Guidance for
Tracking Pupil Progress Grids
(adapted from DfES Pupil Tracker)
These spreadsheets were initially developed by the Intensifying Support Programme as part of the Primary National Strategy. The Lancashire Mathematics Team have adapted the sheets to show the percentage of pupils on track for each term.
The purpose of the grids is to engage colleagues across the whole school in a professional dialogue about pupil progress, groupings, expectations and appropriate use of interventions. They should be used alongside your Raise Online/PAT data, your knowledge of the individual children and the context of the school, to establish judgements based on prior attainment and national expectations. It is also important to note possible factors for any under performance, such as a child’s acquisition of English, SEN or their attendance and take this into account when planning appropriate intervention programmes or setting realistic expectations.
For the Autumn Term column please use the child’s results from the end of the previous year’s assessments, e.g. optional tests. Please note, the approximate end of Year 1 National Curriculum expectations are detailed at the start of Year 2. Teachers/practitioners should note individual achievements and areas for development from Foundation Stage profiles to ensure a smooth transition from Foundation Stage into year 1.
It is recommended to include the child’s KS1 level (not average points score) as this can:
-inform the discussion on pupil progress
-identify progress towards KS1 to KS2 conversion rates.
Instructions for the completion of the grids:
1. Enter each child’s name in each cell and then total the number of pupils for each of the National Curriculum levels upper (a), secure (b) and lower (c) and type this number into the relevant box in the grid. NB You can enter more than one child’s name into the cell if the number of children exceeds the number of cells.
2. The total cohort size and percentage on track to achieve Level 4 and Level 5 at the end of KS2 will automatically appear at the top of the grid for each term. At the start of the year it will also show the percentage of children who could potentially achieve a Level 4 with accelerated progress i.e. intervention.
3. The central column is for recording each child’s mid-year progress. This should be based on ongoing Teacher Assessments.
4. The final column is for reporting end of year assessments which will be based on teacher assessments and optional tests/end of Key Stage assessments.
Lancashire Mathematics Team 11.9.07