Minutes Patient Participation Group- 7thFebruary 2017

Present: AJ ST,HW, CM, RS LT


The minutes of the meeting of Oct 2016 were read and agreed as being accurate.

CQC Inspection – The practice had a focussed re inspection 25th Jan when we had to evidence we had made the changes the CQC inspector said we ‘should’ or ‘must’ make. The inspection team seemed satisfied and will produce their re-inspection report within 6 weeks. Following the practice’s appeal against our rating- HW has volunteered to be part of the process to evaluate future inspection methods.

CM brought the meeting up to date with the staff changes in the Practice. Dr C Fisher went on maternity leave today and we have a locum GP, Dr N Chopra, who began with us on Friday The other members of staff on maternity leave have both had their babies safely this week. Many congratulations to them and their families.

Online access- CM ran through the process for online access- identification needs to be stringent as registering for online prescription ordering and booking will also allow patients access to their records. The process for children is slightly more complicated- under the age of 11 parents can register their children, between 11-16 we need confirmation form the child in person that they are happy for parents/guardians to access records and once the child is 16 they must register in their own name- We are awaiting clarification of the process for patients with learning difficulties.

We have wi-fi in the practice at Edlesborough for patients use- we also have a secure network for staff to use – this will currently be of use only to visiting staff e.g. district nurses. AJ advised we should ensure on behalf of the practice that these devices are secure and not leave that up to 3rd parties- this will be actioned. Wi-fi awaited at Pitstone- equipment delivered just awaiting installation. CM will advertise via website Facebook and posters- (RS mentioned that she finds the Facebook site useful and suggested linking it to other local sites to expand exposure.

Feedback from Northern locality meeting – AJ attended the February meeting as a patient rep from our practice- (ES went last month) their attendance is much appreciated as it means our patients views are represented-

AJ felt that the boundaries for referral were very strict- HW clarified that for consultant appointments a system called choose and book allowed patients to choose the hospital they attend and can do so on the basis of shortest waiting time or other preferences- this can however complicate their aftercare as many community services are accessible according to commissioning authority. CM outlined recent difficulties with Occupational Therapy services for our patients residing in Bedfordshire.

AJ also was interested that one surgery provided a car service for patients – there are similar schemes in Edlesborough (EDaN) and the EB Good Neighbours scheme- (- post meeting note Pitstone also have a car scheme advertised in the Pitstone Parish post )

AJ offered to go when he can as our regular patient rep- most gratefully received.

HW is coming to the end of a certificate in post graduate medical education – this means that she can have GP trainees in her own right in addition to Dr Bell- She has her first trainee from Oxford expected in August 17.


AJ enquired re provision locally for patients with Post traumatic Stress Disorder HW confirmed that Health minds have a service

All were thanked for attending:
Next meeting date set for Monday 5th June 2017 at 6pm at Edlesborough