

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church

Teutopolis, IL
Table of Contents

Welcome 2

Marriage Preparation 2

Policies 4

Participants in Ministerial Roles 5

The Shape of the Wedding Liturgy 10

Other Aspects of Your Wedding Liturgy
Photographers 14

Music 15

Art & Environment 17

Liturgy Outlines:

Rite for Celebrating During Mass 20

Rite for Celebrating Outside Mass 21

Time Line and Check-off List 22

Names and Numbers 23

Celebrating the Marriage Rite

Within the Catholic Church

Congratulations on your decision to share in the Sacrament of Marriage! The parish staff will do their best to make this a very special day for you.

Catholic weddings are celebrations of the entire Church. Your wedding ritual is, above all, a worship service. It is a time for Christians to gather to praise God who called you as man and woman to celebrate your marriage. Your marriage is a way of living out your faith. By choosing to celebrate your marriage within the Church’s life, you have chosen to situate your lives and celebrate your love within the life of the larger community and its prayer.

Marriage Preparation

1.  Contact a parish priest/deacon at least 6 months before the wedding to schedule your rehearsal and wedding. The Church discourages the celebration of marriage during the seasons of Lent and Advent. Lent is a time of universal penance in preparation for Easter. The feasting and festivity that mark a marriage celebration are out of character during this time. Advent looks ahead to Christmas and to Christ’s second coming at the end of time. A wedding at this time is more of a distraction from the Church’s prayer, since the tone of worship in these times will be more subdued.

2.  Weddings can take place on a Friday beginning at 4:00pm or on Saturday with the latest time being 1:00pm. Rehearsal dates and times will depend on the schedule of the priest as well as those events already scheduled in the Church. At the time of scheduling your wedding date and rehearsal, you will also need to complete the necessary paperwork.

3.  Documents Needed: You will need a certified copy of your baptism and confirmation record. This can be obtained by contacting the parish where you were baptized and confirmed.

4.  All couples will take the FOCCUS evaluation that is offered the first Saturday of the following months: January, April, July and October at 6:30pm. You will discuss the results from the FOCCUS with your Presider a few weeks later.

5.  All couples will attend a preparation program prior to their wedding date. We highly recommend: Evenings for the Engaged, Engaged Encounter or The Pre-Cana Program.

6.  If there has been a previous marriage(s), you will need to provide the priest with a copy of the marriage certificate(s) & divorce decree(s) as well as the annulment decree(s).

7.  Both the bride and groom must be present to obtain the marriage certificate from the county clerks’ office. You may get your certificate as early as 60 days prior to the wedding. You will be asked to present your license on or before your wedding rehearsal. Without a license, by law, there will be no wedding. If the ceremony is a validation of marriage, you will need to present the civil marriage certificate of the current marriage.

Policies of St.Francis of Assisi

1.  The recommended donation to St.Francis Church is $100 for parishioners or sons/daughters of parishioners. The donation for non-parishioners is $200. This money is used to cover Church expenses only (ex: electricity, heat/air conditioning). It would be best if the donations would be turned in to the parish office sometime before the day of the wedding rehearsal.

2.  The recommended donation for the priest is $50. If your Presider is coming to St.Francis from another parish, the stipend is $100.

3.  If you are planning to use the St.Clare Hall to get ready the day of your wedding, a $50 security deposit is needed to be given to the parish office at least one week before your wedding. Again, we ask that someone be assigned to clean up St.Clare Hall immediately after the ceremony. If sufficiently cleaned, $25 of the deposit will be returned to you.

4.  This is a smoke-free facility. This includes: St.Clare Hall, restrooms, and parking areas.

5.  No alcohol is allowed within the facilities or on the grounds. Abuse of this policy could result in postponement of the wedding or removal of the offender.

6.  No food or drink is allowed in the Church building, but is allowed in St.Clare Hall.

7.  If you will be attending St.Francis Church after you are married, please notify the office. If not, be sure to notify your new parish.

