Prof. Mariana Drãguşin, Ph.D.
Publications’ List
1) Ph.D. thesis:
T1. Drãguşin, M.: „Contributions regarding the Management of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”, scientificcoordinator: Prof. Dumitru Patriche Ph.D.; Dec. 1998/ The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (B.U.E.S.);
2.)Books/courses published by renowned publishing houses (Ca1, Ca2 etc.), or chapters published in collective volumes (volume collective), written theoretical chapters, working laboratory systems etc.(D1, D2 etc.), that represent contributions to the didactic/professional activity development (according to evaluation criteria nr. 1- Didactic Activity).
Ca1. Drãguşin, M.: Management – peculiarities in commerce, (revised edition), Ed. Gruber, Bucharest, 2010, (302 pages); ISBN 973-85961-0-6;
Ca2. Ţigu G. (coord.), Drãguşin, M., & all: Cultural differences, ethics and touristic behavior, Ed. A.S.E., Bucharest, 2008, (100 pages); ISBN 978-606-505-047-1;
Ca3. Kerbalek, I.(coord.), Dochia,A.; Dragusin, M.; Tachiciu. L.; Visean, M.: The Economics of the Enterprise (electronic manual available on CD and on the Internet (revised in 2009);Ed. Gruber ( Bucharest, 2004, (4000 pages), ISBN: 973-85961-2-2;
Ca4. Drãguşin, M.: Management – peculiarities in commerce, Ed. Gruber, Bucharest -2003, (301 pages); ISBN 973-85961-3-0;
Ca5. Kerbalek, I. (coord.); Bob, C.; Dochia, A.; Drãguşin, M.; Grigorescu, M.; Tăchiciu, L.; Vişean, M.: The Economics of the Enterprise, Ed. TIBO, Bucharest, 2002, (416 pages); ISBN 973-85759-0-7;
Ca6. Patriche, D. (coordinator); Stãnescu, I., Bob, C., Drãguşin, M., Enică, N. (fields’ coordinators): Commerce and development, Ed. Europa Nova, Bucharest, 2000, (352 pages); ISBN 973-9183-89-11;
Ca7.Patriche, D., Drãguşin, M., Grigorescu, A.: Commerce – the main coordinates of commercial activity, Ed. Dacia Europa Nova, Lugoj, 2000, (318 pages); ISBN 973-9396-77-1;
Ca8. Bob, C., Drãguşin, M., Grigorescu, A.: Informational systems in business; Ed.Dacia Europa Nova, Lugoj, 2000, (318 pages); ISBN 973-9396-77-1;
Ca9. Kerbalek, I. (coord.); Bob, C., Drãguşin, M., Grigorescu, M., Tăchiciu, L., Vişean, M.: The Economics of the Enterprise (second revised edition), Ed.Forum Consulting Partners, Bucharest, 2000, (404 pages); ISBN 973-99218-4-1;
Ca10. Drãguşin, M.:Management of small and medium sized enterprises, Ed. A.S.E., Bucharest, 1999, (343 pages); ISBN 973-9462-16-2;
Ca11. Kerbalek, I. (coord.); .., Drãguşin, M., …: The Economics of the Enterprise, Ed.Forum Consulting Partners, Bucharest, 1999, (325 pages); ISBN 973-99218-0-9;
Ca12. Mercioiu, V., Bob, C., Drãguşin, M., Tomescu, F., Bucur, C.: Management in commerce, Ed.Economicã, Bucharest, 1998, (312 pages); ISBN 973-590-060-2;
I1. Kerbalek, I. (coord.);… Drãguşin, M., …: The Economics of the Enterprise – collection of questions and answers, Ed.Forum Consulting Partners, Bucharest, 2001, (144 pages); ISBN 973-99218-6-8;
I2. Kerbalek I. (coord.); …, Drãguşin, M., …: Commercial economics, The Fundamentals of commerce, The Economics of the Enterprise, Management in Commerce – collection of questions and answers for bachelor exams,Ed.Forum Consulting Partners, Bucharest, 2000, (337 pages); ISBN 973-99218-1-7;
D1. Mercioiu, V., Bob, C., Drãguşin, M., Tomescu, F., Bucur, C.: Management in Commerce(two volumes), Lito - A.S.E., Bucharest, 1997, (309 pages);
D2. Bob, C., Lisandru, N., Grigorescu, M., Tomescu, F., Vişean, M., Drãguşin, M.: The Economics of the Enterprise, Lito - A.S.E., Bucharest, 1997, (296 pages).
