House of Commons
Dear [NAME]
Re: Need for additional specialist neuromuscular paediatric consultant in the West Midlands
I am writing both as a constituent and as a member of the West Midlands Muscle Groupto highlight the need for additional specialist neuromuscular paediatric consultant in the region.
[Personal information here/how does the condition affect them]
In 2013, the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign launched the ‘Bridging the Gap’ project with the aim to improve the level of care and support available to local people living with muscle wasting conditions. The West Midlands Neuromuscular Forum met in June 2014, bringing together leading clinicians, NHS commissioners and service users, and identified gaps in service provison for people with muscle wasting conditions. I was disappointed to hear thatlittle progress has been made on the recruitment of an additonal paediatric neurmomuscualr consultant.
In November 2009the NHS West Midlands Specialised Commissioning Group (SCG) published a review of Neuromuscular Services in West Midlands. The review made a range of recommendations, including a detailed investment plan, and the then Primary Care Trusts – together with the SCG - approved an £400,000 investment in neuromuscular services in April 2010.
Following this investment, Birmingham Children’s Hospital still lacks a consultant specialising in paediatric neuromuscular conditions.
Members of the Forum have met with Health Minister Normal Lamb MP who confirmed that it was the duty of service providers to ensure that they are compliant with NHS England’s service description and standards contained within them.
I would therefore be grateful if you could write to the Chief Executive of Birmingham Children’s Hospital Trust, stressing the need for a paediatric neuromuscular consultant and to remind them of their obligations as part of the new service specification. I would also be grateful if you could copy in Sarah Freeman from the Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country NHS Area Team who also have a responsibility for improving these essential services.
By not investing in neuromuscular services, over £7 millionis being wasted in costly, unplanned emergency hospital admission for patients in the West Midlands alone. You can invest a little to save a lot in the longer term as well as dramatically improving patient’s lives.
For more information and for template letters and contact details for Trusts and Area Teams, please get in touch with Jonathan Kingsley, Senior Policy, Campaigns and Parliamentary Officer by emailing .
Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,