Planner #1: Earth and Its Neighbors
SCI.5.2B Ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology.
SCI.5.2D Analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct observable and indirect inferred evidence.
SCI.5.2F Communicate valid conclusions in both written and verbal forms.
SCI.5.3A In all fields of science, analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing, including examining all sides of scientific evidence of those scientific explanations, so as to encourage critical thinking by the student.
SCI.5.3C Draw or develop a model that represents how something works or looks including systems and processes that cannot be seen.
SCI.5.3D Connect grade-level appropriate science concepts with the history of science, science careers, and contributions of scientists.
ⓇSCI.5.8C Demonstrate that Earth rotates on its axis once approximately every 24 hours causing the day/night cycle and the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky.
ⓈSCI.5.8D Identify and compare the physical characteristics of the Sun, Earth, and Moon.
Social Studies
SS.5.24A Differentiate between, locate, and use valid primary and secondary sources such as computer software; interviews; biographies; oral, print, and visual material; documents; and artifacts to acquire information about the United States.
SS.5.24B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions.
SS.5.24D Identify different points of view about an issue, topic, or current event.
SS.5.24E Identify the historical context of an event.
SS.5.25A Use social studies terminology correctly.
SS.5.25B Incorporate main and supporting ideas in verbal and written communication.
SS.5.25C Express ideas orally based on research and experiences.
SS.5.25D Create written and visual material such as journal entries, reports, graphic organizers, outlines, and bibliographies.
SS.5.25E Use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Ⓢ MATH.5.1A Use place value to read, write, compare and order whole numbers through the 999,999,999,999 in standard, expanded, and written forms.
Ⓡ MATH.5.5A Describe the relationship between sets of data in graphic organizers such as lists, tables, charts, and diagrams, extend the pattern, and state the rule for non-consecutive related number pairs.
Ⓢ MATH.5.13C Graph a given set of data using an appropriate graphical representation such as a picture or line graph.
MATH.5.14A Identify the mathematics in everyday situations.
ELA.5.1A Read aloud grade-level stories with fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) and comprehension.
ⓇELA.5.2ADetermine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes.
ⓈELA.5.7AIdentify the literary language and devices used in biographies and autobiographies, including how authors present major events in a person's life.
ⓈELA.5.10A Draw conclusions from the information presented by an author and evaluate how well the author's purpose was achieved.
ⓇELA.5.11ASummarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and logical order.
ⓈELA.5.11BDetermine the facts in text and verify them through established methods (as opposed to opinions).
ⓇELA.5.11CAnalyze how the organizational pattern of a text (e.g., cause-and-effect, compare-and-contrast, sequential order, logical order, classification schemes) influences the relationships among the ideas.
ⓇELA.5.11D Use multiple text features and graphics to gain an overview of the contents of text and to locate information.
ⓇELA.5.11ESynthesize and make logical connections between ideas within a text and across two or three texts representing similar or different genres.
ⓈELA.5.13BInterpret factual or quantitative information presented in maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams.
ELA.5.14AExplain how messages conveyed in various forms of media are presented differently (e.g., documentaries, online information, televised news).
ⓈELA.5.14CIdentify the point-of-view of media presentations.
ELA.5.15APlan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea.
ELA.5.15BDevelop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause-effect, compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing.
ELA.5.15CRevise drafts to clarify meaning, enhance style, include simple and compound sentences, and improve transitions by adding, deleting, combining, and rearranging sentences or larger units of text after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.
ELA.5.15DEdit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling using a teacher or student-developed rubric.
ELA.5.15ERevise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for appropriate audiences.
ELA.5.23A Brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic, and formulate open-ended questions to address the major research topic.
ELA.5.23B Generate a research plan for gathering relevant information about the major research question.
ELA.5.24A Follow the research plan to collect data from a range of print and electronic resources (e.g., reference texts, periodicals, web pages, online sources) and data from experts.
ELA.5.24B Differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
ELA.5.24C Record data, utilizing available technology (e.g., word processors) in order to see the relationships between ideas, and convert graphic/visual data (e.g., charts, diagrams, timelines) into written notes.
ELA.5.24D Identify the source of notes (e.g., author, title, page number) and record bibliographic information concerning those sources according to a standard format.
ELA.5.24E Differentiate between paraphrasing and plagiarism and identify the importance of citing valid and reliable sources .
ELA.5.25A Refine the major research question, if necessary, guided by the answers to a secondary set of questions.
ELA.5.25B Evaluate the relevance, validity, and reliability of sources for the research.
ELA.5.26A (Synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that) compiles important information from multiple sources.
ELA.5.26B (Synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that) develops a topic sentence, summarizes findings, and uses evidence to support conclusions.
ELA.5.26C (Synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that) presents the findings in a consistent format.
ELA.5.26D (Synthesize the research into a written or an oral presentation that) uses quotations to support ideas and an appropriate form of documentation to acknowledge sources (e.g., bibliography, works cited).
ELA.5.29A Participate in student-led discussions by eliciting and considering suggestions from other group members and by identifying points of agreement and disagreement.