Socialist and Critical Geography Specialty Group
of the Association of American Geographers
2010 Annual Report
1) Mission Statement
To promote critical analysis of geographic phenomena, cognizant of geographic research on the well-being of social classes; to investigate the issue of radical change toward a more collective and egalitarian society; and to discover the impact of economic growth upon environmental quality and upon social equity.
2) Dues Information
Annual dues are $6; students may join for $1.
3) Officers
Spokesperson and Institutional Campaign collective convener (2009-11):
Jamey Essex
Department of Political Science, Chrysler Hall North, University of Windsor
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4 Canada
Vice-Spokesperson (2009-11):
Jenna Loyd
Center for Place, Culture and Politics, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10016
E-mail: ,
Treasurer and Awards collective convener (2010-11):
Eliot Tretter
Department of Geography and the Environment, A3100, University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Webmaster and Communications collective convener (2009-10):
Ryan Burns
Box 353550, Smith Hall 408, Dept. of Geography, University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Awards and Planning collectives convener (2010-11):
Lawrence Berg
Community, Culture, and Global Studies, Irving K. Barber School of Arts & Sciences, The University of British Columbia Okanagan, 3333 University Way
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7 Canada
Councilors (2010-11):
Reecia Orzeck
Department of Geography, University of Vermont
200 Old Mill
94 University Place
Burlington, VT 05405-0114
Clayton Rosati
Department of Telecommunication, School of Media and Communication
Bowling Green State University
205 West Hall
Bowling Green, OH 43402
4) Accomplishments (2009-2010) and Plans for the Coming Year
A. Washington, DC Business Meeting
This year’s SCGSG Business Meeting was held during the AAG Annual Meeting (April 16, 2010) with seven members in attendance, a lower tally than the year before. This was due in no small part to the meeting’s scheduled time on a Friday evening near the end of the conference. Clearly, scheduling is a difficult task, and it is our hope that future specialty group business meetings can be had at more opportune time slots. As in the previous year, the majority of the attendees at the Washington business meeting came from the ranks of early career faculty, contract and temporary faculty, and graduate students.
The discussion at the 2010 business meeting included reports from the spokesperson, webmaster, and treasurer, and a longer discussion of institutional campaigns for the upcoming year. Within this, there were two key issues, both of which the SCGSG would like the AAG to take into consideration for future dialogue and action. The first is the conference fee structure, which the SCGSG had asked AAG Executive and Council to change according to amendments proposed in fall 2009. This initiative failed at the AAG, and the SCGSG discussed ways to revise the proposal and bring it forward again in 2010 (see section 7 below).
This was followed by a discussion of a research ethics issue that has arisen in the last two years regarding research in Oaxaca, Mexico, conducted by a geographer and funded by military sources without proper acknowledgment of the funding source to the research subjects. This brief explanation, of course, does not capture the full range of potentially damaging impacts of this issue. The SCGSG surmises that with the public and professional attention on this individual’s research and the fallout from revelations regarding the funding and the relationship with the communities being researched, the AAG is well aware of the issue, its complexity, and the ramifications for the communities involved and for others wishing to conduct research with those communities and in that region. In our own business meeting, the discussion centered on the AAG’s responsibility with regards to professional and research ethics, and how the associaiton could clarify, amend, or possibly strengthen its stance on research ethics and military funding to prevent such issues from arising in future. This is a matter of utmost concern for the SCGSG and its members, and we would welcome the opportunity to participate in a broader discussion of research ethics within the AAG and including the AAG Council and Executive, as well as other specialty groups. Ideally, such a discussion would result in a plan of action that includes a review of the AAG’s research ethics positions and statements, and an information and education component to better inform members of where the AAG stands on ethical conduct within geographic research.
The meeting ended with a discussion of the group’s name (no change), possible participation in the US Social Forum, which was held in Detroit in June 2010 (the SCGSG did not register as a group for the forum), and potential activities for the Seattle conference. The meeting was followed by a social event at the local restaurant/bar The Reef, which was well attended by over 50 people.
