Rubric: The Global Perspective Component
Level 5Excellent / Level 4
Good / Level 3
Satisfactory / Level 2
Fair / Level 1
Demonstrates an understanding of the influences of global perspectives – such as historical, economic, political, social, and cultural forces – in the development and functioning of the world / Correct description of major influences and most subordinate influences appropriate to the topic and the course / Substantially correct description of major influences and some subordinate influences appropriate to the topic and the course / Generally correct description of major influences appropriate to the topic and the course.
Limited description of subordinate influences / Partially correct description of major influences appropriate to the topic and the course. Some errors or omissions Little or no description of subordinate influences / Limited description of major influences appropriate to the topic and the course. Major errors or omissions. No description of subordinate influences
Correctly uses methods and forms of evidence appropriate to the discipline to analyze the effects of these forces on particular countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions. / Skillful use of arguments and forms of evidence appropriate to the discipline and the problem. No obvious errors or weaknesses. / Correct use of arguments and forms of evidence appropriate to the discipline and the problem. May have a few minor errors or weaknesses. / Used arguments and forms of evidence appropriate to the discipline and the problem. Some errors or weaknesses / Poor choice of arguments and forms of evidence, and/or several significant errors in arguments and use of evidence. / Little or no use of arguments and forms of evidence, and/or many significant errors in arguments and use of evidence.
Develops an analysis that is clear and consistent. / Analysis is very clear and consistent. / Analysis is clear and consistent. / Analysis is generally clear and consistent, with minor problems / Significant number of inconsistent or unclear statements / Many inconsistent or unclear statements
Correctly uses course concepts to analyze issues / Extensive, correct use of course concepts / Frequent, correct use of course concepts / Adequate use of course concepts, with a few errors or omissions. / Limited use of course concepts. Some errors in use of concepts. / Little or no use of course concepts, and/or frequent errors in use of concepts
Critically evaluates different perspectives on issues. Uses analysis, evidence, and logic to reach a clear and defensible position. / Examines most relevant positions. Bases conclusions on a thorough, logical analysis of evidence with no factual errors. Takes a clear position. / Examines several relevant positions. Bases conclusions on a sound, logical analysis of evidence with no significant factual errors. Takes a clear position. / Examines some relevant positions. Bases conclusions on a reasonable, generally logical analysis of evidence. May have a few factual errors. Takes a fairly clear position. / Examines at least one relevant position. Analysis of evidence is incomplete or frequently illogical. Significant factual errors. Position may not be clear. / Little or no logical analysis of different perspectives and evidence, or many factual errors. Position is not clear.
Provides relevant supporting details and examples from specific countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions / Many relevant supporting details and examples from specific countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions / Significant number of relevant supporting details and examples from specific countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions / Acceptable number of relevant supporting details and examples from specific countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions. A few irrelevant details and examples. / Some relevant supporting details and examples from specific countries, cultures, and/or geographic regions. Some irrelevant details and examples. / Details and examples are either missing or mos
From Winthrop University