Tournament Guidelines
These are in addition to the normal Rules and Guidelines of shooting and etiquette
** Please also read 'A Few Basic Guidelines' and ' Safety Guidelines' pages **
Dress Regulations
(a) Footwear that fully encloses the toes and front of the foot must be worn at all
times when shooting.
(b) Members of Archery GB shooting and officiating at tournaments granted UK or
World Record Status by ARCHERY GB or FITA are required to wear clothing that is appropriate, clean, in good condition (ie not frayed or worn, either deliberately or
by use) and conventional in style and appearance. In particular:
(c) Tops or shirts must cover the front and back of the body (including the midriff
when at full draw), they must not be strapless and, for gentlemen, must include
- Any colour garments may be worn with the exception of blue denim, olive drab
and camouflage pattern.
- Badges, Logos and Wording.
a. Small clothing manufacturers’ trademarks are allowed. The wearer’s name is also allowed.
b. Individuals, and members of clubs and other archery organisations that are commercially sponsored may wear sponsors’ logos and names during the
sponsorship period only.
c. Other wording or badges on clothing must represent archery organisations.
** see also 'A simple Guide to Scoring' page **
a - The value shall be determined by the position of the arrow shaft, NOT the torn
paper hole.
b - If an arrow touches two colours or any dividing line it shall be scored as being
of that of the higher value.
c- Archers shall identify their arrows by pointing at the nocks. Neither the arrow
nor the target face shall be touched until the final decision as to the score has
been given and any such interference with the target or arrow shall disqualify
the archer from scoring the higher value.
d- If any doubt or dispute as to arrow value shall arise it shall be decided by the
Target Captain subject to appeal to the Judge, whose decision shall be final.
e- A miss is to be recorded as a letter M.
f- All scores must be recording in either Blue or Black ink - NOT pencil
g- Any alteration to the recorded arrow value must be initialled by the Judge
in red ink prior to the withdrawal of the arrow from the target. No arrows
shall be withdrawn from the target until all the archers’ scores have been
entered on the score sheet. Once arrows have been removed from the
target NO alterations can be made to arrow values on the score sheet