Hartnell CollegeChildDevelopmentCenter:ALaboratory forChildStudy
ChildAdmissions Agreement
Forthe2017/18School Year
Per Title22:Division 12, Section 101219
(Amandatorydocumentrequired bytheStateofCalifornia)
1) BasicServices
TheHartnell CollegeChild Development Centerserves asaLaboratoryforChild Studyand provides care andeducation for children,approximatelythreeto fiveyearsold. Thelab offers two preschool sessions,mornings from 8:30 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. and afternoons from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Byenrollingyourchild in theHartnell CollegeCDCLab,you understand that yourchild will bestudied bycollegestudents when alab is required tocomplete course assignments, includingstudent teaching. Students areunderdirect supervision ofa credentialed teacherat all times. Additional information is availablein ourParent Guide.
2) TuitionPolicy
Parents mayopt to paytheir child’s “Annual Tuition”in 10 consecutiveinstallment payments duebythe fifteenth of each month at theHartnellCollegeCashier’s Office,in accordance
with thetuition schedule. Ifoptingto payin installments, parents must set up an account with theHartnell CollegeCashier and makepaymentseach month. Payment must bemade, by cash, check, moneyorderor credit card at theCashier’s Office anda copyofthe receipt returned to theCDC. It is theparent’sresponsibilityto paythetuition payment duebythe fifteenth ofeach month. Payments madeafterthe20thofthemonth aredeemed late and a
$25.00 late feeadded. Tuition is subject to change. In the event oftuition change, 30 days written noticewill begiven to parents.
Children ofincome-eligible families, qualifying fortheState-funded Preschool Program,are enrolled in thesession with no tuition charged to the family. All families will be chargeda non-refundable$25.00RegistrationFeeat thetimeof enrollment, whichwill beused to cover costs associated with children’s fieldtrips.
3) RefundPolicy
Hartnell Collegemust begivenat least athirtydaywritten notice regardingthewithdrawal of children. Refunds in tuition will begiven to parents who decideto withdraw their child/children from theprogram underthe followingconditions: First, theparent has paid the tuition, in advance. Second, theparent hasgiven theCollegeat least athirtydaywritten notice. Tuition refundswill beproratedaccordingto thetimewereceivetheparent’s notification and the child’s last dayin theprogram.
4) Licensing Requirements
TheStateofCaliforniaGeneralLicensingRequirements, Section 101195 states:
b. Thedepartment orlicensingagencyshall havetheauthorityto interview children
orstaff and to inspect and audit child or facilityrecords without prior consent. TheLicensee shall makeprovisions forprivateinterviews with anychild/children, or anystaffmemberand forthe examination of all recordsrelatingto theoperation ofthefacility.
c.Thedepartment orlicensing agencyshall havethe authorityto observethephysical condition ofthe child/children, including conditions, which could indicateabuse, neglect, or inappropriateplacement,and to havealicensed medical professional examinethe child/children.
5) TerminationofAdmissionAgreement
This agreement terminates when a child is withdrawn from Hartnell CollegeChild Development Centerorwhen anew agreement isrequired bytheStateofCaliforniaorby Hartnell College.
6) LatePick-UpFee
Parents, orotherauthorized representatives,arerequired to pick-up children at the end ofeach session. Ifa child is picked-up late, theparent will be charged alatefeeof$10 -$50 and the child maynot return to the centeruntil that late feeis paid in full, unless otherpayment arrangements aremadewith thedirector. This fee applies to all enrolled children. Seethe Parent Guide fordetails.
7) AbsencePolicy
Becausetheenrolled children arebeingstudied bycollegestudents, it is expected theywill attend on each school dayforwhich theyareenrolled, unless attendanceis prohibited byan “excused” absence. Collegestudents areunableto complete assignments if children attend sporadically. Pleasecallourofficeifyour child will be absent formorethan oneday. We reservethe right to terminate enrollment ifachild is absent formorethan threedayswithout notification or arefrequentlyabsent, even if excused.
8) EnrollmentRequirementforParentorAuthorizedRepresentativeofFamily
OneParent orotherauthorized representativeofthe familyare requiredto be an enrolled student at Hartnell Collegeduring each semestertheir child is enrolled in theCDCLab. See Parent Guide fordetails.
IhavereadandfullyunderstandtheParentGuideandthe aforementioneditems andagree tocomplywiththe abovepolicies, aswellasthoseoutlinedintheParentGuide.
SignatureofParent /DomesticPartner/GuardianDate