Bantwane Youth Initiative

Non-Profit Organization

Registration No.: 107-040-NPO

ENQ: Miss Bonolo Mashilo

Cell: 076075 7731

TO:Whom it may concern

Dear Sir/Madam


BYI has recently been invited to give words of encouragement at a local high school’s matric (grade 12) farewell function (last year 2015). After the event one of our members Miss Bonolo Mashilo had a one on one session with the girls to discuss some of the life issues they face that affects their studies. Amongst the issues discussed it was realised that some of these girl resort to using newspapers, tissues and folded up fabrics as Sanitary Towels.

A blind eye cannot be turned from the discovery of the flourishing number of school girls, especially in rural areas, who lack sanitary towels having no choice but to make it a norm to use folded fabrics, tissues and newspapers. This unfortunate norm puts them at a huge risk of infections. When Miss Bonolo Mashilo (Member of Bantwane Youth Initiative) concluded a motivational speech at a matric farewell last year at one of the high school in Ntwane (Dennilton), a one on one session with young girls surfaced the truth. The issue that was said to affect their studies was heart wrenching. No girl should be expected to accept the pain and embarrassment created by an unavoidable blood stain because of her circumstances. No girl should feel the urge to sacrifice a week’s worth of education due to a lack of protection and certainly no girl should have the value of their education slowly deplete because they cannot afford a pad.

As a community organisation (see a brief about BYI below) it has struck our hearts that this experience could negatively really affect any girl to concentrate and produce good or rather excellent results with a wet, uncomfortable news-paper in between their legs. This bad and heart-tearing experience could not only cause infection to these girls’ private parts, but it could also result in a very serious and expensive medical attention that the girls might have to face as a result of this.

It is because of the above mentioned issue that the Bantwane Youth Initiative Reg 107-040 NPO, have come up with a Pad-A-Girl campaign. This is a campaign aiming at raising as many sanitary pads as possible so that we can donate to the school girls at our surrounding schools. We have come to an imagination trying to stop a heavy flow with a tissue and a piece of cloth to stop heavy flowing blood and this could not sit well in our souls.These are the kind of things that will see these girls missing very important classes and worse make them loose their self-esteem.

We are kindly requesting help from any willing individual or organisation by way of donating towards this#Pad-A-Girl campaign. Kindly donate any brand of Sanitary Towels and help us put an end to this by padding our little sisters.

To donate by cash kindly email for banking details. For an arrangement to drop-off your donation or for collection of your donation, kindly contact Miss Bonolo Mashilo, 076 075 7731 or Chaane Pres Mathabathe, 074 872 0553. Alternatively you can contact me (Seswai Mathabathe) @ +27 76913 3405 / +27 61895 3211, email: or

Thanking you in advance for your precious donations and for your contribution to help #Pad-A-Girl.

Yours truly;

Bantwane Youth Initiative


Bantwane Youth Initiative is a Non-Profit Organization with Registration No.: 107-040-NPO,

About the BYI:

Bantwane Youth Initiative (BYI) is a non-profit organisation that seeks to create collaborative framework to enable youth to contribute to the uplifting of their communities. The Organisation prides itself in assisting young people get admission to universities, colleges and other educational programmes.

BYI was founded in 2010 by a group of young professionals from Moutse East in Dennilton, Limpopo who could no longer bear seeing students roaming around their village beyond matric completion. The organisation is run and managed by same group of concerned academics who managed to escape the hardship of the current situation and willing to plough back into the community.

The organisation was formerly registered as a Non-Profit Organisation with the Department of Social Development in 2012.


Our vision as BYI is to deepen the spirit of education to the community youth and bridge the gap of uninformed academic and career choices/decisions.

Let your life be a statement, let it communicate a message of HOPE to those who look on for inspiration and motivation, let them see in you that there’s still much good in this world. Such is the responsibility that comes with the blessings that we receive from God to return such selfless kindness. Furthermore, as we grow, let’s also move our families forward. Let’s all be sons and daughters for which our families can be proud and let their pride rest on our shoulders both as an accolade and as a responsibility to protect.

Go on and be the best you already are, let it out.

See more about BYI at:

Formal BYI Communication