April Newsletter 2017

Homework - To be handed in on Friday 28th April

Welcome back to term 4! I can’t believe that we are now in to the last term of P6 and that you will be P7s soon! We have been with each other for two years so let’s make this term a happy and hardworking one to finish our time together.

The summer term is always full of activity and no more so than in P6! Along with the usual sports day, concert rehearsals and performances, we have bikeability and rugby, starting this week. Bikeability will take place every Monday and Wednesday mornings and rugby will be on Thursdays. Please make sure that you have jackets for bikeability and that you have appropriate clothing for rugby, as it will take place outside too.

On Friday, this week, we also have a visit from “Skerrymore”, a music group linked to Aberdeenshire’s Youth Music Initiative programme. They will be coming to play their music for the whole school, with an opportunity to ask questions about their work, and how they have developed from being at school themselves to now being successful working musicians. One of the group is also an ex pupil from Ellon Academy! This is a great opportunity to hear a live band and to ask first-hand about their job.


Before the holidays your child’s report was uploaded on to their profiles on Glow where there is a section at the bottom for Parent and Learner comments. I am in the middle of printing out copies of the reports to be filed away and would appreciate if anyone who hasn’t put in a parent comment could do so before the end of this week so that we have a record of your feedback, thank you.

Spellings this term

Spellings this term will be based on a mixture of revision of covered phonemes, spelling rules and patterns and topic related words. Last week we looked at homophones and so spellings will be based on these this week.

Please write your words three times as usual and write down the meaning for each spelling to show the difference.

Also write 6 more pairs of homophones of your own that you can find.

Men’s Shed

A little while before the holidays we asked for c.d.s to be brought in to recycle and make in to clocks with the help of the people from the Men’s Shed in Ellon. Please bring these in as soon as possible so that we can get the designs done before the group come to help us make them.

A.L.E.C. Caravan

We had a visit to the A.L.E.C. Caravan on Friday where we looked at friendships and how to deal with peer pressure in different situations. We also looked a little bit at good and bad substances and what they can do to your body.

Timetable for term 4

Monday – Bikeability Training French Homework out

Tuesday - Music

Wednesday – Bikeability Training

Thursday – Rugby P.E. Recorder Choir

Friday - Assembly

Term 4

Science Topic

This term’s topic is “Plants and Animals”. We will be looking at food chains, eco systems and life cycles. We will be undertaking some investigations and looking at making a plan to design a wildlife area.


This term we will be looking at working with time, calculating the duration of events and looking at calendars. We will also be working with money, budgeting and profit and loss. We will continue to work with our number processes but also look at negative numbers and probability.


We will continue with group readers this term while still choosing an individual Accelerated Reader and one other book from the library.In writing we will focus on choosing the correct layout of texts to suit the audience and on recording our science investigations as well as trying to use topic related vocabulary in our work. We will also work on listening for information and working together in group and paired tasks where we have to communicate and collaborate with each other.

Health and Wellbeing

This term the focus will be on our Living and Growing programme. We will be learning about how a human life begins and how a baby is born. We will also look at keeping our bodies clean and having good personal hygiene. Our Bikeability fits in with our Health and Wellbeing targets this term too and we will now be taking on the buddying role full time with some training included before P7.

This week’s homework Done

Spelling – please learn your spellings and write them 3 times

Write the meanings and find 6 more pairs of homophones

Reading – read the part of your book for the given day

Maths –perimeter work

Project - Food chain sheet

Happy birthday to Kyah this week!

Teasers start again next week

*Please note

If any parent wishes to borrow the Living and Growing D.V.D. to see the programme covered in P6 then please contact me to arrange this beforehand.

*Also please note that school will be closed on Monday 1st May and Thursday 4th May(local elections) next week.