Littlethorpe Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 18th Sept. 2012
Venue: Littlethorpe Village Hall
Present: Cllr. Curtis, Cllr. Laker, Cllr. Fay, Cllr. Winterburn, Cllr. Edmonstone
1. Apologies
County Cllr. Heather Garnett
2. Declarations of interest
Cllr. Edmonstone declared an interest through his connection with the Village Hall Committee and the Serjeantson Trust. Cllr. Curtis declared an interest in Item 8.4 – Village Hall Committee funding request. Cllr. Fay declared an interest in Item 9 – Ripon Boat Club planning application.
3. Adoption of Parish Council Meeting minutes held on
Cllr. Winterburn proposed and Cllr. Edmonstone seconded that these be adopted as a true record.
4. Chairman’s remarks
Cllr. Curtis thanked everyone for attending. He also thanked Cllr. Laker for organising the removal of asbestos from Mankin Lane. The meeting was informed that the residents of Green Lane had been told that the quarry work is due to commence shortly.
5. County Councillor’s report
There was no County Councillor’s report.
6. District Councillor’s report
Cllr. Galloway informed the meeting that Harrogate Police Station had now been listed as a Grade 2 building by English Heritage.
H.B.C. is looking at another zero increase on the budget.
GRIP and Ripon Town Council are concerned about outside agencies being approached re the development of the old Choir School site.
H.B.C. has thrown out the A61 site for possible development.
7. Treasurer’s report
Since the last meeting:-
Income - £0
Expenditure - Society of Local Council Clerks £46.00
Cllr. Laker (wine to P. Robinson) £28.94
Sidelines (Jubilee Plaque £220.80
V.H. grass cutting £114.00
V.H. grass cutting £66.00
Zurich insurance £225.00
Mazars (External audit) £60.00
Cllr. Laker informed the meeting that the audit had been returned with no comment. There would be no fee next year as the Parish Council income/expenditure is under £10 000.
8. Correspondence
8.1 A letter from G.R.I.P. was read to the meeting which explained that Cllr. Galloway could keep them informed on Littlethorpe issues. Cllr. Galloway informed the meeting that he is no longer part of G.R.I.P. It was agreed that a letter be written asking two questions.
a) As Cllr. Galloway is no longer involved, how do they suggest we communicate with them?
b) Could they let us know who is part of G.R.I.P. and what area they represent?
ACTION – Clerk
8.2 A letter had been received from H.B.C. re the Choir School. Cllr.
Galloway will follow this up at H.B.C. and the Parish Council will send a
ACTION – Cllr. Curtis
8.3 A letter from Liz Tite re the Roundabout sub-editor position was discussed. Liz said that since the writing of the letter, several people had been contacted re co-ordinating and collating Littlethorpe news but as yet
no-one has agreed to take over the position. Cllr. Curtis thanked Liz, on
behalf of the Parish Council, for doing the job for 11 ½ years.
8.4 Cllr. Curtis left the room and Cllr. Edmonstone took the chair.
A letter from Christine Curtis, Secretary of Littlethorpe Village Hall Committee re a fundraising request towards the new village hall extension, was discussed. The Parish Council supports the Village Hall Committee in this venture but decided that nearer the end of fundraising, it will look at it again. A reply would be sent.
ACTION – Clerk
8.5 Information had been received re Harrogate & District Volunteering
Oscars and it was agreed that this should be posted on the Parish Council
notice board.
ACTION - Clerk
9. Planning
Pending consideration :-
Racecourse Marina – Change of use of 28 (non-specific) existing moorings to form full residential mooring status. The Parish Council has asked whether any commuted sums monies would be realised.
Ripon Motor Boat Club – Change of use of agricultural land to form extended marina with associated excavation works. The Environment Agency originally conditioned the application in that the spoil could only be placed outside the flood plain. As the work is on the boundary of the flood plain it could have meant that the spoil would have to be moved off site. Cllr. Laker contacted the agency and they have removed this condition.
Morrisons – Erection of Class 1 superstore, 60 bed hotel, 5 office blocks (Use Class B), 3 Class B2 blocks, 1 showroom, conversion of existing Class A1 superstore to DIY store with outside garden centre with associated car parking, landscaping and alterations to vehicular access.
Land comprising Field at 429541 468743, Whitcliffe Lane, Littlethorpe - Erection of wind turbine on 24.6 m high mast (height of blade tip 34.2m). Cllr. Cutis and Cllr. Laker had visited the site and it was agreed that the Parish Council had no objections.
