are payable to: Virginia Jaycees Life Member Association.
Home Phone______Work Phone______
Mobile Phone______Spouse Name______
Email Address______
LMA #______Chapter______
Membership Dues (circle one)
Regular $30Sustaining $40
I would like to receive the newsletter via this method (circle one)
EmailRegular Mail
Members selecting the email version will be added to our list serve ().
Mail completed form and dues payment to:
Sharon Showalter, Treasurer
818 North Danville Street
Arlington, Virginia 22201
Contact me at or 703-812-8131 with questions.
Hey Virginia Jaycee Life Members!
I hope you all had a great summer, and that you are looking forward to fall. My summer was a good one right up until Labor Day weekend (until about the end of the first quarter of the VT vs. UT game, then for some reason, I blacked out and can’t remember anything else about that game…I’m sure my Hokies kept laying the smack down though, right?)
Anyway, I was thinking… I miss standing behind podiums and reading from a script, don’t you? In fact, I think we would all be better off in the future if I had so much to say that I just took over a Jaycee banquet now and then.
Of course, in order for me to do that, I need a script (or two or ten) which means I need to see some nominations soon. I could really use your help in getting these nominations to me.
Please encourage your chapters to nominate worthy participants or give a hint to a Jaycee that can help a chapter complete a nomination.
The Nomination Deadline for Memberships to be presented at the November Virginia Jaycees meeting is October 15.
The application form is on the LMA website and linked to the Virginia Jaycees website.
Please have anyone who is interested in submitting a nomination, or who has any sort of questions regarding the LMA application process, contact me by email at or by phone/text at 804-687-3868.
So far I have received notice of one confirmed nomination from the Atlantic Region which the chapter wants presented in February, so I really need to hear from the other regions (current and past) to get us on the agenda for this November’s Banquet.
I'll be happy to guide anyone through the application process and read any nomination drafts if desired.
Let's recognize those Jaycees who deserve a Life Membership! Patrick Knightly, LMA LIAISON
Hospitality: Hey everyone,It seems like a thousand days since we were all together in Richmond in May. I hope all have had a wonderful summer. When I see you all again in a few weeks I hope you bring your appetites. Some of you were wondering if the Pig Pickin' Cake at the May meeting was like a Hummingbird Cake,so we'll have Hummingbird Cake as part of the dessert line-up for lunch on Saturday. Our very own Butt Master will be bringing his world famous Boston Butts for lunch(sounds just a little kinky, but oh well.) I think he is planning on fixing extra to sell, if any of you are interested in taking some home. See you soon, Momma Roz
"See the home of God is among mortals.
He will dwell with them as their God. They will be His peoples and God himself will be with them.
He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
Death will be no more, mourning and crying and pain will be no more for the first things have passed away!"
Then God said, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."
--Revelation 21: 1-5
It is not within any human's power to be as God! I however choose to serve as a soldier for God!
The American Sniper, Chris Kyle, once said, "There are three kinds of people: sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs." I am a sheep dog; what are you?
Mike Wolfe
LMA Chaplain
Our newest Life Member at our May Meeting. Welcome to the family!
Just some of the gang at the summer planning meeting!
Newsletter editor: It is my pleasure to once again serve the LMA! With the Board’s cooperation, we will strive to bring you an informative and timely newsletter! Chincoteague—at the time of this writing, we have 13 folks going to Chincoteague Island on October 15th. OUR LMA Family is always welcome to join us! Can’t wait to see you in November! I miss those wonderful faces! Joyce Cooke
THIS JUST IN!!!! November Board Meeting—November 18-20 at the Holiday Inn Airport, Richmond (same place we were in May!) 445 International Center Dr. Sandston, 23150, (804) 236-1111