1.Purpose and Policy Context
1.1To consider the operation of the Route ONE town centre bus via the Lower High Street and the Quay.
1.2Route ONE has been designed to support the retail economy in the town and in particular increase trade in the High Street and Quay. It also contributes to the Council’s priority of Reducing Poole’s Carbon Footprint and promotes accessibility for both residents and visitors to the town.
2. recommendations
2.1It is recommended that approval be given to :
i)advertise the Traffic Regulation Order for the restriction of daytime parking and loading in the Lower High Street between Castle Street / New Street and the Quay
and, subject to no objections being received:
ii)re-route the Route ONE town centre bus service via the Lower High Street and the Quay once the necessary parking revisions are in place
If there are any objections, these will be brought back to a future meeting of this Group.
3. Information
3.1The Route ONE town centre service has far exceeded expectations since introduction in July 2004, and is now carrying over 100 000 passengers a year. The service has improved access to Poole Hospital and residential developments such as Poole Quarter. In addition the route supports the town’s traders by encouraging footfall in the High Street/Quay.
3.2Recent enhancements to the service have included a route change via Parkstone Road/Poole Park following requests from residents and the introduction of an all-daytime timetable in April 2008. This has contributed to the increase in ridership .
3.3In order to further improve the service a route change via the lower High Street is proposed. The service currently turns left from the High Street into Castle Street, Strand Street and right into Old Orchard, before accessing the eastern end of the Quay at Dolphin Quays. The proposed route would see the bus travel straight on down the Lower High Street and join the Quay at the Western end. It would then travel along the length of the Quay to Dolphin Quays where it would rejoin the original route. New bus stops would be provided at The Slug and Lettuce, Poole Waterfront Museum and opposite the Lord Nelson (an existing road train stop). These would replace the bus stop outside the old Poole Pottery shop on Old Orchard.
3.4The route change would have the following benefits:-
i)Support for the lower High Street and Quay traders with additional passing trade from bus users (both residents and visitors). Richard Randall Jones, Town Centre Manager, has expressed support for such a change.
ii)Improved access to Poole Museum, particularly for non-driving and elderly and/or visitors with disabilities. Kevin McErlaine, Head of Culture and Community Services is supportive of the proposal.
iii)Improved access to the Welcome Centre. This Route ONE is popular with visitors to the town arriving by coach and train. The provision of a direct link to the Welcome Centre from the bus/coach stations is supported by Graham Richardson, Tourism Manager. It would be particularly appreciated by holiday makers arriving in Poole and seeking accommodation for example.
iv)The revised route change would further enhance the attraction of Route ONE encouraging greater use of the bus as an alternative to the car (supporting the Council’s objective to reduce the Carbon Footprint of Poole) and contribute to achieving the LAA stretch target to which Performance Reward Grant is attached.
v)Ward Members have been consulted and are supportive of the change subject to the views of the lower High Street traders and subject to the provision of the additional parking spaces in Strand Street (4.1 below refers).
4 Parking in Lower High Street
4.1Following an on site test with a bus, it was shown that modifications to the existing parking arrangements in the lower High Street will be necessary to allow access for a bus service. Road width at the initial section (by Pizza Express) was insufficient for the bus to pass with the current parking arrangements. It would therefore be necessary to remove the first 7 car parking spaces. The loading bay at the bottom of the High Street (by Scaplens Court) would also need to be removed to ensure the bus could negotiate this bend in the road.
4.2It is proposed that the parking restriction is in place in the daytime only from 0700 until 1900 hours each day. This will then still permit parking in the evening for the restaurant trade.
4.3Richard Randall Jones, Town Centre Manager has consulted with the traders on this initial section and has found approximately 75% are in favour of the change. In addition the Poole Town Conservation Group have shown support for the proposal. Indeed their view is that the parking restrictions should apply all the way down the Lower High Street to the bend, and it is on this basis that it is proposed that the changes to the Order be advertised. This would result in the loss of a further 12 spaces on top of the first 7. As an offset to these losses there is already approved a scheme for 6 further spaces to be created in Strand Street. In addition most importantly the nearby Quay Visitors multi storey car park has a total of 550 spaces, and is generally under utilised for much of the time.
4.4The restriction of parking in the daytime in the Lower High Street will also be of significant benefit to pedestrians in the area. Existing pavement widths are currently very narrow, presenting problems not only to users of wheelchairs, mobility scooters and parents with buggies but also restricting the ability of pedestrians to browse in front of shops.
4.5Subject to approval of the daytime parking being removed, it is proposed to provide a build out in front of the Slug and Lettuce with raised kerbs so that passengers can access the low floor bus directly here. This would replace the stop in Old Orchard Plaza where there is no ability to raise the kerb.
4.6 It is therefore proposed to advertise the parking restrictions as described and, subject to these being approved, re-direct Route ONE along the Lower High Street and The Quay as described.
Head of Transportation Services
APPENDIX A – Proposed Timetable and Route Description (to follow)
APPENDIX B – Layout Plan
Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact
John McVey (01202) 262221
9 October 2008
Appendix A
Proposed Route ONE Timetable
From Poole Bus Station, George Roundabout, Serpentine Road to Poole Railway Station, Serpentine Road, George Roundabout, Kingland Road, Seldown Lane (Lighthouse), Seldown Road, Mount Pleasant Road, Parkstone Road, Birds Hill Road, Longfleet Road, Elizabeth Road, Parkstone Road, George Roundabout, Service Road to Falkland Square Shopping Centre bus stop, Serpentine Road to Poole Railway Station, Serpentine Road, George Roundabout, Towngate Bridge, North Street, Lagland Street, Old Orchard, Lower High Street, The Quay, Ballard Road, Green Road, Labrador Drive, Catalina Drive, Newfoundland Drive, Seldown Bridge, Kingland Road.
Monday to Saturday (excluding Public Holidays)
Poole Bus Station / 0725 / 55 / 25 / 0925 / 40 / 55Poole Railway Station / 0727 / 57 / 27 / 0927 / 42 / 57
Lighthouse / 0728 / and / 58 / 28 / Until / 0928 / and / 43 / 58
Parkstone Road / 0729 / at / 59 / 29 / 0929 / at / 44 / 59
Poole Hospital / 0733 / these / 03 / 33 / 0933 / these / 48 / 03
Poole Railway Station
/ 0737 / mins / 07 / 37 / 0937 / mins / 52 / 07Lagland Street (High Street) / 0739 / past / 09 / 39 / 0939 / past / 54 / 09
Poole Quay / 0745 / each / 15 / 45 / 0945 / each / 00 / 15
Baiter Park / 0749 / hour / 19 / 49 / 0949 / hour / 09 / 19
Poole Bus Station / 0750 / 20 / 50 / 0950 / 10 / 20
Poole Bus Station / 10 / 25 / 1455 / 55 / 25 / 1755
Poole Railway Station / 12 / 27 / 1457 / 57 / 27 / 1757
Lighthouse / 13 / 28 / Until / 1458 / and / 58 / 28 / Until / 1758
Parkstone Road / 14 / 29 / 1459 / at / 59 / 29 / 1759
Poole Hospital / 18 / 33 / 1503 / these / 03 / 33 / 1803
Poole Railway Station
/ 22 / 37 / 1507 / mins / 07 / 37 / 1807Lagland Street (High Street) / 24 / 9 / 1509 / past / 09 / 39 / 1809
Poole Quay / 30 / 15 / 1515 / each / 15 / 45 / 1815
Baiter Park / 39 / 19 / 1519 / hour / 19 / 49 / 1819
Poole Bus Station / 40 / 20 / 1520 / 20 / 50 / 1820