Why is the NMC introducingrevalidation?

The NMC is introducing revalidation from April 2016 to:

  • Raise awareness of the Code and professional standards expected of nurses and midwives;
  • Provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the role of the Code in your practice as a nurse or midwife and demonstrate that you are “living” these standards;
  • Encourage you to stay up to date in your professional practice by developing new skills and understanding the changing needs of the public and fellow healthcare professionals;
  • Encourage a culture of sharing, reflection and improvement;
  • Encourage you to engage in professional networks and discussions about your practice;
  • Strengthen public confidence in the nursing and midwifery professions.

What does revalidation involve?

In order to revalidate the NMC requires you to fulfil a number of requirements in each three-year registration period:

  • 450 practice hours over three years (or 900 hours if you have a dual registration as a midwife and a nurse)
  • 35 hours CPD including 20 hours participatory learning
  • A minimum of five pieces of practice-related feedback
  • A minimum of five written reflective accounts on your CPD, and/or practice-related feedback, and/or an event or experience in your own professional practice and how this relates to the Code
  • A reflective discussion with another NMC registrant covering your five written reflective accounts
  • Health and character declaration
  • Declaration that you have a profession indemnity arrangement
  • A third-party confirmation that you have complied with the revalidation requirements

You will be required to submit an application to revalidate before you can renew your registration at the end of your current three-year registration period. The application must be submitted by the first day of the month in which your registration expires.

You can find out more about the revalidation process in the NMC’s guidance how to revalidate with the NMC

What sort of activities count as continuing professional development?

The NMC does not prescribe any particular activity to count towards your CPD requirement. However, it should be relevant to your current scope of practice as a nurse or midwife, so mandatory training that is not directly related to your practice (such as fire or health and safety training) should not be included.

The NMC has issued guidance on the types of activities you can undertake.

What is participatory learning?

Your 35 hours of CPD should include at least 20 hours of participatory learning activity. Participatory learning is taken with one or more professionals (these do not have to be health professionals) or in a larger group setting. The activity can take place in a physical environment such as a study group or conference, or a virtual environment such as an online discussion group.

Some CPD activities may include both individual and participatory learning. For example, you might undertake some online learning then get together with some colleagues to discuss how this might be used to improve practice in your work setting. In this case you should state the total hours of the activity and how many of these were participatory.

The NMC’s guidance on CPD activities also clarifies whether the examples on its list are individual or participatory

How will I demonstrate I have met my revalidation requirements?

The NMC will ask you to make a declaration in your application to revalidate, stating that you have demonstrated to an appropriate confirmer that you have complied with the revalidation requirements. This involves having a discussion with your confirmer about your revalidation, in which you demonstrate that you have met all the revalidation requirements except the Professional indemnity arrangement, and the Health and character declaration; you will make these declarations when you submit your application. The NMC recommends you obtain confirmation in final 12 months of your registration.

Who should my confirmer be?

The NMC strongly recommends that you obtain confirmation from your line manager, even if your manager is not an NMC-registered nurse or midwife HOWEVER, within the NHSCT your confirmer MUST be an NMC registrant. If you have more than one line manager you only need to obtain one confirmation – you will need to decide which is the most appropriate to provide confirmation that you have meet your revalidation requirements.

If you do not have a line manager you need to decide who is best-placed to provide your confirmation. Wherever possible the NMC recommends this confirmer is an NMC-registered nurse or midwife; it is also helpful if the confirmer has worked with you or has a similar scope of practice.

Do I have to keep a revalidation portfolio?

The NMC strongly recommends that you use a portfolio to keep evidence that you have met your revalidation requirements; this does not necessarily have to be an e-portfolio. If you already have a professional portfolio you can use this to store your revalidation evidence.

Your portfolio can be helpful in your discussion with your confirmer, and to store information you will need if the NMC selects you to verify the declarations on your application to revalidate.

The NMC has produced a checklist of the information you should have in your portfolio before you have your confirmation discussion or submit your revalidation application.

If you do keep an e-portfolio you should not store evidence of your reflective discussion or your confirmation here; these should be stored on paper.

How do I submit my application to revalidate to the NMC?

You will need to submit your application to revalidate through NMC Online. If you haven’t registered with NMC Online you can do so here. If you need help you can follow the NMC step by step guidance

How will I know when I am due to revalidate?

Your revalidation application must be submitted by the first day of the month of your registration renewal date, which you can on NMC Online. The NMC will notify you at least 60 days before your application is due, either by email if you have registered with NMC Online, or by letter to your registered address.

Your online application opens 60 days before your revalidation application date. You will need to log in to your application via NMC online and address each of the revalidation requirements during this 60-day period; you do not have to complete the application in a single session – you can save your work to return to later. For details of the application process click here (page 31).

What happens if I don’t revalidate?

If you don’t submit your revalidation application in time your registration will lapse. If you want to return to the register you will need to apply for readmission; this process may take up to six weeks. If your registration lapses you are no longer a registered nurse or midwife. This means it is an offence to practise as a nurse or midwife, or to mislead people into thinking you are on the register.

If you submit your revalidation application in time but it is refused because you have failed to meet your revalidation requirements, you can appeal this decision within 28 days of the date on your decision letter. Details of how to appeal can be found here (page 39).

How will the NMC verify revalidations?

Every year the NMC will select a sample of nurses and midwives to provide further information to verify that the declarations they made on their revalidation application. If you are selected this does not necessarily mean there are any concerns about your application, and you can continue to practise while the NMC reviews the information you provide. For more information on verification click here (page 35/36).

I no longer work clinically; will I be able to maintain my registration?

You have to demonstrate 450 hours of practice. These hours are whatever your scope practice is, for example if you’re working full-time in academia then they are your practice hours. If you are released currently on trade union activities within your organisation, then they are your practice hours.

You will be able to use evidence of your role to still meet the revalidation requirements. However if you also are required to work clinically as part of this role or wish to do so in the future then both components need to be clarified and accounted for in your practice hours. For example if you work clinically once a week, or a few times a month you can evidence this with a copy of your clinical rota this combined with your other role will be sufficient to meet practice hours.