Advisory Lesson on Lateness PSA 1

Learning Goals:

  • Students will understand school wide behavioral expectations.
  • Students will begin to build teamwork with their advisory through activities.
  • Students will understand how lateness affects the whole school community.


Teacher need to provide 1 student with

Poster paper


Journal prompt: Students explain what the following quote means“He that arises late, must run all day!”

Discussion- Ask studentswhat the above quote mean to them? Ask students how they feel when they are running late? What makes them late? Was there ever a time when you were late and regretted it?

Role play- what happens when students are late for class

1. Teacher facilitates role-play by asking for a 5 volunteers to go out the room.

Give each student a role card- the victim (who wants to vocally blame everyone for being late including bus driver), the mayor (who says hello and kisses everyone), the complainer (student who comes in late and want every explained) and the eater (student with Snacks) and the gossip.

2. Teacher instructs volunteers to knock on the door and come back in at different times, about 30 seconds apart.

3 Meanwhile teachersare continuing to have a discussion on the quote or any interesting topic. The point is between the interruptions the class can’t have a discussion.

After Role play processing questions

  1. Who is affected by student lateness?
  2. How lateness impact everyone?
  3. Teacher explains to students explicitly that if they arrive at class after 8:20 they are late for school. 8:20 means 8:20!
  4. Why do you think Brooklyn prep is enforcing this policy?
  5. Discuss with students what will


1. Students reflect in their journals What does or could keep them from being on time to school. How could they avoid or prevent these things so that they could be on time.

2. Ask for volunteers to share

Advisory Lesson on Lateness PSA 2

Learning Goals:

  • Students will understand school wide behavioral expectations.
  • Students will begin to build teamwork with their advisory through activities.
  • Students will understand how lateness affects the whole school community.


Poster paper





Students create posters about being on time for school using the following prompts:

8:20 means 8:20!


As a class decide on the 2 best posters to be entered into the Grade Team competition, Winners will receive a prize.