B. Sponsored Sessions
The SCGSG sponsored or co-sponsored 43 sessions or sets of sessions at the 2010 meeting. As of September 17, 2010, the group has put out its call for sponsorship to relevant email lists, and currently has extended sponsorship to 3 session sets for the 2011 AAG meting in Seattle. The deadline for registration remains several weeks away, so the final number will likely be close to last year’s total as sessions are finalized and sponsorship requests come in.
C. Website and Communications
Ryan Burns, an SCGSG member and doctoral student at the University of Washington, continued as webmaster during 2009-10, and will remain so for 2010-11. Ryan has maintained the group’s website (, which includes basic group information, a list of sponsored sessions for the annual meeting, and our biannual group newsletter. The first two issues of the newsletter appeared in Fall 2009 and Spring/Summer 2010. The leftgeog and crit-geog listservs also remain in heavy use by members of the group and many others.
D. Blaut Award
The group again awarded its annual James Blaut Award in 2010, commemorating the life and work of radical geographer James Blaut. James Blaut worked indefatigably on issues of social justice and inequality; enhanced our understanding of racism, imperialism, and Eurocentrism; and contributed directly to the advancement of socialist and anti-colonial struggles. The award recognizes a scholar who, over the course of her/his life, has (1) used a geographic and historical analysis of capitalism to explain current social injustices and inequalities; (2) promoted activism against oppressive power relations both within and outside the academy; and (3) bridged socialist theory and practice. The awardee also presents the James Blaut Memorial Lecture during the AAG Annual Meeting. Dr. James Tyner, of the Department of Geography at Kent State Univerity, was awarded the 2010 James Blaut Award for his career-long critical examination of the social, economic, and political impacts of militarization, and the historical geographies of US military action and strategy, particularly in Southeast Asia.
The SCGSG will soon send out a call for nominations for the 6th Annual James Blaut Award and Memorial Lecture for the 2011 meeting.
E. Travel Grants
The group continues to offer travel grants to meet the financial need of attendees to the AAG annual meeting who are unable to finance travel costs themselves. Session organizers who requested funding for their participants are asked to first submit their session for SCGSG sponsorship; if granted, the organizers are allowed to nominate one participant with financial need for travel funding. The SCGSG awards up a total of $500 through these awards. For the 2010 meeting, the SCGSG presented two travel awards of $160 each; a third planned award was cancelled when the awardee was unable to attend the annual meeting.
5) Membership
As of September 17, 2010, the SCGSG has 317 members, of whom 149 are student members. This is a increase from April 2009, when the group had 277 members (136 student members).
6) Financial Report (8/31/09 through 8/31/10)
Date / Description / Receipts / Disbursements / BalanceBalance Forward - 08/31/02 Audit / -
8/31/03 / Dues collected 9/1/02 - 8/31/03 / 450.50 / 450.50
9/1/03 / Check paid to group / 450.50 / -
12/31/03 / Void uncashed check. / 977.50 / 977.50
1/31/04 / Void uncashed check. / 221.25 / 1,198.75
5/31/04 / Dues collected 9/1/03 - 5/31/04 / 402.00 / 1,600.75