3.)Specialty books published in renowned publishing houses (Cb1, Cb2 etc.), articles/papers published in specialized international journals (ISI or indexed in other international databases) (Ri1, Ri2 etc.), articles/papers published at international scientific conferences (with ISSN/ISBN)(Vi1, Vi2, etc.), and other similar papers: articles, studies published in national CNCSIS recognized publications (Rn1, Rn2, etc.), articles/papers published for national scientific conferences (with ISSN/ISBN)(Vn1, Vn2, etc.), papers presented at seminars/expos, innovation etc. (E1,E2 etc.), that represent contributions to the development of the field; (according to the third evaluation criterion - Scientific contribution).
- Cb1, Cb2 etc – Books published in renowned publishing houses:
Cb1. Constantin, D.L., Pauna, C.B., Bodea C., Drãguşin,M. et al., Clusters in Less Developed Regions. A Spotlight on the Eastern Romania, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2011, ISBN 10: 3639344812 and ISBN 13: 978-3639344813; 127 pp.;
Cb2. Patriche D. (coord.), 24 authors including Drãguşin, M. et al.: Commercial management dictionary,Ed.University, Bucharest, 2008, (570 pages); ISBN 978-973-749-591-4;
Cb3. Patriche, D. (coord.), Drãguşin, M., s.a.: Commercial Management Treaty, Ed. Universitară; Bucharest, 2007, (672 pages); ISBN 978-973-749-286-9;
Cb4. C. Florescu; P. Mâlcomete; N. Pop (coordinators); 85 authors, including Drãgusin, M.:Marketing: explanatory dictionary, Ed. Economică, Bucharest, 2003, (815 pages); (AGER awarded as best encyclopedia of the year); ISBN 973-590-824-7
Cb5. Drãgusin, M.: The Management of Commercial Organizations, Ed. Economică, Bucharest, 2003, (302 pages); ISBN 973-590-905-7.
- Ri1, Ri2 etc. – articles/studies published by international journals (ISI indexed or other international databases):
Ri1. Constantin, D.L., Drãguşin, M., Petrescu, R.M., Iosif, A. E., «The management of municipal real property: the question of services for business use of real property”, published inthe ISI Journal Amfiteatrul Economic ( Special Issue 6, 2012, pp. 738-754; factor of impact: 0,757.
Ri2. Constantin, D.L., Pauna, Drãguşin, M., Goschin, Z., Bodea, C., “The Question of Clusters in Lagging Regions: Do They Really Make the Difference? A Case Study in Romania”,published inEnvironment and Planning C: Government and Policy, Vol. 29, Issue 5, 2011, pp. 889-910, published by Pion Ltd, United Kingdom, ISSN 0263-774X (print) and 1472-3425 (electronic), ISI indexed, Master Journal List, factor of impact: 1,044;
Ri3. Constantin, D.L., Mitruţ, C., Drãguşin, M., “The Environmental Sustainability Criterion and the Cultural Heritage Tourism Development”, published in Quality-Access to Success Journal, Year 11, No. 111, 2010, ISSN 1582-2559 (B+ journal, indexed in SCOPUS and EBSCO databases);
Ri4. Drãguşin, M.: “Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Developmentby L. Fusco-Girard and P. Nijkamp (Eds), Ashgate, 2009. Book Review”, published in Romanian Journal of Regional Science( Regional Science Association International Journal ( No.2, Winter 2009, p.112-114, ISSN 1843-8520, indexed DOAJ, RePEc – IDEAS, EBSCO databases;
Ri5. Constantin, L.; Goschin, Z.; Drãguşin, M.: „The Ethnic Entrepreneurship: An Opportunity for a More Entrepreneurial Romania and a Gate to Religious Tolerance in Civil Society. A Spotlight on Turkish Entrepreneurs”; published in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies ( _issue) 7, 20 (Summer 2008): 28 – 41, ISSN 1583-0039; pp. 49-79; A category journal, ISI quoted (since 2003), BDI: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI Expanded) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Ri6.D. H.B. Welsh (University of North CarolinaGreensboro/ U.S.A.)M. Drãguşin:“Sustainable Strategic Management in an Emerging Market Economy: The Case of Romanian Women Entrepreneurs”; published in International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM), Vol.1, No. 4, pp.344-359 Inderscience, U.K., 2009; ISSN (on-line): 1753-3619; ISSN (Print): 1753-3600;
