Report no. 44/17
A meeting of the Planning Committee was held on Wednesday 8 November 2017 in The Gardens Association Hall, School Lane, Chalfont St Giles at 8.00pm.
Present: Cllr D Bray (Chairman),Cllr Chamberlain,Cllr Lomas, Cllr Long, and the Clerk.
Public forum:
Residents from Jordans attended the meeting to discuss a plan to halve their large gardens that backed onto Long Bottom Lane. The land would be used to build one to two new properties per plot which would be accessed from Long Bottom Lane. The new properties would be three bedroom properties of the type and scale similar to others in Jordans. The letter outlining the idea had been sent to Jordans Village Limited in July but a response had not yet been received. A copy of the letter was circulated to the planning committee.
- Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18 October 2017 report 40/17: Were agreed and signed in meeting.
- Apologies for absence:Cllr Sweales.
- Declarations of Interest:None.
- Correspondence: None.
- Correspondence received after the agenda was circulated:None.
- Planning applications:
CH/2017/1597/FA / Wheel House Veterinary Centre, London Road, Chalfont St Giles,
HP8 4NL / Erection of timber outbuilding
The Parish Council object to this application because this application is for a development on greenbelt land. Also this would be seen from Riverside Walk and therefore have an adverse impact upon nature conservation.
CH/2017/1806/AV / First Floor Offices, Chalfont House, High Street, Chalfont St Giles,
HP8 4QH / One non-illuminated fascia sign and one non-illuminated notice board to front
The Parish Council have no objection to this application.
CH/2017/1851/FA / Copper Beeches, Dean Wood Road, Jordans, HP9 2UU / Single storey side extension.
The Parish Council have no objection to this application.
CH/2017/1865/FA / Stoke Wood House, Deadhearn Lane, Chalfont St Giles, HP84HG / Amendment to planning permission CH/2016/1172/FA part two storey/part first
floor rear extensions and insertion of rooflights
The Parish Council have no objection to this application.
CH/2017/1892/FA / Crantock, 10 Sycamore Road, Chalfont St Giles, HP8 4LE / Single storey side and rear extension. (Amendment to Planning Permission
The Parish Council have no objection to this application.
- Items for future agendas: None.
- Date of next meeting: Wednesday 29 November 2017 at 8.00pm
Meeting closed at 8.53pm