Graduate Student Senate

General Assembly Meeting



I.  Call to Order- 6:00 pm

a.  Approval of Agenda and Minutes (~1 min)

II.  Introduction of Senators (~2 min)

III.  2:2:2 (2 senators: 2 departments: 2 minutes)

a.  Lee LaFond –Psychological and Quantitative Foundations, Educational Measurement Program

b.  Sarah Hangel, BioChemistry

IV.  Information from the Deans

V.  Guest Speakers

a.  Ombudsperson

i.  Cynthia Joyce

1.  Able to confidentially assist with any situation at the University not covered by collective bargaining

2.  Project in collaboration with dealing with individuals accused of violating a university rule.

3.  Annual Report 2011-2012


b.  40% graduate students that sought out the Ombudsperson cited advisor-student conflict

c.  19% sought assistance regarding Services and Administration—concern about a decision the University made

d.  14% sought assistance regarding Academic Progression

e.  10% Sought assistance regarding peer conflict

b.  COGS – Jason Wissler

i.  Contract Negotiation

1.  5% increase in wages in each of the next two years

2.  Bring dependent health insurance costs down to 10% of premium (to the same rate as single individuals)

3.  Proposing 100% tuition coverage in all departments and programs

4.  Bargain with Board of Regents regarding mandatory fees.

5.  Board of Regents Proposal released W401 Pappajohn Business Building, 5pm, Thursday, November 15

VI.  Executive Reports

a.  President’s Report – Kimberly Hoppe**

i.  Peer Review Workshop

ii. Graduate Student Commons Survey

1.  224 completed (of 5100 graduate students)

a.  Most respondents PhD students

2.  Availability of department graduate student commons varies by department

3.  General Discussion

a.  History department identified a need for a central graduate commons for history students

b.  Centralized location for graduate students to interact regardless of discipline

c.  A need for GSS to have a dedicated place

d.  Graduate Commons / Resource center

i.  E.g., place to practice presentations etc

e.  Timeline to completion is yet to be determined. Moving forward based on support of graduate students.

b.  Vice President’s Report – Elizabeth Deifell

c.  Treasurer’s Report – Jordan Yanke

d.  Membership Officer’s Report – Katie Kidwell

e.  Parliamentarian’s Report – Andrew Juhl

f.  Graduate Council Report – Azar Eslam Panah, Kimberly Hoppe, James Skretta, Lindsey Thomas

g.  Graduate Student Organizations Liaison – Brian Fahey

h.  ECGPS Delegate Report – Tiara Perez, Kimberly Hoppe

i.  DGSAC Chair Report – James Skretta

j.  Webmaster Report – James Skretta

VII.  Committee Reports

a.  Academic Mentoring Committee – Hayley McLoughlin

b.  Computer Resources Committee – Sam Trammel

c.  International Student Committee – Amr El-Bokl

d.  Jakobsen Conference Committee – Sindhura Anamali, Samantha Shune, Shaun Wilkinson

e.  Jakobsen Conference Review Committee – James Skretta

f.  Legislative Committee –

g.  Service & Social Committee – Andrew Juhl, Sheri Martin

h.  Travel Funds Committee – Lindsey Thomas, Gabriela Hamerlinck**

VIII.  Announcements

IX.  Open Discussion

a.  Lindsey Thomas: Travel Funds Tomorrow night! Please Volunteer

b.  Andrew Juhl:

i.  Penny Wars up and running. Wish for more change recepticals around campus. Aiming for $400-500 this year (about $300 last year).

ii. Social and Service Committee meeting Thursday, 5pm at Joe’s Place.

X.  Adjournment

**Reports Included

I.  Call to Order- 6:00 pm

a.  Approval of Agenda and Minutes (~1 min)

II.  Introduction of Senators (~2 min)

III.  2:2:2 (2 senators: 2 departments: 2 minutes)

IV.  Information from the Deans

V.  Guest Speakers

a.  Ombudsperson

b.  COGS

VI.  Executive Reports

a.  President’s Report – Kimberly Hoppe

i.  Grant Peer Review Group, starting a workshop to peer review grant proposals. The idea is to have 2 more formal workshops hosted by Jennifer Teitle and Karen Wachsmuth and from these workshops create more informal student led groups. Workshops would likely be in Jan and May. Like to increase student grant culture at the University.

ii. Voting at meetings(ECGPS and Grad Council) voting often occurs prior to discussion at general assembly or exec council meetings. I have struggled with this and did not feel right voting if I was unable to discuss with all senators. However, I have discussed with other member governments and as elected positions (all delegates on said councils) it is our job to speak and vote on behalf of other members. Thoughts? When possible I would always like to discuss any and all voting with assembly, but this instances do occur and I do not think it is right to just abstain from all voting

iii.  Video, the 2GSS videos will begin production next semester

iv.  Graduate Student Commons Survey

b.  Vice President’s Report – Elizabeth Deifell

Nothing to report at this time.

c.  Treasurer’s Report – Jordan Yanke

Nothing to report at this time.

d.  Membership Officer’s Report – Katie Kidwell

Nothing to report at this time.