Ri7.Drãguşin, M.: „Leading Women entrepreneurs in Romania”; published in Theoretical and Applied Economics ( (supplement): Change Leadership in Romania’s New economy; Curtea de Arges, 2008, ISSN 1841-8678; B+ journal in the CNCSIS classification; (cod CNCSIS 832); BDI indexed:
Ri8.Drãguşin, M.: „Modern systems of anticipating of ethical behavior in organizations”;published in the journal- Studies and research of economic calculations and economic cybernetics – nr. 2/2008, vol. 42, pp. 97-105 ( ISSN 0585-7511; B+ journal in CNCSIS (cod CNCSIS 333); BDI indexed:
Ri9. Drãguşin, M.:„National and Regional Women Entrepreneurs’ Networks”; published in Romanian Journal of Regional Science ( Regional Science Association International ( Vol.1, No.1, Winter 2007, ISSN 1843-8520, indexed in BDI: RePEc-IDEAS, EBSCO, DOAJ;
- Vi1, Vi2, etc. – articles/papers published at international scientific conferences (with ISSN/ISBN):
Vi1.D. H.B. Welsh (University of North CarolinaGreensboro/ U.S.A.)M. Drãguşin:“Entrepreneurial Education in Higher Education Institutions as a requirement in building excellence in business: the case of UNCG”; published in Forumware International peer reviewed journal ( ), Special Issue nr.1/2011, Vienna (Austria); pp.266-273, ISSN: 1810-7028;
Vi2. Constantin, D.L., Drãguşin, M., Profiroiu, Mitrut, C., Iosif-Balalia, A., Petrescu, R.M., “Classification criteria used as a basis for an effective municipal property management”, The 51st Congress of European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Barcelona, Aug., 2011,
Vi3. Constantin, D.L., Drãguşin, M., Goschin, Z., Pauna, C., “Clusters in lagging regions: A bird’s eye view on relevant international literature”, European Economic Recovery and Structural Transformations – The International Conference of the Romanian Association for Regional Studies, Cluj, June, 24 – 25th, 2011, CD-ROM Collection, Risoprint Publishing House, ISBN 978-973-53-0574-1
Vi4. Constantin, D.L., Drãguşin, M., Profiroiu, M., Mitrut, C., Iosif-Balalia, A., Petrescu, R.M., Recording Municipal Property – A challenge for an effective strategic management. The case of Bucharest Municipality, European Economic Recovery and Structural Transformations – The International Conference of the Romanian Association for Regional Studies, Cluj, June, 24 – 25th,2011, CD-ROM Collection, Ed. Risoprint, ISBN 978-973-53-0574-1
Vi5. Constantin, D.L., Bodea, C., Păuna, C., Goschin, Z., Drăgusin, M., Stancu, I., The question of clusters in less developed regions. Empirical evidence from Romania’s Eastern regions, the 50th Congress of European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Jönköping, Sweden, Aug., 2010,
Vi6. Drãguşin, M., Săseanu, A., Petrescu, R.M., Clustering in Transition Economies: the Case of Romanian Tourism Industry,International Conference 2010, May,6-7th, 2010, Opatija/Croatia
Vi7. Săseanu, A., Drãguşin, M., Petrescu R.M., Main Influences of Economic Crisis on the Romanian Entrepreneurial Ventures in the Tourism Industry: the Case of Travel Agencies”, International Conference 2010, May, 6-7th,2010, Opatija/Croatia
Vi8. M. Drãguşin, A. Săseanu, Petrescu R.M., Economic Clustering and the Romanian Tourism Industry,International Conference 2010, Belgrade/Serbia
Vi9. Săseanu, A.;Drãguşin, M., Petrescu, R.M., Main aspects of Romanian Tourist Destinations from the Perspective of Tour Operators,International Conference, 2010, Belgrad/Serbia
Vi10. Constantin, D.L., Goschin, Z.,Drãguşin, M., The positive impact of ethnic entreprenenurship on the Romanian Economy, the Case of Turkish Entrepreneurs,International Conference, 2009, Lotz/Poland
