Appendix 9: Pretest Guide and Report Template




Purpose of the Focus Group Discussion (FDG): Field test of draft video to verify: 1) the acceptability of the video to the community (target audience), 2) the understanding of the content, both images and text, and 3) ways to improve the images, text and layout.

Name of Video:

Date: Starting Time: Ending Time:


Name of Community :

Please fill out and attach the participant register.

Name of Facilitator:

Name of Note Taker:

Name of Observer:

Note to the Facilitator continued:
  • Before starting the video, explain that it is about ____ minutes long and that we will showing it completely one time and then repeating it one more time, stopping to ask some questions.
  • Ask the specific questions that relate to the video. (Follow the discussion guide below.)
  • If participants have questions during the discussion, tell them that you will be happy to answer their questions at the end.

Note to Note Taker: Try to capture the major discussion points and note when the majority of participants agree or don’t agree on various ideas. Always note the specific part of the video that the participants are referring to. If you need more space, use the extra paper and note the name of the group and the corresponding number of the question.
Note to Observer: You can take notes also, but focus on the dynamics of the group and how people are reacting to the material and to the questions.
  1. This videohas information that we would like to share with certain people. Could you please tell me, in your own words, what you think this video is all about?
  1. Who do you think would be the best person to share this information with or should be shown this video, and why?
  1. When do you think the information in this video should be given to that person or persons (time)?
  1. Where do you think this video could be shared with this person or persons in your community?

Repeat the video and stop to ask each question annotated in the video. Facilitator should probe in order to elicit answers from as many participants as possible. Note taker should write the question below and then try to capture each individual answer as completely as possible.

  1. What do you think are the main ideas in this video?
  1. Are there any ideas or concepts in this video that you did not understand and need clarity on?
  1. Do you have any suggestions (reactions or feedback) on how to improve this video before it is shared with others that you would like to share with us?