FKCC Mission Statement:Florida Keys Community College is an open-access, educational institution dedicated to serving the intellectual, diverse, cultural, and occupational needs of the Florida Keys as well as the global community. The college is committed to student-centric academic programs and services, workforce development, continuing education, diverse partnerships, electronically delivered instruction, and sustainable practices that prepare students for personal success and responsible citizenship.
Type of Plan: / X / Zero Based
Budget / Self-Funded / Additional Budget Requests for Personnel,
Supplies, Equipment(attach budget request form) / Additional Budget Request for Renovations/ remodeling (attach budget request)
Division: / Administrative / Unit Director: / Kehoe / Budget Acct No.: / 621100 / Total Amount Requested (Only for Annual Plans requesting new/additional money): / $n/a
Unit Purpose Statement: / The purpose of the Office of Administrative Services is to provide all essential support services and facilities to create a quality learning environment that advances education, technology, and scholarship; contributing toward achievement of the mission and goals of the College. Administrative Services provides planning and business services to college students, faculty, and staff. These services include budget development and control, accounting, payroll, college facilities management, and maintenance and operations. It also oversees the operation of the Bookstore, grants, and safety and security.
Unit Goal: / Strengthen financial and operational processes to maximize efficiency within the institution
Link to College Goal: / 3
Unit Objective/Project Description
(assign priority - #1 = highest) / Link to Plan / Expected Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
- Continue examining financial processes
Continue looking at ways to make continuing ed courses self sustaining / Budget Planning Process
Revenue pricing equal to or exceeding cost of putting on the course. Lab fees instituted to cover cost of materials. / Budget calendar and procedures developed
Year-end performance will reflect overall revenues equal to or exceeding expenditures
- Create new mechanisms in support of revenue generating activities.
A process for sustaining such grants will be established.
Office priorities in obtaining a negotiated indirect cost rate or increase in the number of grants processed.
Explore more profitable revenue stream for auxiliary service units. / Campus store continues to be successful in offering convenience/school supply items along with items for student use in specific departments such as nursing and diving. New products introduced in response to student or faculty demands and result of survey of campus store industry as reflected through contact with other schools, trade shows, conferences, etc.
University Books Online selected as an alternative to Follett to produce better customer service with a higher commission rate. Satisfaction with initial contract year obtained (with a few hiccups).
Dive Shop established in former campus bookstore, which provides students in the diving program with materials and supplies in a convenient cost effective manner. / Sales within campus store would continue to be sufficient to warrant continuation of such store, paying for inventory and salary of individual running the store. More faculty see convenience of having course materials and tools on campus for students to buy. Student dorm-related items to appear as student housing becomes a reality.
Commission rate of 5% (7% if exceed $350K). Books get delivered to student residence via mail or FedEx.
Students are learning how the online book ordering process works and are becoming more aware of the need to plan more effectively ahead.
Students becoming more aware of dive shop on campus. Diving publications, handbooks, maps, masks and other equipment selling in excess of $9000 to date.
- Utilize staff more creatively and effectively in providing services
Explore ways to cross-train individuals so areas previously covered by one person will have an automatic backup. / Data Reporting person to be utilized in support of SACS accrediting process.
Individual reclassified to become Director of Institutional Research.
Train individuals other jobs within the unit on a systematic basis. / Regular reports have been created patterned after similar reports at other Colleges to appear at set times in the beginning and end of each semester.
Data analysis, special reports, theme reports, and presentations on selected topics relevant to the College will be added along with channels to help disseminate such measures..
Processes won’t be slowed down when an individual is absent or leaves employ.
- Enhance Physical Plant processes
Initiate projects relating to enhancing our security on campus.
Initiate projects relating to campus functional and beautification efforts. / Establishment of tracking system to keep track and prioritize projects.
Security cameras, fencing, lighting, notification systems, processes for informing and educating students, staff and faculty.
Working with security company to expand the hours of operation.
Safety committee formed.
Shade sails considered and examined as a way to make the back courtyard functional and useable. Volleyball court enhanced with sand and demarcation lines. Lagoon dredging project will get underway.
A modified landscaping plan for the front parking lot will enhance the appearance of the campus for those visiting the College or driving past. / Easy to follow mechanism to track projects would enable project director and maintenance to track assignments and projects.
Visual, and documented recording of incidents, along with preventative measures of fencing, and employee education will help to deter crime.
Students will utilize areas designed for their use and enjoyment.
Students, faculty and staff will enjoy the appearance of the campus.