Vi11. Constantin, D.L., Bodea, C., Goschin Z.,Drãguşin, M., Clusters in underdeveloped areas. A spotlight on Romania’s Eastern border regions, The 6th EU – R.E.A.L. Meeting (organized by the Romanian Research Centre for Macroeconomic and Regional Forecasting, in partnership with the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory – University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaign), Bucharest, Sept. 17-18th, 2009
Vi12. Drãguşin, M., Students' entrepreneurial spirit enhancement - a challenge for Higher Education Institutions: the case of A.S.E. Bucharest, 10th International Symposium in Management - SIM 2009 – “Management & Competitiveness in Knowledge-based Society”, Timișoara, Romania, Nov.6-7th, 2009;
Vi13. Drãguşin, M., Constantin, D.L., Petrescu, R.M., Cluster initiatives – source of entrepreneurial opportunities,10th International Symposium in Management - SIM 2009 – “Management & Competitiveness in Knowledge-based Society”, Timișoara, Romania, Nov. 6-7th, 2009;
Vi14.Drãguşin, M., Entrepreneurship as a Career Option and Major Educational Objective in Non-Business Studies, International Symposium – TEPE 2009 - „Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education”, Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, May,8-9th, 2009, published on CD; pp. 95-105; ISSN 1843-2263;
Vi15.Drãguşin, M., Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutions, International Scientific conference: Human Resources in Education (Department for Personnel Training (DPPD), Bucharest, May, 8-9th,2009, published on CD; ISBN 978-606-505-216-1;
Vi16.Drãguşin, M., Characteristics of the Romanian Convenience Market, The 5th Edition of International Conference: „European Integration: New Challenges for the Romanian Economy”, May, 29-30th, 2009, Oradea; The Annals of the University of Oradea, Section: Economic Sciences – TOM XVIII, 2009, ISSN 1582-5450; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+;
Vi17.Drãguşin, M., Petrescu, R.M., Specific Features of the Recruitment and Selection Processes in SMEs: the Case of Bucharest, The 5th Edition of International Conference: „European Integration: New Challenges for the Romanian Economy”, May, 29-30th, 2009, Oradea; ISSN 1582-5450; The Annals of the University of Oradea, Section: Economic Sciences – TOM XVIII, 2009, ISSN 1582-5450; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+;
Vi18.Drãguşin, M., Saseanu A., Growth and Competitiveness at Regional and Local Levels trough Economic Clustering; The 7th International Symposium of The Romanian Regional Science Association, Territorial Cohesion: Growth; Convergence; Competitiveness; Baia Mare, June 12-13th, 2009, published book, pp. 30-41; ISBN 978-606-536-022-8;
Vi19. Constantin D.L., Mitruţ C., Drãguşin, M., Nechifor C., Niche Tourist Markets, Regional Competitiveness and Sustainability: Cultural Heritage Tourism in Bucovina, The 7th International Symposium of The Romanian Regional Science Association, Territorial Cohesion: Growth; Convergence; Competitiveness; Baia Mare, June 12-13th, 2009, published book: pp. 44-51; ISBN 978-606-536-022-8;
Vi20.Drãguşin, M., Constantin, L., Economic clustering - major development tool; the case of hospitality and tourism industry;The 2009 International Conference on Tourism; Apr.,22-25th, 2009,Messina/ Italy, published book: ISBN 978-88-96116-20-3;
Vi21. Saseanu A. S.,Drãguşin, M., The Travel Destinations as a Business System and their Influence on the Economical Development, The 2009 International Conference on Tourism; Apr., 22-25th, 2009,Messina/ Italy, published book: ISBN 978-88-96116-20-3;
Vi22.Drãguşin, M., Kerbalek, I., Sustainable Development and Retailing, International Conference – „Ecological Performance in a Competitive Economy” (PEEC), Nov.,20-21st, 2008, published in Proceedings/ Volume II – Supplement of „Quality- access to success” Journal (edited by the Romanian Society for Quality Assurance); Year 9, no. 94, 2008, CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+ , included in EBSCO database, ISSN 1582 – 2559;
