DURATION: / 3-5 minutes / FITNESS LEVEL: / Beginner to intermediate
Component aims: To;
  1. reduce heart rate
  2. reduce risk of muscle soreness
  3. hold each stretch for 8-12 seconds for maintenance stretching
  4. hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds for development stretching (adductors, hamstrings)

Time intensity / reps / sets / Exercise
Draw diagrams for stretches and MSE exercises / Teaching points
Ref: Posture, joints & range of movement / Alternatives
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 15-30 seconds
Development stretch / Hamstring stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the hamstring, bicep femoris, semitendinosus, semi membranosus,
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Lay on back legs outstretched
  4. Bring one leg towards chest
  5. Using hand round the back of upper leg just above the knee, pull towards the chest
  6. All movements should be slow and controlled
  7. Repeat on other side
/ This can be carried out in a seated position.
To increase the stretch you can carry out the exercise with a straight leg, holding on to the calf, keeping the leg straight
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 8-12 seconds
Maintenance stretch / Quad stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the quads, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, rectus femoris, vastus intermedius
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Lay on the floor on your side, legs in straight line with your body
  4. Back straight
  5. Lift one leg (the leg which is not on the floor) bending the knee behind your body
  6. Use the other hand on the stretching leg, around the ankle to increase the stretch
  7. All movements should be slow and controlled
  8. Repeat on other side, by rolling onto other side of the body
/ To increase the stretch, pull the bent leg upwards towards the head
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Calve stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the calve, gastroncnemius
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Standing upright
  4. Feet shoulder width apart
  5. Knees soft
  6. Back straight
  7. Step onto a small step, with one foot firmly on the step
  8. The other foot shoe have the toe and ball area on the step and the arch and heel off the step
  9. Keep the supporting leg soft and the stretching leg straight
  10. Move the heel towards the floor to increase the stretch
  11. All movements should be slow and controlled
  12. Repeat on other side
/ An alternative is to this is using a exaggerated standing stance. Then bending the front leg and keeping the back leg straight. Keeping the torso straight. Keep bending the supporting leg to increase the stretch
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Tricep stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the tricep
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Standing upright
  4. Feet shoulder width apart
  5. Knees soft
  6. Back straight
  7. Lift one arm and bend the elbow, so the hand goes behind the head
  8. Use the other hand behind the head to push down on the bent arm to increase the stretch
  9. All movements should be slow and controlled
  10. Repeat on other side
/ This can be carried out in a seated position
Carry out twice and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Lower back stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the lower back, lattisimus dorsi, erector spinae
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Kneel with your knees under your hips, hip width apart
  4. Your hands should be shoulder width apart on the floor and directly under your shoulders
  5. Contract the abdominals and round the back (like a cat)
  6. Look down placing your head between your arms as you arch your back
  7. then release
  8. All movements should be slow and controlled
  9. Repeat
/ An alternative stretch to this, is to lye on your back and bring both knees to your chest. Place your hands under the backs of your knee and hold.
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Shoulder stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the shoulder, trapezius, posterior deltoid
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Standing upright
  4. Feet shoulder width apart
  5. Knees soft
  6. Back straight
  7. Lift one arm across your body
  8. Use the other hand on the stretching forearm to increase the stretch
  9. All movements should be slow and controlled
  10. Repeat on other side
/ This can be carried out in a sitting position
Carry out twice and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Chest stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the chest, pectoralis major
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Stand facing forwards feet shoulder width apart
  4. Knees soft
  5. Take both arms behind the body linking hands together
  6. Keeping the arms straight, raise the hands towards the ceiling
  7. Feeling the stretch in the shoulders and chest.
  8. The higher the arms are lifted the greater the stretch
  9. All movements should be slow and controlled
  10. Repeat
/ An alternative stretch to this is to stand in an open door way in a walking stance. Place your arms across the door posts keeping them at right angles to your shoulders. Then push against the door frame, stretching the chest
Carry out twice and hold between 15-30 seconds Development stretch / Adductor stretch /
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the inner thighs, adductors
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Sit on the floor back straight
  4. Place the soles of your feet together as close as possible and as near to your body as possible
  5. Knees should be facing way from the body
  6. Place your elbows on your knees
  7. Feeling the stretch in the inner thighs.
  8. The more your elbows push down on your knees the greater the stretch
  9. All movements should be slow and controlled
  10. Repeat
/ An alternative stretch to this is “the frog” get into a squat position, with your feet under your knees. Leaning forward placing your hands on the floor. Then again pushing your elbows against the knees to increase the stretch
Carry out twice and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Upper back
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the inner upper back, trapezius, erector spinae
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Kneel on the floor knees hip width apart
  4. Walk hand along in front of your as far as possible
  5. Until your bottom is in the air and the your head between your arms, facing the floor
  6. All movements should be slow and controlled
  7. Repeat
/ An alternative stretch to this is “the backward roll” From a sitting position roll backwards using your arms to support your hips and stop you rolling right over. Slowly lower and raise your knees towards your head
Carry out twice and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Abdominal stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the stomach, abdominals
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Lay on the floor with your hands close to your chest
  4. Push your self up onto your forearms
  5. Contracting your bottom, keeping both feet on the floor
  6. All movements should be slow and controlled
  7. Repeat
/ To increase the stretch move from your forearms to your hands
Carry out twice and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Bicep stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the front of the upper arm, biceps
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Place the palm, inner elbow and shoulder of one arm against the door way or wall
  4. Keeping your arm straight and in contact with the arm turn your body away from that arm to increase the stretch
  5. All movements should be slow and controlled
  1. Repeat
/ To increase the stretch increase the turn away from the straight arm
Carry out twice on each side and hold between 8-12 seconds Maintenance stretch / Hip extensors & gluteus maximus stretch
  1. Explain the movement and its purpose. Stretching the bottom and the hip extensors, Ilio psoas, iliacus, sartorious, gluteus maximus & gluteus medius
  2. Do not hold your breath whilst stretching, breath in and out normally
  3. Stand placing one foot behind the body shoulder width apart
  4. Step forward with the other leg
  5. Bend both knees increasing the distance between the feet until the stretch is felt
  6. Feel the stretch in the buttock and hip flexor
  7. Keeping the other leg straight and the back straight
  8. All movements should be slow and controlled
  9. Repeat on other side

F:\COLLEGE\4-M161-Donna Andrews\06.03.11-Session plan cool down stretches.doc