Health and Employability Delivery Group

Meeting 21st November 2012

Action Points

9 / Attendee List
Kate Burton (Chair) / NHS Lothian /
Donna Burnett / SCHWL /
Joanne Farrow / Scottish Government /
Emma Hogg / NHS Health Scotland /
Michael Kennedy / DWP /
Philip Myers / NHS D&G /
Neil Hamlet / NHS Fife /
Cecelia Thompson / NHS Grampian /
Steve Bell / NHS Health Scotland /
Freda Stewart / NHS Tayside /
Jackie Bayne / NHS Tayside /
Hazel Meechan / NHS Forth Valley /
Lisa Buck / NHS GG&C /
Healthy Working Lives – Steve Bell
Donna to circulate “Health Inequalities and the Workforce of Tomorrow” background paper prepared for Healthy Working Lives National Advisory and Advocacy Group.
Young People and Employability
Cecelia Thomson, NHS Grampian
Cecelia to circulate additional information on projects presented.
Emma Hogg, NHS Health Scotland
Emma to circulate “Youth Unemployment and Health Improvement in Scotland” project outline and HEDG members to contact Emma direct to engage in or provide input to this project.
Emma will feedback final project report to HEDG summer 2013
HEDG Support
Judy Gibson will organise administration for HEDG.
Member of the group to note action points at each meeting and pass to Judy for circulation.
Membership Roles and Responsibilities
Kate will continue to Chair HE
Employability representative will attend from each Health Board.
Kate will invite SALUS – Working Health Services Scotland representative to join group.
Steve will arrange Health Scotland/Healthy Working Lives representative for group.
Michael will continue to attend to represent Jobcentre Plus.
Judy will continue as Scottish Government’s Health representative.
Joanne will attend as Scottish Government’s Employability representative whilst also representing SDS interests.
Judy will invite NHS Education for Scotland to join the group.
Role of NHS in Employability Partnerships
Joanne will send “Toolkit for Health Representatives on Employability Forums” to working group (Phil Myers, Hazel Meechan, Freda Stewart and Jackie Bayne) for review and update.
Michael Kennedy will send link to DWP Data on Work Programme when published later this month.
Lisa will circulate paper re. Community Benefit Clauses in Procurement (Glasgow) when available.
Freda will circulate programme for Towards Employment event and Welfare Reform Booklet when produced.
Hazel will circulate 5 Employability Questions being used by Health Professionals in Forth Valley
Theme for Next Meeting
UK Government’s response to the Independent Sickness Absence Review.
Welfare Reform.
All proposed input and presentations to be sent to Judy at
Date of Next meeting: Wednesday 27th February at 11am in Atlantic Quay (Flemming A&B).
Further 2013 Meeting Dates:
Wednesday 29th May Atlantic Quay (James Watt B).
Wednesday 28th August Atlantic Quay (James Watt B).
Wednesday 27th November Atlantic Quay (James Watt B).