8.  Everything brought into the Church must be removed after the wedding unless prior arrangements have been made with one of our St.Francis Art & Environment committee members.

9.  Please be sure that someone is assigned to clean up the Church, restrooms, choir loft* (if used) and sanctuary immediately after the wedding Liturgy.

(*Note: The choir loft is to be used for musicians, photographers, and videographers – NOT a dressing room. No food or drink – with the exception of water – is allowed in the choir loft.)

Participants in Ministerial Roles

Because your wedding celebration is patterned after Sunday Liturgy, there are a variety of ministries to consider.


The assembly is the faith community that gathers to celebrate and witness your wedding. Various members of the assembly will fulfill special ministries within the Liturgy.


The ushers are those who welcome people to the celebration at the door of the Church and escort them to their seats. Ushers may be male or female.

Suggestions for Ushers:

·  It isn’t necessary to ask people whether they are friends of the bride or groom. It is best to seat people in the pew to capacity and use both sides. It will make a better Liturgy when the assembly is seated up front.

·  If there are a large number of people coming at the last minute, it is helpful to have members of the wedding party help seat the people so the start of the Liturgy will not be unnecessarily delayed.

·  Please remind your ushers that they should be participants in the Liturgy by remaining in the Church during your wedding.


The Presider will act as the official witness of the Church. If you wish to invite a priest/deacon to preside at your wedding, the delegation/permission of the Pastor must be obtained. If possible, it would be helpful if your invited priest/deacon would take care of the preparation paperwork also.

Altar Servers

Altar servers are sometimes needed (depending upon what the Presider prefers) when the wedding is being celebrated within the Eucharistic Liturgy. Two are sufficient to fulfill the duties. It is good to have at least one server from the parish for the sake of experience. If the wedding is celebrated outside of the Eucharistic Liturgy, servers are not necessary.


The attendants assist the bride and groom. Only two attendants are needed to stand as witness to your marriage. You may have more, but keep in mind as you choose the number of attendants that the focus of attention should be on the sacrament of the bride and groom. Regarding your attendants, all that is requested from the Church is that they are dressed in such a way that is shows this Liturgy is special.


Lectors are persons capable of effectively proclaiming the Word of God. Men and women whose lives give evidence of lived faith should be chosen.

Suggestions for Lectors:

·  The lector(s) do/does not have to be Catholic.

·  They should have experience either proclaiming the Word or having spoken in public.

·  They should have an opportunity prior to the wedding to practice with the Church’s sound system, perhaps at your wedding rehearsal.


If the wedding is celebrated inside the Eucharistic Liturgy, giftbearers are needed to process to the altar with the gifts of bread and wine for the Eucharistic part of the celebration. This is a good opportunity to involve others in the Liturgy, such as: ushers, aunts, uncles, godparents, siblings, etc.

Ministers of Holy Communion

If the wedding is celebrated inside the Eucharistic Liturgy, Ministers of Holy Communion are needed to assist the Presider in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ. Men and women who are ministers at St.Francis will be more comfortable in this role. However, other Ministers of Holy Communion outside the parish are welcome to minister with the permission of the parish priest.











Participants in Ministerial Roles

Presider: ______

Altar Servers:



1st Reading: ______

2nd Reading: ______

Prayers of the Faithful: ______



Cantor/Vocalist: ______

Accompanist: ______

If the Eucharist is to be celebrated:

Gift Bearers:



Ministers of Holy Communion:



The Shape of the Wedding Liturgy


·  The purpose of the processional is to allow the assembled people to come together as a community and to prepare themselves to listen to God’s Word properly.

·  When planning your liturgical procession, reflect on what the Sunday Liturgy procession is like.

·  Both the bride and the groom should be involved in the procession, for both the bride and the groom change status.

·  This is a good place to include the ministers of the Liturgy as well as the parents of both the bride and groom.

