/ Form 000.653.F0150
Hazard Inspection Checklist

The following is an outline list only and does not cover all hazards.

1. Floors and Passageways / 3. Electrical Equipment
In good state of repair / Frayed and worn wires/flex
Cleanliness / Areas of likely shorting
Nonslip surface / Secure fittings
Elimination of unnecessary steps or irregularities of surface / Flex protection when crossing traffic ways
No obstructions / Safety switches
Cleaning system / Defect reporting system
Protection of danger areas – grating, floor plate, or guardrail removed / Marking of major power cutoff switches
Adequate sign posting / Operator inspection system
Traffic direction facilities / Supply of “Out of Order” signs
Lighting / Cabinets locked; clear access
Observation of movement regulations / Warning system when current in use
Traffic congestion / Correct color code usage
No materials stored in passageways / Incorrect use of fittings and adapters
2. Stacked Material / Cleanliness of fittings
Sufficient switches
Height of manual loading areas / Correct fire extinguisher to electrical boxes
Solid base / 4. Harmful and Flammable
Stack securely
Accessibility / Clear labeling
Even stack ends / Use of correct color code
Methodical work / First-aid spray available
Manual handling procedures / Adequate ventilation/air passage
Flammable and dangerous materials stored correctly and properly identified / Provision of safety equipment, including fire, lifting, and protective clothing
Containers for leakage / Clear warning systems
Safety in stack height / Safe handling/pouring systems
Obstruction to operation / Flammable materials stored in correct cabinets or storage room
Fire sprinkler system not obstructed (18-inch [45.7-centimeter] clearance) / Storage safety (such as acids are not to be above waist level)
4. Harmful and Flammable (cont’d) / Rotating wheel and the need for protection
Exhaust systems for removal of dust, fumes, irritants, etc. / No possibility of accidental starting of machinery
Stable temperature and area(s) not subject to extremes of temperature / HSE systems before lubricating, cleaning, or maintenance
5. Fire Equipment / Use of danger tags
Inspection of check sheets
Quantity – is there enough? / Shift work HSE boards
Location / Operating procedures
Accessibility / Periodic maintenance/records
Correct classification / 8. Equipment and Tools
Correct color code
Ease of identification / Complete with attachment(s)
Regular maintenance/refilling / Correct type being used
No smoking signs / Adequate maintenance/records
Need for fire drills / Safe working order
6. Lighting Conditions / Being used correctly
9. Vehicle Movement
Sufficient illumination
Glare elimination / Traffic plan
Clean light fittings/windows / Speed limits – observed
Regular lighting maintenance / Blind corners
7. Machinery / Driver efficiency and testing
Safe driving conditions or practices
Rollers and running nip points are protected / Loading/unloading area(s) marked
Guarding conveyor feed areas, shafting / Reversing lights on mobile equipment

Note: This form is referenced in Practice 000.653.1305.

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Form Date: 01Feb2010 / Page 2 of 2 / Health, Safety, and Environmental