APRIL 21, 2009
ATTENDEES: Very Reverend Fr. Basil Caldaroni, Mark Fellegy, Ed Corey, Sherry Fagerness, Shirley Jenkin, Eric Townsend, Joanna Townsend, Joel Schaefer, Jeane Wood.
The meeting was opened with a prayer.
MINUTES: A typographical error of date was written as 1009 rather than 2009 under International Festival. The minutes of March 10, 2009 were approved as corrected.
TREASURER’S REPORT: A sheet written by outgoing treasurer Michelle Fellegy was presented. It listed a brief summary with the current totals of the bank accounts. A copy of this is attached to the minutes. Something more detailed was given to Father Basil and was available for others to see. It was announced that Jeane Wood will be the new acting treasurer. We will begin using a more simple form for the treasurer’s report. Jeane is not familiar with this system so Gayle Goodsen and Eleni Schumacher will put the accounts into the old system. Both of these people have worked with this format in the past.
It was suggested that a Pay Pal donation site logo be added to our website as a way of donating to our church. Jeane Wood moved and Joel Schaefer moved that a donation link be placed on our website. Motion carried. Eric Townsend said he and his fellow I-Ministries Team members would work on setting up this site.
PASTOR’S REPORT: Fr. Basil went over the Schedule of Events for His Grace Bishop Joseph’s Episcopal visit. Some times still need to be announced at a later date. A copy of the schedule has been e-mailed.
Fr. Basil will be gone from May 11 to May 18, 2009 for his son’s graduation from college. Then he will leave on May 19 to May 24, 2009 for the Parish Life Conference. Fr. Nicholas Neyman will be covering during Fr. Basil’s absence.
It was decided that the printer, copier, fax and scanner that were donated will go to Fr. Basil’s home office. Michelle Fellegy resigned from the parish council and Treasurer’s position. Fr. Basil will appoint her replacement. Several potential persons were discussed.
The next parish council meeting will be on Tuesday, May 26, 2009.
- Speakers: The discussion of potential speakers for our parish will be postponed until the next meeting.
- Phone Service: Evaluation of out phone service is still in progress.
- Craig’s List: Pictures for advertising our items for sale have now been completed.
- Food for the Hungry Boxes: An announcement will be made for these boxes to be brought to the church.
- Sprinklers: Mark Fellegy announced that Bill Blakely has called about turning on our sprinkler system. A black flow value test will be done at that time.
- Priority List: Items to go on our priority list should be sent to Mark Fellegy.
- Dinning Hall Rental: Joy and Ed Corey will assist the Woods in the renting of our dinning hall.
- Bookstore: Fr. Basil will check with Diane Blakely to see if she wants to continuing being the lead for the Bookstore Ministry Team.
The meeting was closed with a prayer.
Respectively Submitted,
Shirley Ann Jenkin, Secretary
Attachment: Treasurer’s memo