Vi23. Drãguşin, M., Labor conflicts a challenge for the entrepreneurs, International Conference – „Social Dialog in Labor Conflicts Solving – European Research Perspective”, June 12th, 2008, Bucharest, Romanian Academy House, published in „Social dialogue in solving mass work conflicts”, coordinators: Grigorescu, A., Vasile, V., Bob, C., Iordan, M., Ed. Expert, Bucharest, 2008, ISBN 978-973-6181-71-9;
Vi24. Welsh, D. (University of Tampa/ Florida/ U.S.A.);Drãguşin, M., Romanian Women Entrepreneurs: A Comparison of Women in Former Soviet-bloc Economies, Diana International Research Symposium, Nov., 4th, 2008, Belfast/ Northern Ireland, ( );
Vi25.Drãguşin, M., Romanian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’ dynamic and competitiveness: national and regional analysis,Proceedings of the 48th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International – “Culture, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives”, Aug.,27 – 31st, 2008, Liverpool, U.K. (
Vi26.Drãguşin, M., Romanian Women Entrepreneurship and Leadership,International Research Conference: Leadership, Change and Communication in Emerging Markets; Curtea de Argeş/ Romania/ May 15 – 17th, 2008, published book (poz. 8; pp. 7); ISBN 978-606-505-068-6;
Vi27. Săseanu, A.;Drãguşin, M., Romanian Tourism – Present and Perspectives, The 2007 International Conference on Tourism, A.S.E., Bucharest, Nov.,22-24th, 2007, published book: ISBN 978-973-594-991-4;
Vi28.Drãguşin, M., Săseanu A., Predicting Ethical Behavior of the Personnel in Tourism,The 2007 International Conference on Tourism, A.S.E., Bucharest, Nov., 22-24th,2007, published book: ISBN 978-973-594-991-4;
Vi29.Drãguşin, M., Women Entrepreneurship and Networking at National and Regional Level,The 6th International Symposium of the Romanian Regional Science Association, Alba Iulia, 8- 9 June 2007, published in: Pascariu, M., Constantin D.L. (Editors), The Impact of Romania's Accession to the EU on Regional Structures (Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium of the Romanian Regional Science Association (vol.1), June, 2007, Alba Iulia), Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia, 2007, pp. 55-61, ISBN: 978-973-7942-94-4, ISBN Vol.1: 987-973-7942-95-1
Vi30.Drãguşin, M., Mail in Rebate – a challenge for the consumer, The 2006 International Conference on Commerce, A.S.E. Bucharest, March,27 – 29th, 2006, published book: ISBN – (10) 973-594-787-0; ISBN – (13) 978-973-594-787-3;
Vi31.Drãguşin, M.,Ethics – as comeptitivity factor in commerce,International conference „Commerce and Competitiveness, A.S.E. Bucharest, Nov., 2005, published book: Visean M. O. (Editor), Commerce and Competitiveness(Proceedings of the InternationalConference "Commerce and Competitiveness"2005 Edition,Bucharest), A.S.E. Publishing, Bucharest, 2006, pp.333-339, ISBN: 973-594-756-0, ISBN 978-973-594-756-0
Vi32.Welsh, D. (University of Tampa/ Florida/ U.S.A.); Drãguşin, M.,Women Entrepreneurs, The 2006 International Conference on Commerce”, Faculty of Commerce, A.S.E., Bucharest, March, 27 – 29th, 2006, published book: Bob, C., Plesea, D., Visean M., Tigu G. (Editors), Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Commerce, ISBN – (10) 973-594-787-0; ISBN – (13) 978-973-594-787-3;
Vi33.Drãguşin, M., Networking – variable of the competitiveness in commerce, International Conference „Commerce and Competitiveness”, A.S.E., Bucharest, Nov.,2004, published: Tachiciu L. (Editor), Commerce and Competitiveness(Proceedings of the InternationalConference "Commerce and Competitiveness",2004 Edition,Bucharest), A.S.E. Publishing, Bucharest, 2006, pp. 306-311, ISBN: 973-594-755-2, ISBN 978-973-594-755-2
