Leapfrogs Pre Schooland Out of School Club 14.

E- Safety - Using the internet responsibly and safely Policy

Policy Statement

At Leapfrogs we believe that children flourish best when they are offered opportunity to experience using different forms of media and technology which is aimed at their own personal developmental ability. We ensure that access to this technology is safe and protected.


We aim to teach children to use technology in a safe manner. We ensure the programmes that the children have access to are suitable for their development level and that we support their learning in this area.

This policy is drawn up to protect all parties – the children, the staff and the pre-school and aims to provide clear advice and guidance on how to minimise risks and how to deal with infringements.

To guide parents on the appropriate and safe use of technology and internet for their children.

It is the duty of the pre-school to ensure that every child in their care is safe, and the same principles should apply to the virtual or digital world.

Use of the Internet

The Internet is an essential element in the 21stcenturylife for education, business and social interaction.Leapfrogs pre-school has the use of an interactive whiteboard, computer and iPads which are connected totheInternet. Significant benefits could result from Internet useincluding access to information around the world. Internet use should be carefully planned and targeted within a regulated and managed environment.Preschool Internet access will be tailoredexpressively for educational use and will include appropriate filtering.All children will be supervised whilst workingwith appliances which allow access to the Internetto ensure that the media is age appropriate and suitable for their development.Staff are responsiblefor ensuring that material accessed by children is appropriate.The staff use the Internet to supporttheir professional work, to allow effective planning and to enhance the preschool management and business administration systems.

Children, the internet and enhancing learning

If Children access the internet it will be designed expressly for their use and will include filtering appropriate for their age.Children are encouraged to ask a member of staff to access the computer and home screens will only offer age appropriate tab options.

The children will be given clear objectives for internet use set as age appropriate.

Children will be closely monitored when using the computer, iPad and the internet at all times, by supervising adults.

The children will be limited on the amount of time they spend accessing the computer and iPad.

Children are forbidden to bring hand held technology devices/gamers/iPadsinto Preschool.

Evaluating internet content

The pre-school will ensure that the use of internet derived tools and programmes by staff and the child complies with copyright law.

All computers have virus protection installed and are updated regularly.

Email and webpage

The pre-school has a designated website and email address for professional correspondence. This is password protected and the password is known only to the nursery manager to divulge this to outside persons is considered a breach of confidentiality and will be treated as such.Parents are provided with this email address and website when they express an interest in the pre-school. The password to the emails is only known to the pre-school manager.The point ofcontact on the webpageis the preschool address, preschool email and telephone number. Staff or children's home information will not be published.

Photographic Images

Parental permission is asked for before any pictures of their children are taken, and members of staff are made aware of any photographic objections or restrictions from parents.

Preschool organise several events during the year which parents may wish to photograph or record(Christmas performance etc).Before these events take place parents are reminded at the time not to share these on social mediaetc,if they containimages ofother children.

Assessing Risk

Leapfrogs will take reasonable precautions to ensure e-Safety. However, owing to the international scale and linked nature of Internet content, the availability of mobile technologies and speed of change, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on a school computer or mobile device. Leapfrogs cannot accept liability for material accessed, or any consequences of Internet access.

Leapfrogs will audit ICT use to establish if the e-Safety policy is adequate and that the implementation of the e-Safety policy is appropriate and effective.

Handling e-Safety complaints

  • Complaints of ICT misuse will be dealt with by the committee and manager.
  • Any complaint about staff mis-use will be referred to the committee and manager.

Staff and the e-Safety policy

All staff will be given the School e-Safety Policy and its importance explained.

All staff will be required to read and sign the ‘Staff Code of Conduct for ICT and Social Networking before using any school ICT resource.

Personal cameras and smart watches belonging to staff and parents are not permitted to be used in the preschool. This includes cameras on mobile phones and tablets. The pre-school provides an authorised iPadfor the staff to use.

Staff are to place all their personal technology such as phones, smart watches, iPads in a box in the filing cabinet before the start of each session. These may be taken out during lunch breaks and when off site.

Staff will always use a child friendly safe search engine when accessing the web with the children, such as ‘kids search’, ‘kids tube’.

Staff do not browse, download, upload or distribute any material that could be considered offensive, illegal or discriminatory.

Staff ensure that all communication with parents, carers, staff and committee is compatible with their professional role.

Staff use Leapfrog’s ICT systems and resources only for official business.

Staff do not give out personal details, such as mobile phone numbers or emails to parents, children or carers and not disclose any passwords to ensure data is kept confidential and secure.

Staff ensure that their online activity, both in work and outside, will not bring Leapfrogs or their professional role into disrepute.

Staff ensure that images of staff/ children are taken for only professional purposes.

Staff to lock away all setting’s iPads in the filing cabinet at the end of each session and images will be deleted atthe end of each half term.

Tablets and phones are not permitted in bathroom areas.

It is all staff’s duty to be vigilant and report any safety incident which may impact on their professionalism or on Leapfrogs.

Social Networksand website

Leapfrogs pre-school has its own page on Facebookand webpagewhich is updated regularly by the pre-school manager. Website and Facebook photographs that include children will be selectedcarefullyand will give a positive image of the child.Pupils full names will not be used in association with photographs. Written permission from parents and carersfor featuring on these pages is requested when each child starts at the preschool.

We recognise that staff and parents also have personal social networking accounts, and situations may arise when staff and/or children may be discussed. All staff are made aware of potential risks using social networking sites, and the importance of considering what they post and how publishing unsuitable materials can affect their professional status. We ask that staff refrain from:

-Identifying themselvesas working for Leapfrogs Pre-School.

-Ensure that they do not discuss Leapfrogs Pre-School or conduct themselves in a way that might be negative toward the setting.

-To not add parents of the setting as their ‘friends’ on social networking sites.

-Do not put online any text, image, sound or video that could upset or offend anyone connected to the setting.

Personal Computers

Leapfrogs pre-school recognises that personal computers are used to create preschool documents, such as observation writing, registers, invoicing and planning.

-All homecomputers and tablets must be password protected and they should have spyware software installed.

-Personal details are kept to a minimum

-All confidentiality is assured, with breaches considered a serious misconduct and dealt with accordingly

-Staff ensue they log out immediately after viewing any Internet sites to restrict access for the remainder of the session.iPadshave a shortswitch off timer to ensure passwords need to be entered regularly.

Tapestry On-line Learning Journals( seeEYFS Tapestry On-Line Learning Journal policy)

Leapfrogs pre-school offer Learning Journals on-line. Photographs, observations and assessments will be taken onthe designated ipad. Parents will be given full information about this and are asked to sign a consent formagreeing to:

- Not publishing any contents on any social networking sites, such as Facebook

- Letting photos of their child be included in other children’s journals.

Parents and E-safety

Parents’ attention will be drawn to the E-safety policy. Information about E-safety will be given to all the new parents as part of their starter information.

The legal framework for this work is:

Primary legislation

The Children Act 1989

The Protection of Children Act 1999

Data Protection Act 1998

The Children Act 2004, 2006 (Every Child Matters)

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

The Children (NI) Order

Sexual Offences Act (2003)

Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000)

Human Rights Act (1999)

Race Relations (Amendment) Act (2000)

Race Relations (Amendment) Act (1976) Regulations

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

Protection of Freedoms Act 2012


Working Together to Safeguard Children (revised 2006)

The Framework for the Assessment of children in Need and Their Families (2000)

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2014

For further safety support and guidance contact HSCB 01438 843350

Policy adopted on: 20/03/14

Policy reviewed on: 04/10/17

Signed on behalf of the committee……………………………………………………………………………………

Name & role…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..