Updating an Online Claiming Certificate

1. If you have not already done so since Mar 9th 2011, download and run the installer for the latest PKI Certificate manager (from )

2. Click START and navigate to the Control Panel as shown here

3. Double click on the PKI Certificate Manager Icon

4. The following screen will appear if the PSI store has been located. You can view your certificate in the “Personal” tab.

5. The following screen will appear if the PSI store cannot be located.

In that case click “Use an Existing Store” and browse to the file hic.psi in the PKICert folder in your MediWiz folder. This is usually in either C:\Program Files\MediWiz\PKICert or C:\ProgramData\MediWiz\PKICert.

Click Finish.

6. The following screen shows. When you click the Personal tab (probably already selected) you will see your 2 certificates.

7. On the right hand side click the Import button. The following screen opens:

Enter the password used when the store was originally created by Kitty (she asked you for a password and told you not to forget it). Do NOT enter the password that Medicare has just sent you – that is used later. If you have forgotten this original password phone Kitty on 9563 6449.

8. The following screen opens:

Now put the CD Medicare sent you in the reader and browse to that location by clicking the “…”.
Because I do not have a CD myself I cannot provide further details. However there will be at least 2 files that have to be imported – if in doubt try importing each one. You will have to provide the password that Medicare has sent you by mail. The files will probably end in an extension of “p12” or something similar. If the files are imported successfully you should see an updated expiration date for each certificate on the Personal tab.

9. Click on the “Personal” tab to return to the original screen to see your certificates.

10. Delete your old (expired or soon to expire) certificates one by one by clicking one and then selecting Tools, Remove.

11. Close out of the PKI Certificate Manager by clicking on the Close button located top

right of the screen.

12. If MediWiz was running while you did this update, please exit and re-open MediWiz before doing any further online claiming transmissions.