·  To better reflect modern attitudes and to be faithful to the Liturgy, we suggest that the bride walk down the aisle alone, with the groom, with both parents, or with her family.

Liturgy of the Word

·  Old Testament Reading lector

·  Responsorial Psalm cantor

·  New Testament Reading lector

·  Gospel Acclamation cantor

·  Gospel Reading Presider

·  Homily Presider

Marriage Rite

The rite is the central part of your wedding Liturgy, and deserves the care in planning which will enhance its meaning and beauty. Remember that the entire assembly has come to witness and celebrate with you, so they, too, should be able to hear and see the exchange of vows and rings. Give attention to proclaiming your vows and exchange of rings clearly. Take care in the gesture of placing the ring on each other’s finger.

Unity Candle

The use of a wedding unity candle is optional because the ritual does not call for it. It is a non-verbal, symbolic expression of what has happened with the exchange of the vows and the rings. It is your choice whether a lighting of a unity candle will take place or not, just remember to inform your Presider and musicians of your choice.

Prayers of the Faithful

We belong to the larger Church community, so it is appropriate to remember the needs of the larger community on one’s wedding day. Five or six prayers should be sufficient.

Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful:

·  To add more meaning to the Liturgy, the couple can compose the Prayers of the Faithful.

·  The first prayer should focus on the universal Church, and the second should reflect on things of the world (ex: world leaders, poverty, social justice, etc.). Perhaps one prayer for all married couples would be appropriate.

·  It is fitting also at this time to remember any deceased relatives of the bride and groom.

·  The last prayer could be a blessing for the couple.

·  The lector generally reads the Prayers of the Faithful; however, a different reader or the bride and groom could choose to read them.

If the wedding Liturgy isn’t including Communion, refer to the section entitled “The Lord’s Prayer”; otherwise continue.

Preparation of the Gifts

The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with preparing the gifts of Bread and Wine. Instrumental music is recommended so that the Eucharistic Acclamations (Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Amen) will not be overshadowed.

Eucharistic Prayer

Within the prayer, the acclamations are sung. These should be familiar to the assembly gathered so that they may participate. We suggest Marty Haugen’s 2011 REVISED edition “Mass of Creation”, which is generally well-known among most Catholic Churches throughout the country.

The Lord’s Prayer

Sometimes people like to hear a soloist sing “The Lord’s Prayer” because it is such a beautiful piece; however, it is a prayer that belongs to the people. Therefore, it should be recited by all or sung by all. If you have a strong desire for your vocalist to sing it, he/she may do so in the prelude before the Liturgy begins.

Nuptial Blessing

The Presider will give a special blessing to the couple.

Sign of Peace

This can be a moment of spontaneity and family closeness. It is fitting for the bride and groom to give the sign of peace together. It is the first time they will greet their families as a married couple. Sometimes the couple presents their parents with flowers, or you may give another symbol that is equally appropriate. However, no symbol is necessary.

If the wedding Liturgy isn’t including Communion, now refer to the section entitled “Concluding Rite”; otherwise continue.

Lamb of God

This is to be sung by the cantor/vocalist and the assembly.


The number of ministers of Holy Communion needed for each wedding Liturgy will vary depending on the number of people invited to the wedding, and of those invited, the estimation of how many will be receiving Communion. This is something that can be established with the Presider.

Concluding Rite

The Liturgy concludes with a prayer and dismissal.


For the procession out of Church, the music can either be an instrumental piece which is triumphal or joyful in nature, or a hymn sung by the assembly.

Other Aspects Concerning Your Wedding Liturgy…

Photographers and Videographers

The person(s) who record your wedding on film or tape must be conscious that they are in a sacred place. Generally, professional photographers and videographers know how to be unobtrusive and obscure. They also know the technique of taking pictures without the use of flashes or bright lights during the ceremony. Most difficulties arise with amateurs who move throughout the Church during the Liturgy. Please also remind your photographers that it is distracting to the musician(s) and vocalist(s) to be photographed while playing or singing.