Brunel Conference



1 July 2004

Strength, stiffness and movement aspects are of fundamental importance in the concept, design, construction, maintenance and repair of bridges and similar structures. Yet the last in the trio i.e. the movements, due to the difficulties in predicting and estimating their nature and magnitudes, are often not well understood and catered for, to the detriment of the ensuing bridge structures. Movements, subtle and gross, arise from a variety of causes and occur throughout the life of bridges starting from the earliest construction stage.

Considerable knowledge of bridge movements and associated aspects exists in the profession. The Conference would provide a forum for engineers to discuss and highlight the crucial movements problem in bridges, consider the latest advances in understanding and technology and learn from leading engineers' and each others' experience. It is hoped that this would help to mitigate movement problems in existing bridges and minimise their occurrence in the new generation of bridges, improving their durability, performance and life prospects for the future.

Intended for:

Bridge design, construction and repair and maintenance engineers including supervisory engineers and discipline managers; manufacturers and providers of bridge materials and components; teachers, researchers and students of bridge engineering; railway, highway, infrastructure, transport and structural engineers and managers of associated sectors.


To enable engineers at various levels to have an accurate appreciation and knowledge of the treatment of movements arising from the structural form, loadings, materials, environment, time and construction method related causes. This should lead to improvement in the repair and maintenance strategies for existing bridges and in the concept, design, construction and maintenance of future bridges and similar structures.

Provisional programme:

Morning session: Principles and fundamentals

08.45 - 09.15 Registration and coffee

09.15 - 09.25 Welcome and Introduction Prof Savvas Tassou

(Brunel University)

09.25 - 09.30 Morning Chairman's opening: Mr Neil Loudon

(Highways Agency)

09.30 - 10.10 Causes and need for accommodating Prof Arvind Kumar

movements in bridges, Code requirements (Kumar Associates

and principles of bridge articulation and Brunel University)

10.10 - 10.40 Highways Agency view: Evolution of Mr Neil Loudon

bridge forms - continuity, integral and

portal bridges, modern composites, etc

10.40 - 11.00 Coffee

11.00 - 11.40 Foundation movements inc mining Prof Colin Jones

subsidence and methods of isolation (Newcastle University)

11.40 - 12.10 Bridge bearings and expansion joints Mr Charles Cocksedge

(Faber Maunsell Ltd)

12.10 - 12.50 Movements - helpful and otherwise Mr Brian Pritchard

- shock transmission units (Consultant, formerly - example cases W S Atkins & Partners)

12.50 - 13.00 Discussion and Chairman's closing Mr Neil Loudon

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Afternoon session: Prediction and designing for

movements including Case studies

14.00 - 14.10 Afternoon Chairman's opening Mr Brian Pritchard

Concrete bridges

14.10 - 14.45 Segmental and cable-stayed bridges Mr Keith Wilson

including control of movements (Faber Maunsell Ltd)

during construction

14.45 - 15.20 Case study: Cantilevering of centre Mr Martin Kirk

span and launching of the approach (Rail Link Engineering/Arup) spans for the CTRL Medway bridge

15.20 - 15.40 Tea

Steel bridges

15.40 - 16.20 Cable-stayed and suspension bridges Dr William Brown

including comments on the futuristic (Consultant, formerly Messina Bridge in Italy Freeman Fox & Partners)

16.20 - 16.40 Monitoring of the Humber Bridge Mr Christopher Brown

16.40 - 17.20 Case Study: Millennium Bridge Mr Patrick Dallard (Arup)

including its movement control Mr Michael Willford (Arup)

17.20 - 17.30 Discussion and Chairman's closing Mr Brian Pritchard

Application Form: Brunel Conference on Movements in Bridges on 1 July 2004

Venue: Lecture Centre, Theatre D, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH.

To reserve a place, please send the completed Application Form with Conference fee* (cheque payable to Brunel University) to:

c/o Mrs D Lodge

Bridge Engineering Centre

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Brunel University


Middlesex UB8 3PH

Surname:...... First Names:......

Organisation:...... Position:......

Address:...... ….

...... Post Code: ...... ….. Tel:...... Fax:......

Fee cheque enclosed: £...... Date:......

* Conference fee including coffee, buffet lunch, tea and conference notes:

£195 + VAT (Total £229.13) Applications with fee received up to 31 May 2004

£225 + VAT (Total £264.38) Applications with fee received after 31 May 2004

Booking Conditions:

i) Places will be reserved on first come first served basis.

ii) Reserved places can be reassigned to another person by prior written request.

iii) Cancellation of reserved places would incur a charge of £25 + VAT per place. Requests for cancellation received after 25 June 2004 would incur the loss of full fee.

iv) Photocopies of this form may be used for multiple applications.

v) Delegates are encouraged to use public transport. A limited number of parking permits will be available for parking at the University.

vi) All rights reserved with the University.