NAIA-ATA Al Ortolani Athletic Training Undergraduate Scholarship

Scholarship for NAIA students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in athletic training or related field

Description: The $500 scholarship is named for the late Al Ortolani, head athletic trainer at Pittsburg State University from 1955 to 1995, and is awarded to NAIA junior students who are studying athletic training or a related field.


1. Must be a student at an NAIA member institution employing a full-time NATA-certified athletic trainer.

2. Must be enrolled in a program leading to a bachelor’s degree.

3. Must have completed the required number of credits for at least junior standing at the time of application (June 15.)

4. Must have a GPA of 3.00 or above in his/her major field and submit an official transcript indicating his/her GPA through the most recently completed school term.

5. Must have worked as a student trainer for a period of at least one year at the college level.

6. Must be endorsed by a certified athletic trainer who is a current member in good standing of the NAIA-ATA and the National Athletic Trainers Association.

7. Must be the intent of the applicant to pursue the profession of athletic training or related field as his/her primary vocation.

Required Application Materials

1. Official nomination form.

2. Current high resolution photo.

3. Official transcript for most recently completed school term.

4. Two letters of recommendation from individuals who would best be able to judge the applicant’s qualities and abilities in the areas of academics and athletic training.

Application Procedure

1. Any NAIA student who meets the criteria may forward the required application materials to the NAIA National Office by July 15.


1. The NAIA National Office will forward the applications toNAIA-Athletic Trainers Association Scholarship Committee.

2. After selection is made, the National Office officially notifies the national winner a week before NAIA National Awards Day in September.


The national scholarship recipient is announced publically during NAIA National Awards Day in September and will be presented with a certificate and recognized at the annual meeting of the NAIA-ATA.

Question Contact: Kristen Gillette, Email: Phone: 816-595-8000

National Application Form 1

Complete nomination includes:

This official nomination form (2 pages)


Current high resolution photo

Two letters of recommendation

Name: / Date:
Pronunciation of Student's Name:
School Address: / City State Zip:
Email: / Cell phone:
Undergraduate Major(s): / Year in college:
Home Address: / City State Zip:
Nominator: / Nominator’s Email:

Educational Information:

Undergraduate College/University:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:
High School:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:

Fields will expand as answers are entered. Please answer each question to accurately describe yourself.

1. Describe the individuals and factors which influenced your decision to enter the field of athletic training:

2. Describe your past involvement in athletic training. Include sports, teams, or areas where you have been involved in the practice of athletic training. List honors or awards you have received:

3. Describe your involvement in community organizations or associations unrelated to athletic training:

4. Describe your professional goals:

National Application Form2

Certified Athletic Trainer Recommendation

To be completed by an NATA certified athletic trainer

Student’s Name:
Last / First / Middle
1. Rating / OutstandingTop 5-10% / ExcellentTop 25% / GoodTop 40% / Unable toJudge
Acceptance of responsibility
Judgment/common sense
Ability to work with/relate to others
Ability to communicate
Earnestness about career in athletic training
Academic achievement & progress

2. Statement supporting rating(Field will expand as answer is entered.

Please make a statement in support of your rating of the applicant. Please note any particular strengths.:

3. NATA-Certified Athletic Trainer

Certification Number: / NATA Member Number

NAIA National Office • 1200 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106 • 816.595.8000 • NAIA-ATA Al Ortolani Athletic Training Undergraduate Scholarship