e.  Parliamentarian’s Report – Andrew Juhl

Nothing to report at this time.

f.  Graduate Council Report – Azar Eslam Panah, Kimberly Hoppe, James Skretta, Lindsey Thomas –

i.  Please see minutes at

g.  Graduate Student Organizations Liaison – Brian Fahey

Nothing to report at this time.

h.  ECGPS Delegate Report – Tiara Perez, Kimberly Hoppe

i.  Inform your member government about theUICHR Resolutionthat you all passed - here is the link to the electronic petition:

ii. Philanthropy involvement:Let Emma knowif you want to set up a time for your college's University of Iowa Foundation officer to present to your member government about how charitable giving has impacted your college and what your college can do to improve awareness.PLEASE DO THIS!

iii.  Graduate Global Health Symposium - Nov. 7th from 4pm to 6pm at the College of Public HealthSPREAD THE WORD!

iv.  The College of Pharmacy was not at the meeting and I forgot to read this to you all, please let Luke know if you are interested:The College of Pharmacy is going to be participating on in anScript Your Futurecompetition through out the month of February.Script Your Future is anational campaign to raise awareness aboutproper medication use and adherence.We look to hold a variety of events such health fairs and counseling sessions for the project.We are also looking for collaborators from other colleges. Please contact Luke () if you would be interested

i.  DGSAC Chair Report – James Skretta

Nothing to report at this time.

j.  Webmaster Report – James Skretta

Nothing to report at this time

VII.  Committee Reports

a.  Academic Mentoring Committee – Hayley McLoughlin

Nothing to report at this time.

b.  Computer Resources Committee – Sam Trammel

Nothing to report at this time.

c.  International Student Committee – Amr El-Bokl

Nothing to report at this time.

d.  Jakobsen Conference Committee – Sindhura Anamali, Samantha Shune, Shaun Wilkinson

i.  The Website is currently being updated. It will be open for submissions at the beginning of January (tentatively scheduled for January 4th). Stayed tuned!

ii. We are still looking for submissions to the contest for the publicity artwork. An announcement has been sent over to the art department, but thus far we have no entries. The winning piece will be used on all publicity materials and the program. The winning artist will also receive a gift card to a local business.

  1. Sponsorship and donations through November and December, trying to reach out to local businesses for support. If anyone has any ideas for places that would be good to approach, feel free to contact Shaun.

e.  Jakobsen Conference Review Committee – James Skretta

Nothing to report at this time.

f.  Legislative Committee –

Nothing to report at this time.

g.  Service & Social Committee – Andrew Juhl, Sheri Martin

Nothing to report at this time.

h.  Travel Funds Committee – Lindsey Thomas, Gabriela Hamerlinck

The next review session is TOMORROW (Tuesday, November 13)at 5:15 PM in N186LC (computer lab in North Lindquist Center).The remaining GSS Travel Funds deadlines for the 2012 fiscal year are on Thursdays, 11:59 PM, as follows: January 24, March 28, May 23; July 18 is the first deadline for FY2013.

VIII.  Announcements

a.  Stanley Informational Workshop, Tuesday, November 13 from 12:30-1:30 pm in the International Commons, UCC 1117

b.  Speakeasy for Stanley Information Workshop, Tuesday November 13, 7-9pm at Sanctuary Pub

c.  University of Iowa Graduate College 2012 Outstanding Mentor Award Ceremony and Reception Tuesday, November 27, 2012 4:30-6:00 pm. Levitt Center for University Achievement

d.  Like GSS on facebook!

e.  Jakobsen Conference April 6th 2013

f.  Any additional Announcements

i.  please e-mail announcements from your departments or other groups to the executive associate, Bryan Brown, prior to meetings

IX.  Open Discussion

a.  Opened by chair- closed by motion with second approval by senate

X.  Adjournment

2012-2013 Graduate Student Senate

Roster of Elected Positions

Executive Officers:

President Kimberly Hoppe

Vice President Elizabeth Deifell

Treasurer Jordan Yanke

Executive Associate Bryan Brown

Membership Officer Katie Kidwell

Parliamentarian Andrew Juhl

ECGPS Delegates Kimberly Hoppe kimberly-hoppe

Tiara Perez

Elizabeth Deifell (alt)

Graduate Council Kimberly Hoppe kimberly-hoppe Azar Eslam Panah Lindsey Thomas

James Skretta

Webmaster James Skretta

Roster of Appointed Positions

Committee Chairs:

Academic Mentoring Committee Hayley McLoughlin

Computer Resources Committee Sam Trammel

International Student Committee Amr El-Bokl

Jakobsen Conference Committee Samantha Shune

Shaun Wilkinson

Sindhura Anamali

Jakobsen Conference Review James Skretta

Legislative Committee OPEN

Service & Social Committee Andrew Juhl

Sheri Martin

Travel Funds Committee Lindsey Thomas

Additional GSS Representatives:

Dean’s Graduate Student Advisory James Skretta

Committee (DGSAC)

Graduate Student Organizations Liaison Brian Fahey

GPAC Benjamin Gillig