Illinois Power Agency
2012 Renewable Energy Credits RFP
for Ameren Illinois Company
Bidder Registration Form
Form Due Date: May 3, 2012, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidding Deadline: May 10, 2012, 2:00 pm CPT
1. The Bidder Registration Form must be filled out in its entirety and submitted via emailor faxor courier, with an authorized officer’s signature, to:
Levitan & Associates, Inc.
Attn: Sara Wilmer
100 Summer Street, Suite 3200
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 531-2818 x15 (phone)
(617) 531-2826 (fax)
2. The Pre-Bid Letter of Credit, which can be downloaded from the procurement website, must be executed and faxed or emailed to:
Sara Wilmer
Levitan & Associates, Inc.
(617) 531-2826 (fax)
(617) 531-2818 x15 (phone)
The original should be mailed to:
Timothy Moloney
Managing Supervisor
Ameren Services
1901 Chouteau Avenue, MC 960
St. Louis, MO63103
(314) 613-9139
3. The faxed / emailed versions of the documents must be received by 12:00 noon CPT on May 3, 2012. The original Pre-Bid Letter of Credit can be delivered on May 4, 2012.
Once both the Bidder Registration form and the Pre-Bid Letter of Credit have been received and accepted by the Procurement Administrator, you will be notified by email. Faxed confirmations will be available upon request.
If received components of the Bidder Registration package are not complete, you will notified of this by email, and will have until 5:00 pm CPT on May 8, 2012 to correct the deficiency.
No late Bidder Registration packages will be accepted under any circumstances.
Contact Information
(Please fill in all fields)
Legal Name of Bidding Entity:
Business Address:
Illinois Power Agency
2012 Renewable Energy Credits RFP
for Ameren Illinois Company
Bidder Registration Form
Form Due Date: May 3, 2012, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidding Deadline: May 10, 2012, 2:00 pm CPT
Bidding Entity Officer
Contact Person on Bid Day
(if different from Bidding Entity Officer)
Address to which contracts should be sent for execution if Bidding Entity is awarded energy
Business Address
Bidding Entity Officer
Contact Person on Bid Day
Email Contract to:
Bidding Entity Officer
Contact Person on Bid Day
Illinois Power Agency
2012 Renewable Energy Credits RFP
for Ameren Illinois Company
Bidder Registration Form
Form Due Date: May 3, 2012, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidding Deadline: May 10, 2012, 2:00 pm CPT
The Following Certifications Must Be Agreed to and Signed by the Officer Representing the Bidding Entity.
The undersigned is an officer of the Bidding Entity with the authority to sign contracts and bind the Bidding Entity to its bid in the Illinois Power Agency’s 2012RFP for Renewable Energy Credits for Ameren Illinois Company (“REC RFP”).
The undersigned certifies that the bid to be submitted by the Bidding Entity under the REC RFP was prepared and will be submitted independently of any bid submitted by any other bidder under the REC RFP.
The undersigned agrees that the bid(s) submitted by the Bidding Entity under the REC RFP is binding, firm and irrevocable for the product offered.
If the Bidding Entity’s bid(s) under the REC RFP is selected by the Procurement Administrator and approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Bidding Entity is obligated to execute the REC RFPRenewable Energy Credit Agreement and to supply the RECs bid for the June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013 procurement.
If the Bidding Entity’s bid(s) under the REC RFP is selected by the Procurement Administrator and approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Bidding Entity is obligated to execute a Supplier Fee Agreement and to pay the Supplier Fee within seven (7) business days of the Illinois Commerce Commission’s approval.
The Bidding Entity is providing the pre-bid letter of credit (Attachment C to the RECRFP, Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit) to be drawn on by Ameren Illinois Company in the event the Bidding Entity is selected as a winning bidder and fails to execute the applicable contract(s) within three (3) business days of being notified that the Illinois Commerce Commission has approved the winning bid(s) of the Bidding Entity.
Signature of OfficerDate
Signature and Seal of Notary PublicDate