Mrs. McCallisterEnglish II
Annex Building Room 12014-2015
St. Helena College and Career Academy
English II
Course Syllabus 2014 - 2015
Course Description:
The English Literature course for 10th graders will focus on the study of literary genres. Students will read, interpret, and analyze informational texts such as memoirs, biographies, and autobiographies. They will also analyze themes and structure in fiction, including short stories, novels, drama and poetry. Through extensive reading, students will acquire new vocabulary and develop reading strategies. Students will produce narrative, informational, and persuasive writings that demonstrate their mastery.
English II is a language arts course for high school sophomores designed to prepare students for the demands of two or four-year college degree programs and/or for the workplace. The course is designed to teach mastery of communication skills and emphasize higher order thinking skills through project-based units which address a variety of learning styles. The course is also designed to instruct and prepare students for taking the EOC (End of Course) Exam, which is given each spring. Successful completion of the EOC Exam is necessary for receivinga high school diploma.
English Core Learning Goals:
Goal 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to respond to a text by employing personal experiences and critical analysis, and cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis; as well as draw inferences from the text.
Goal 2: The student will produce clear and coherent writing which the development, organization and style are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
Goal 3: The student will initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners.
Student Expectations:
Students will be on task at all times.
Students will be responsible for themselves and their actions.
Students will respect others and themselves.
Students will be prepared for class and be an active participant.
Classroom Procedures:
- Walk in and immediately take your assigned seat. When homework is due, place it in the appropriate bin as you enter the classroom. No homework will be accepted 10 minutes after the start of class.
If your homework is not in the bin, it will not be accepted until the next class period for a late grade.
- Read the appropriate section of the board and copy down the date, the Do-Now activity, and write a response. For questions that require a personal response, you must write a minimum of 5 sentences in order to receive full credit. You will only have 10 minutes to complete the Do-Now. Your Do-Now should be completed in your journal found in your class bin near the front door.When you hear the timer go off, no more time for the Do-Now is allowed.
- Come to class prepared every day and be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Raise your hand when you want to speak or to get out of your chair.
- Absolutely no eating, drinking, or chewing gum in the classroom. If you have any food or drink in your possession, it must remain unseen.
- Bathroom breaks will not be permitted during class time without a medical excuse. Please take time to go to the bathroom between classes.
- Show respect for your peers and yourself at all times.
- The teacher, not the bell, dismisses the class.
- Follow all classroom policies in addition to the guidelines ofthe Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook.
Absent Procedure:
- If you are absent on a day in which an assignment is due, that assignment is due on the first day you return to school. Always check the binder in the rear of the classroom to see the instructions, notes, handouts, etc. prepared for you in your absence. You will have the number of days absent to complete your make-up work (unless otherwise specified). No make-up work will be accepted after that time.
- If you are absent the day before a major assignment is due, the assignment is still due.
- Not turning in assignments on time is the main way to be unsuccessful in this course. Each ay an assignment is late you will receive a 10 point deduction from what the original grade would have been. All assignments WILL BE COMPLETED. There is no option of whether to complete an assignment or not.
- All major projects will have rubrics and will be subject to a lower grade if late.
- Technological failures of any kind (Internet, computer crashes, viruses, printers, etc.) do not excuse assignments. Technology is often not dependable. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!
Small Group Procedure
- When an assignment requires group work, first you will receive instructions on the assignment. Then you will have about 15 seconds to get into your assigned group.
- Group assignments are a two part grade: One part is based upon your individual group participation and involvement. The second part is based upon the actual completed work.
- All individuals in the group must complete and turn in a group work survey with their completed assignment.
Grading Scale
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
C = 70 – 79
D = 60 – 69
F = 59 - 0
Grading Policy
CategoryPercentage of Grade
Behavior Management
Classroom Dojo will be used to monitor classroom behavior along with Kickboard. Students earning the preselected number of points for positive behaviors (being on task, participation, helping others, etc.) in a given week will earn extra credit points on assignments, rewards, bathroom passes, or assignment passes. Students who are tardy, have negative dojo points at weeks close, or have a major behavioral infraction will have the following consequences:
- 1st infraction: You will receive a verbal warning.
- 2nd infraction: Conference with teacher and a phone call to Parent or Guardian.
- 3rd infraction: Student will receive a Disciplinary Referral and a phone call to Parent or Guardian.
Required Materials for Class
1. Three Ring Binder with pockets
2. Loose-Leaf Paper
3. Post-Its
4. Mechanical Pencils or Pens (blue or black ink)
5. 3x5 Index Cards (White Only)
6. Flash Drive (at least 1 GB)
7. Email address (gmail or yahoo)
Course Schedule
Unit 1 -What Is Rhetoric?
Unit 2- Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket
Unit 3 – The Metamorphosis
Unit 4 – Things Fall Apart
Unit 5 – Julius Caesar
Signature Page – 50 POINTS
Please sign where indicated and return to your student’s English teacher.
I understand the requirements of this course and will put forth every effort to achieve success. I understand that it is my responsibility to ask for feedback and assistance and request makeup work when necessary.
Student’s Name (Print): ______
Student’s Signature: ______
I have read and discussed the syllabus and grading policy with my child.
Parent / Guardian’s Name (Print): ______
Parent / Guardian’s Signature: ______
Parent / Guardian’s Phone Number: (H) ______
Parent / Guardian’s Phone Number: (C) ______
Parent / Guardian’s Phone Number: (W) ______
Parent/ Guardian’s Email Address: ______