Vi34.Drãguşin, M., Consumer profile in the new global economy,paperpresented at the „Cybernetic Systems in a Global Context” International Symposium, Drăgan European University, Lugoj, May, 17-18th, 2002, published book: Grigorescu, A., Dumitrescu D., Bob C. (Editors), Eurodit Publishing, Timişoara, 2003; ISBN 973-620-085X
Vi35.Drãguşin, M., Small and medium enterprise sector – prezent and perspectives, paperpresented at the first Symposium of the Romanian Regional Sciences Association – A.S.E. Bucharest, Apr.,25-26th,2001 and publishedin Constantin D.L. (coordinator), Current issues of regional development in Romania;The first Symposium of the Romanian Regional Sciences Association, A.S.E. Bucharest, Apr., 2001, Oscar Print, Bucharest, 2002, pp. 339-342; ISBN973-8338-34-4
- Rn1, Rn2, etc.:similar papers: articles/studies published in specialized journals of national circulation (CNCSIS recognized)
Rn1. Drãguşin, M., Balalia A., Cooperation between SMEs and Higher Education Institutions – Effective Tool for Entrepreneurial Education”,Studia Universitatis Babeș Bolyai – Negotia, Volume 55 (2010) Nr.1, pp.87-98ISSN 1224-8738, ISSN 1224-8738, CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+;
Rn2. Drãguşin, M., Petrescu R.M., Recruitment and selection services' offer for SMEs: the case of Romania”,Studia Universitatis Babeș Bolyai – Negotia, Volume 54 (2009) Nr.4, ISSN 1224-8738, pp. 83-97, ISSN 1224-8738, CNCSIS recognized,CategoryB+;
Rn3. Welsh, D. (TampaUniversity/ Florida/ U.S.A.), Drãguşin, M., Women Entrepreneurs: a dynamic force of Small Business Sector; published in Amfiteatru Economic Journal, nr. 20, Year VIII, June 2006, pp.33-37; ISSN 1582-9146; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+(cod CNCSIS 283);
Rn4.Drãguşin, M., Networking as a reaction to trade globalization, published in Amfiteatru Economic Journal, nr. 17, anul VII, April, 2005, pp.33-37; ISSN 1582-9146; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB+ (cod CNCSIS 170);
Rn5. Drãguşin, M., The Law of Commerce – a step forward toward Romania’s EU integration;published in Amfiteatru Economic Journal, nr. 12/2003 (pp. 15-16); ISSN 1582-9146; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryB (poz. 19);
Rn6.Drãguşin, M., “Financial Support Programs for the Small Business Sector”;Economical Tribune nr. 19/1999; pp.18; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn7.Drãguşin, M., “Conflicts in Organizations – a Managerial Error?”; Economical Tribune nr. 28/1998; pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn8.Drãguşin, M., “For which Activities to use Informatics in Small Firms”; Economical Tribune nr.33/ 1997; pp.49; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn9.Drãguşin, M., “Small Firms and IT – between Necessity and Possibility”; Economical Tribune nr. 32/ 1997; pp.48; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn10.Drãguşin, M., “Steps in Information System’s Design Process”; Economical Tribune nr. 31/ 1997; pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, Category D;
Rn11.Drãguşin, M., “Designing the Small Firm’s Information System”;Economical Tribune nr. 29/ 1997; pp.34; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn12.Drãguşin, M.,“Patterns of Information System’s Design in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”; Economical Tribune nr. 29/ 1997; pp.44; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn13.Drãguşin, M., “Weaknesses of the Information Systems in Small Firms”; Economical Tribune nr.28/ 1997;pp.40; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn14.Drãguşin, M., “Characteristics of SMEs’ Information Systems”;Economical Tribune nr.27/ 1997; pp.43; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn15.Drãguşin, M., “Information Systems and their Role in SMEs commercial activities”; Economical Tribune nr.26/ 1997;pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn16. Drãguşin, M., “Promoting and Rewarding Employees in Small Firms”; Economical Tribune nr. 5/ 