Permissions granted:-
Land comprising OS field 0028, Knaresborough Road – Retention of agricultural building with centrally positioned timber door in west end gable, walls clad in timber and roof painted anthracite (Alternative Scheme A).
Permissions refused:-
The Barn – Conversion and extension of garage to form additional living accommodation and erection of double garage.
10. Public Time
Richard Tite spoke about the issue of The Canal & River Trust advertising and encouraging people to text and donate money to be used for planting ash trees on Ripon Canal. He expressed his concerns over these plans. He asked if the Parish Council could arrange to meet with Jonathan Hart-Woods on site to discuss the matter. This was unanimously agreed and an email would be sent.
ACTION – Clerk
Liz Tite raised the question of the state of the ‘phone box near Ripon Motor Boat Club as it is becoming overgrown with weeds. It is expected that it be useable so it was agreed that a photo be sent to B.T. asking if something could be done.
ACTION – Clerk
11. Village Hall report
The last meeting was largely concerned with the proposed extension. A
number of decisions were made:-
• That the extension project should go ahead.
• That the quote from D. Walden offered the best choice.
• That a sum of £15,000 needed to be raised.
• That a letter to all Littlethorpe residents would go out asking for help in cash
or kind. Gift Aid would also be used.
• That a further letter to local businesses would also be sent seeking assistance.
• That financial and other support be sought from the Parish Council, St.
Michael's Church and Entertainment Committee.
• That a fund-raising Autumn Fair be held on 27th October.
Two Village Hall newsletters had been distributed - one promoting the Village Hall for letting and the other to publicise the Jubilee arrangements. The editor of Roundabout had subsequently raised concerns regarding copyright. The meeting agreed to postpone any decision on further newsletters until a meeting which involved full membership of the Committee.
Revision of the charity's constitution, embodied in a conveyance, was discussed and it was agreed to seek advice from the Charity Commission and return to this business in early 2013.
12. Serjeantson Trust
A letter from Hutchinson & Buchanan, re this trust, was discussed. The letter stated that the consensus of opinion was that the Charity should be brought to an end. The parish Council agreed that a meeting should be requested as it had questions it wanted to ask. A letter will be sent.
ACTION – Cllr. Edmonstone
13. H.B.C. new Parish Consultation arrangements
It was agreed that councillors would consider possible questions.
14. Jubilee Tree Plaque
A letter had been sent to Buckingham Palace asking if The Queen would be offended at the wording on the plaque. If she is, the plaque will be replaced at no cost to Parish council funds.
15. N.Y.C.C./H.B.C. Code of Conduct
The Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and Complaints Procedure were formally tabled.
16. Ripon City Quarry off-site enhancement fund – Littlethorpe Pinfold
It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to have work done on the pinfold early next year based on getting the funds. A quote would be sought.
ACTION – Cllr. Curtis
The Church trees are due to be pruned on 19th Sept. 2012 and the bill will be sent directly to N.Y.C.C.
17. H.B.C. enforcement – Truss Loft site, Mankin Lane and The Coach house
Following letters received from H.B.C. re these sites, and no further correspondence within 28 days having been received as promised, it was agreed that another letter be sent.
ACTION – Clerk
18. M.P.’s visit to Littlethorpe
Several people have indicated that they will be attending.
19. Commuted sums due for Ox Close Farm
It was agreed that the Parish Council should make a bid to Sean Wright for this commuted sum.
ACTION – Cllr. Laker
A letter would also be sent to the Village Hall Committee explaining that the Parish Council will be working on their behalf to obtain commuted sums.
ACTION – Clerk
It was also agreed that Sean Wright would be contacted asking what commuted sum had been allocated to Littlethorpe re The Long Meadows development.
ACTION – Cllr. Curtis
20. Provision of dog litter bins
Cllr. Laker informed the meeting that John Nicholson had been approached, by people walking their dogs along Green Lane, about the possible provision of dog litter bins. It was agreed that a bin be purchased and Cllr. Laker offered to erect it. John Nicholson has offered to empty it. As Green Lane is a private road, Cllr. Laker would speak to Paul Richardson before proceeding.
21. Localism Act – Registration of Interests
It was agreed that a link to H.B.C. on the website would provide the necessary information. Cllr. Fay informed the meeting that this was already in operation..
22. Dates of next meetings
Wednesday 21st Nov. – Parish Council meeting – Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Tuesday 22nd Jan. – Parish Council meeting – Village Hall at 7.30p.m.
Meeting closed at 10.08p.m.
Clerk: Mrs. Sandra Roberts, The Hollies, Pottery Lane, Littlethorpe, Ripon, HG4 3LW
Phone: 01765 601276