Regular Meeting


September 10th, 2014

11:45 am

Student Center (F) Building, Ground Floor, Forum

College of Alameda

555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway

Alameda, CA 94501-2109

Call In: 510-289-7241

Members of the public may address the Council on any item within the Council’s jurisdiction. A summary of Council rules concerning communications from the public is available from the ASCOA Secretary at the meetings. Persons addressing items included on the agenda will be heard at the time the item is considered. Persons requesting to address items or subjects which are not on this agenda will be heard under the agenda item “Communications from Members of the Public.” Assistance will be provided to those requiring accommodations for disabilities in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Interested persons must request the accommodation at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to the ASCOA President.

CALL TO ORDER: Time: _11:47 am______


President Tarundeep Singh PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Vice-President of Operations Adrien Abuyen PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Secretary (Vacant) Pr_ Ab_ Ex_,

Treasurer Omari Taylor PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Communications Officer Kristofer Stachar PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Executive Coordinator Jeramy Rolley PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

ASC.A I.C.C Rep. Sabah Khanshali PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Simi Muhammad PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Jerry Sheppard PrX_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Gabriela Flores Pr_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Estefania Simi Pr_ Ab_ Ex_,

Senator Richard Rose PrX_Ab_Ex_,

Senator Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios PrX_Ab_Ex_,


It has been moved by Jeremy, and seconded by Sabah to approve the agenda after tabling reports to the next meeting, tabling the approval of the minutes to the next meeting, and moving items number 5 before items number 2.

Vote Count: unanimous

Motion: Passes.





1.  Student Trustees’ Reports

2.  President's Reports

3.  Vice-President of Operation Reports

4.  Vice-President of Programs Reports

5.  Secretary's Reports

6.  Treasurer’s Reports

7.  Communications Officer Reports

8.  Senators' Reports

9.  Advisor’s Report

10.  Committee Reports

11.  Ad Hoc Committee Reports


(Please line-up to speak when your name is called.) This portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters not included on this agenda. A maximum of 14 minutes (2 minutes per individual maximum) will be provided for speakers under this agenda item. Requests to speak which cannot be honored within the time limit will be scheduled for subsequent meetings in the order received. Under the Brown Act, Council members are not allowed to discuss and/or take formal action at today’s meeting on items brought before them under this item. Council members are only allowed to respond briefly. Written statements can be submitted to the ASCOA Secretary for inclusion in the minutes.


1. F Building Reconstruction Funds.

Presenter: Rec. Committee Chair Jeremy Rolley

The Council shall vote to approve funds for the F building Reconstruction.

It is moved by Adrian, and seconded by Dayana to approve up to $16.30 dollars to pay the book store for USB purchase made.

Vote Count: unanimous.

Vice-President of Operations Adrien Abuyen : Yes

Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino: Yes

Treasurer Omari Taylo :Yes

Communications Officer Kristofer Stachar: Yes

Executive Coordinator Jeramy Rolley: Yes

ASC.A I.C.C Rep. Sabah Khanshali: Yes

Senator Simi Muhammad: Yes

Senator Jerry Sheppard: Yes

Senator Richard Rose: Yes

Senator Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios: Yes

Motion: Passes


1.  Region III Meeting, and funds request.

Presenter: Region III Vice-Chair Singh.

The Council shall vote to approve $225 dollars for the Region III meeting.

It is moved by Adrian, and seconded by Rose to approve $150 dollars to purchase food for the Region 3 meeting hosted by college of alameda on September 27th.

Vote Count: 8 yes’s, 0 no’s, and 2 abstentions.

Vice-President of Operations Adrien Abuyen : Yes

Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino: Yes

Treasurer Omari Taylo :Yes

Communications Officer Kristofer Stachar: Yes

Executive Coordinator Jeramy Rolley: abstain

A..SC.O.A I.C.C Rep. Sabah Khanshali: Yes

Senator Simi Muhammad: Yes

Senator Jerry Sheppard: abstain

Senator Richard Rose: Yes

Senator Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios: Yes

Motion: Passes

5.  Club and Organization Charter.

Presenter: Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino

The Council shall hear, and vote to pass the charters of clubs and organizations.

It is moved by Rolley, and Seconded by Ross to approve the Charter of Brotherhood, Book Club, Entertainment Club, Friday Success, GSA, International Club, Open gates, Volleyball men, and Volleyball Women.

Vote Count: Unanimous

Motion: Passes.

2.  Cafeteria Painting.

Presenter: Director Luis Escobar.

The Council Shall vote to approve $2,500 dollars from fund 81 for the painting and repairs of the cafeteria.

Items tabled pending more information about who can paint, and if students can paint.

3.  G.A. Fund Request.

Presenter: President Tarundeep Singh

The Council shall vote to pass the fund request for the general assembly.

Item Tabled pending more information, and until the special meeting on Friday September 12th at 2:00pm.

4.  Rectify Pit Cost.

Presenter: Director Luis.

The Council shall vote to rectify the pit reconstruction costs.

It is moved by Rolley and seconded by Adrian to ratify $9,901.30 for the Pit/Forum reconstruction from fund 81.

Vote Count: unanimous.

Vice-President of Operations Adrien Abuyen : Yes

Vice-President of Programs Dayana Merino: Yes

Treasurer Omari Taylo :Yes

Communications Officer Kristofer Stachar: Yes

Executive Coordinator Jeramy Rolley: Yes

ASC.A I.C.C Rep. Sabah Khanshali: Yes

Senator Simi Muhammad: Yes

Senator Jerry Sheppard: Yes

Senator Richard Rose: Yes

Senator Jonathan Rodriguez-Palacios: Yes

Motion: Passes

6. Monthly Reports.

Presenter: Vice-President of Operation Adrien Abuyen

The Council shall hear the list of members that have turned in Monthly Reports.

Adrian: Please turn in monthly reports for those members of the senate that have not. Thank You


1.  Campus Committee Appointments/ Office Hours.

Presenter: President Tarundeep Singh

The Council shall be informed about Campus Committee Appointments and Office Hours


2. Club Rush Update.

Presenter: Vice-President Dayana Merino

The Council shall hear an update on club rush.

Dayana: Club rush is on September 17th, and we are working hard to get prepared. I ask that people please sign up to help set up and clean up.

3. Constitution day Updates.

Presenter: President Tarundeep Singh

The council shall here an update on Constitution day.

Singh: Club rush is on September 17th, and we are working hard to get prepared. I ask that people please sign up to help us table, and remember to register to vote.

4. Event Dates.

Presenter: Vice-President of Operation Adrien Abuyen.

The Council shall receive the updated dates of all fall 2014 events.

Adrian: I will email everyone the dates for the upcoming events.