1997; pp.41; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn17.Drãguşin, M., “Employees Performance Appraisal in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”;Economical Tribune nr. 4/ 1997; pp.44; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn16.Drãguşin, M., “Modern Training Methods and Techniques in Small Firms”; Economical Tribune nr. 3/ 1997; pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn17.Drãguşin, M., “Testing the Candidates in the Selection Process in Small Firms”; Economical Tribune nr. 2/ 1997;pp.44; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn18.Drãguşin, M., “The Interview – main Faze of the Selection Process inSmall and Medium Sized Enterprises”; Economical Tribune nr. 1/ 1997; pp.35; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn19.Drãguşin, M., “Selection Process in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”; Economical Tribune nr. 50/ 1996;pp.57; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn20.Drãguşin, M., “Recruitment Process in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”; Economical Tribune nr. 49/ 1996; pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn21.Drãguşin, M., “Jobs Design – Peculiarities in Commerce”; Economical Tribune nr. 45/ 1996; pp.46; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn22.Drãguşin, M., “Human Resource Planning in Small Business”; Economical Tribune nr. 44/ 1996; pp.45; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
Rn23.Drãguşin, M., “The Role of Human Resources in the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises’ Development”; Economical Tribune nr.43/1996; pp.36; ISSN 1018-0451; CNCSIS recognized, CategoryD;
- Vn1, Vn2, etc.: articles/working papers published in volumes, at national scientific conferences (with ISSN/ISBN)
Vn1.Drãguşin, M., “Consumer protection and the Quality of the potable water in Bucharest”; paper presented at the national Symposium “Goods – Quality – Globalization”; B.U.E.S., Bucharest, Nov.19th, 2004, and published in volume, pp. 127-134, ISBN 973-594-544-4;
Vn2.Drãguşin, M., “The Romanian Entrepreneurial Spirit – between myth and reality”; paper presented at the national Symposium „Commerce and Globalization”, B.U.E.S., Bucharest, Nov.29th, 2002 and published in volume: Felea, M. (Editor), D. Patriche (coord.) – „Commerce and Globalization”, Ed. A.S.E., Bucharest, 2003, pp. 110-117; ISBN 973-594-386-7;
Vn3.Drãguşin, M., “Global e-commerce Strategies for SMEs”; paper presented at the national Symposium „Commerce and Globalization”, B.U.E.S., Bucharest, 29 November, 2002 and published in volume: Felea, M. (Editor), D. Patriche (coord.) – „Commerce and Globalization”, Ed. A.S.E., Bucharest, 2003, pp. 211-219; ISBN 973-594-386-7
Vn4.Drãguşin, M., C. Bucur: “Logistics: Evolutions and Challenges”;(International Conference on Marketing - A.S.E., Bucharest; 22-23 November 2001); paper presented at the International Conference „The field of Marketing in the process of economic and social development 1971-2001: 30 years of marketing in Romania”, B.U.E.S., Bucharest, Nov., 22-23rd, 2001, and published in volume, Ed. ASE, 2002; ISBN 973-594-146-5; ISBN 973-594-148-1
Vn5.Drãguşin, M., “Marketing in Small Business Sector – Necessity and Possibility”; paper presented at the International Conference „The field of Marketing in the process of economic and social development 1971-2001: 30 years of marketing in Romania”, B.U.E.S., Bucharest, Nov., 22-23rd, 2001, and published in volume, Ed. ASE, 2002; ISBN 973-594-146-5; ISBN 973-594-148-1
Vn6.Drãguşin, M., “New Dimensions of Costumer Relation Management”; paper presented at the International Conference „The field of Marketing in the process of economic and social development 1971-2001: 30 years of marketing in Romania”, B.U.E.S., Bucharest, Nov., 22-23rd, 2001, and published in volume, Ed. ASE, 2002; ISBN 973-594-146-5; ISBN 973-594-148-1