6/1/04 / Torres registration fee AM 2002 / 75.00 / 1,525.75
6/30/04 / Dues collected for June 2004 / 33.00 / 1,558.75
7/31/04 / Dues collected for July 2004 / 24.00 / 1,582.75
8/31/04 / Dues collected for August 2004 / 36.00 / 1,618.75
Account Balance - 08/31/04 / 1,618.75
8/31/04 / Balance forward / 1,618.75
9/23/04 / Dues check sent to group. / (450.50) / 1,168.25
9/24/04 / Void dues check / 450.50 / 1,618.75
9/30/04 / Dues collected for September 2004 / 96.00 / 1,714.75
10/31/04 / Dues collected for October 2004 / 126.00 / 1,840.75
11/30/04 / Dues collected for November 2004 / 66.00 / 1,906.75
12/21/04 / Dues check sent to group. / (1,618.75) / 288.00
12/31/04 / Dues collected for December 2004 / 18.00 / 306.00
1/31/05 / Dues collected for January 2005 / 48.00 / 354.00
2/28/05 / Dues collected for February 2005 / 6.00 / 360.00
3/7/05 / Void check #4496 / 450.50 / 810.50
3/7/05 / Void check #4775 / 1,618.75 / 2,429.25
3/26/05 / Initial deposit - opening balance / 241.43 / 2,670.68
3/31/05 / Dues collected for March 2005 / 78.00 / 2,748.68
4/12/05 / Niedt - Expenses / (126.28) / 2,622.40
4/12/05 / Engel - Expenses / (200.30) / 2,422.10
4/30/05 / Dues collected for April 2005 / 36.00 / 2,458.10
5/31/05 / Dues collected for May 2005 / 42.00 / 2,500.10
6/30/05 / Dues collected for June 2005 / 54.00 / 2,554.10
7/31/05 / Dues collected for July 2005 / 48.00 / 2,602.10
8/31/05 / Dues collected for August 2005 / 30.00 / 2,632.10
8/31/05 / Balance forward / $2,632.10
9/30/05 / Dues collected for September 2005 / 90.00 / 2,722.10
10/31/05 / Dues collected for October 2005 / 90.00 / 2,812.10
11/30/05 / Dues collected for November 2005 / 66.00 / 2,878.10
12/31/05 / Dues collected for December 2005 / 42.00 / 2,920.10
1/31/06 / Dues collected for January 2006 / 24.00 / 2,944.10
2/28/06 / Dues collected for February 2006 / 24.00 / 2,968.10
3/1/06 / Sponsorship for annual meeting sessions (EthnicSG) / 50.00 / 3,018.10
3/1/06 / Knoy - AM06 Conf Reg / (25.00) / 2,993.10
3/1/06 / Leavy - AM06 Conf Reg / (25.00) / 2,968.10
3/2/06 / Sponsorship for LaDuke (IndigenousSG) / (250.00) / 2,718.10
3/29/06 / Gilmore / (400.00) / 2,318.10
3/29/06 / Engel-DiMauro - Award plaque / (105.00) / 2,213.10
3/31/06 / Dues collected for March 2006 / 42.00 / 2,255.10
4/2/06 / Niedt - Reimb for bus mtg exp / (94.67) / 2,160.43
4/30/06 / Dues collected for April 2006 / 18.00 / 2,178.43
5/31/06 / Dues collected for May 2006 / 72.00 / 2,250.43
6/30/06 / Dues collected for June 2006 / 36.00 / 2,286.43
7/31/06 / Dues collected for July 2006 / 48.00 / 2,334.43
8/31/06 / Dues collected for August 2006 / 24.00 / 2,358.43
8/31/06 / Balance forward / $2,358.43
9/30/06 / Dues collected for September 2006 / 90.00 / 2,448.43
10/31/06 / Dues collected for October 2006 / 180.00 / 2,628.43
11/30/06 / Dues collected for November 2006 / 95.00 / 2,723.43
12/31/06 / Dues collected for December 2006 / 8.00 / 2,731.43
1/31/07 / Dues collected for January 2007 / 61.00 / 2,792.43
2/28/07 / Dues collected for February 2007 / 64.00 / 2,856.43
3/31/07 / Dues collected for March 2007 / 64.00 / 2,920.43
4/30/07 / Dues collected for April 2007 / 35.00 / 2,955.43
5/31/07 / Dues collected for May 2007 / 39.00 / 2,994.43
6/30/07 / Dues collected for June 2007 / 31.00 / 3,025.43
7/9/07 / Niedt - Reimb for mtg / (94.00) / 2,931.43
7/9/07 / Sponsoring SCGSG Speaker / (62.50) / 2,868.93
7/9/07 / Jackiewicz - SCGSG Party Food / (100.00) / 2,768.93
7/31/07 / Dues collected for July 2007 / 51.00 / 2,819.93
8/24/07 / Vine - SCGSG Payment / (62.50) / 2,757.43
8/31/07 / Dues collected for August 2007 / 52.00 / 2,809.43
8/31/07 / Final audited balance for FYE 2007 / $2,809.43
8/31/07 / Balance forward / $2,809.43
9/30/07 / Dues collected for September 2007 / 79.00 / 2,888.43
10/31/07 / Dues collected for October 2007 / 282.00 / 3,170.43
11/19/07 / DIgnazio - SCGSG Travel Reimb / (80.00) / 3,090.43
11/19/07 / Syracuse U - SCGSG Co sponsor panel / (80.00) / 3,010.43
11/19/07 / Behive Design Collective - SCGSG payment / (80.00) / 2,930.43
11/30/07 / Dues collected for November 2007 / 33.00 / 2,963.43
12/31/07 / Dues collected for December 2007 / 26.00 / 2,989.43
1/31/08 / Dues collected for January 2008 / 33.00 / 3,022.43
2/29/08 / Dues collected for February 2008 / 41.00 / 3,063.43
3/31/08 / Dues collected for March 2008 / 45.00 / 3,108.43
4/15/08 / Kobayashi - Socialist SG Award / (400.00) / 2,708.43
4/30/08 / Dues collected for April 2008 / 50.00 / 2,758.43
5/31/08 / Dues collected for May 2008 / 49.00 / 2,807.43
6/30/08 / Dues collected for June 2008 / 46.00 / 2,853.43
7/31/08 / Dues collected for July 2008 / 20.00 / 2,873.43
8/31/08 / Dues collected for August 2008 / 47.00 / 2,920.43
8/31/08 / Balance - Audited / $2,920.43
8/31/08 / Balance forward / $2,920.43
9/30/08 / Dues collected for September 2008 / 94.00 / 3,014.43
10/31/08 / Dues collected for October 2008 / 220.00 / 3,234.43
11/26/08 / Semprebon-SCGSG travel grant / (125.00) / 3,109.43
11/26/08 / Shukaitis-SCGSG travel grant / (125.00) / 2,984.43
11/30/08 / Dues collected for November 2008 / 80.00 / 3,064.43
12/31/08 / Dues collected for December 2008 / 18.00 / 3,082.43
1/31/09 / Dues collected for January 2009 / 85.00 / 3,167.43
2/28/09 / Dues collected for February 2009 / 38.00 / 3,205.43
2/28/09 / Semprebon - Check never cashed / 125.00 / 3,330.43
3/31/09 / Dues collected for March 2009 / 51.00 / 3,381.43
4/30/09 / Dues collected for April 2009 / 27.00 / 3,408.43
5/5/09 / Heyman - SCGSG Blaut Award / (500.00) / 2,908.43
5/31/09 / Dues collected for May 2009 / 19.00 / 2,927.43
6/30/09 / Dues collected for June 2009 / 57.00 / 2,984.43
7/31/09 / Dues collected for July 2009 / 34.00 / 3,018.43
8/31/09 / Dues collected for August 2009 / 44.00 / 3,062.43
8/31/09 / Balance - Audited / $3,062.43
8/31/09 / Balance forward / $3,062.43
9/30/09 / Dues collected for September 2009 / 56.00 / 3,118.43
10/2/09 / Tretter - busness meet refreshments / (100.00) / 3,018.43
10/2/09 / Essex - bus meet refreshments / (70.00) / 2,948.43
10/31/09 / Dues collected for October 2009 / 428.00 / 3,376.43
11/30/09 / Dues collected for November 2009 / 49.00 / 3,425.43
12/31/09 / Dues collected for December 2009 / 20.00 / 3,445.43
1/31/10 / Dues collected for January 2010 / 21.00 / 3,466.43
2/28/10 / Dues collected for February 2010 / 47.00 / 3,513.43
3/31/10 / Dues collected for March 2010 / 35.00 / 3,548.43
4/6/10 / Tyner - Blaut Award 2010 / (500.00) / 3,048.43
4/6/10 / Moore - travel grant 2010 / (160.00) / 2,888.43
4/6/10 / Kanuga - 2010 Travel Grant / (160.00) / 2,728.43
4/6/10 / Adams - 2010 Travel Award / 0.00 / 2,728.43
4/30/10 / Dues collected for April 2010 / 32.00 / 2,760.43
5/31/10 / Dues collected for May 2010 / 21.00 / 2,781.43
6/30/10 / Dues collected for June 2010 / 34.00 / 2,815.43
7/31/10 / Dues collected for July 2010 / 61.00 / 2,876.43
8/31/10 / Dues collected for August 2010 / 66.00 / 2,942.43
8/31/10 / Balance / $2,942.43
7) Suggestions for the AAG Council