Year End Report 2014
Eugene & Joy Greco in Spain
Here are a few highlights from 2014.
- FEBRUARY. United Week of Prayer. Our church once again hosted one of the meetings for the Málaga Churches´ United Week Of Prayer.
- MARCH. 6th Anniversary of Centro Cristiano, the local church we pastor here in Alhaurín de la Torre, Spain. Coincided with a visit from some of our pastors from Portland- Steve and Beth Cole and Walter Madison. (see photo)
- APRIL. Resurrection Sunday- Holy Week in Málaga. We were part of the team directing the music and leading worship for what has become an annual city-wide event for all the Evangelical Churches of Málaga. (see photos)
- APRIL/MAY. Trip to the USA. We traveled first to Portland for two action-packed weeks with our church family. It was a time to renew contact with our support team/intercessors and also happened to coincide with some prophetic meetings in our church. What an encouragement we received as the word of the Lord came to us! Time was later spent also in upstate New York attending an MFI regional leadership gathering and visiting Eugene´s family. Our stateside trip ended in NYC/Long Island/NJ where we spent time with our son Daniel (see photo) and also visiting with supporters.
- JUNE/JULY. English Camp. We held our second annual English Camp. It was a two-week day camp designed for children ages 5-16 and we had 35 kids in attendance, 3/4 of them from non-Christian families in our town. We were joined by a team from New York and a couple from Salem, OR, as well as our own Annika and Daniel. Preceding the camp we were blessed with a benefit concert put on by Daniel and two of his very talented friends, all professional musicians from NY City. (more later, see photos)
- SUMMER. Annika and Daniel´s visit.What a joy to have both our kids together with us this past summer! Daniel did some singing at a resort on the Costa del Sol. Annika rested up before launching into her master´s program in Sweden.
- JULY. Hip-Hop Dance workshop for youth. The daughter and son-in-law of one of our missionary families in the church were visiting this summer and offered to put on a workshop and prepared a dance number which the kids performed at an outreach in town.
- AUGUST. Encouraging pastors. We spent some time with some long time pastor friends who have ministered in the province of Cádiz for many years. Recently they went through a rough time with a church-split. We spent a few important days with them and also met with the group that remained bringing some refreshing as we worshipped and prayed together.
- OCTOBER. Jenna´s passing. Jenna, the 23 year old daughter of a precious missionary family who are part of our church lost her battle with cancer on Oct. 19. We have been walking through this difficult season together as a congregation.
- OCTOBER. Naiberia Conference. We were part of a steering committee for a first-annual gathering held here in Málaga in October. Naiberia is for missionaries and leaders who are working in the Muslim world. We headed up the worship, which included worship in English, Spanish and Arabic. About 90 were in attendance receiving encouragement and times of refreshing while building relationships with others who are working in this difficult field.
- NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. United CHOIR of Málaga churches. Rehearsals began for a united choir and band from the churches of Málaga. Eugene is part of a team of leaders to launch this ongoing ministry that will perform at regional events throughout the year.
- NOVEMBER. Special Reconciliation Meeting of Málaga pastors and leaders. A meeting was held on Nov. 24 that was a huge step forward in an effort to put past wounds behind (and there are many) and work together in unity between churches here in the Málaga area. It was a powerful step forward as forgiveness and reconciliation was flowing as leaders came to repent and humble themselves and pray according to 2 Chr. 7:14.
- DECEMBER. Annual Church Christmas Celebration. On Dec. 21 we had our annual Christmas celebration to a packed-out crowd. It is our highest-attended meeting of the year. It was anevening of music, dance and drama with a good dose of congregational singing of some of the traditional Christmas hymns. There were many visitors present who were very touched by what they experienced. (see photos)
- DECEMBER. Sweden. We celebrated Christmas together with our children in Sweden this year. While there we had the opportunity to sing and minister together as a family in a local church outreach.
6th Anniversary of Centro Cristiano Easter Sunday outreach-Málaga, April
with Walter, Steve and Beth- March
Joy & Daniel in NYC- May Christmas Service- Dec. Christmas Youth Choir- Dec.
(Mothers Day)
Something new is happening among our youth. In recent months we have seen several young people pray to receive Christ, including one Muslim! We are asking God for wisdom to disciple these young people and also how to bridge the gap between the English-speaking youth (mostly third culture kids, many from missionary families) and the Spanish-speaking group (many who come from broken families).
We took two different groups of couples through the Alpha Marriage Course this year. One of the couples was already living together when they came to the Lord and have needed to put some things in order in their relationship. They actually got married while the course was underway! An outspoken, self-proclaimed atheist husband of someone in our congregation went through the course with his wife. What a joy watching him mingle with other Christian couples! (see photo)
One of the highlights of our year has been to watch God continue to work in the lives of broken women. Arco Iris is a ministry we started in 2013 to women who have suffered abuse. Abuse is so common in Spain and we realize that we have to touch these very difficult areas if we are going to have an inroad into people´s lives. Arco Iris is the most resisted work we do yet the most rewarding. These ladies are serious about getting free and helping others to find freedom in Christ. Worship and prayer are very important aspects of their healing process as is doing their homework and sharing in group conversations.
2nd ANNUAL ENGLISH CAMP- June 30- July 11, 2014
The main purpose of offering English Camp is to build relational bridges with families in our community through touching a felt need. Spanish parents are waking up to the fact that their children need to learn English and what they learn in school is quite poor.
This year we had a large team from New York, along with a couple from Salem, OR who had done English camps in the Madrid area for many years. They helped us rewrite a whole new teaching curriculum. Our daughter Annika and son Daniel were also here offering their support. They really connected well with the young people in the New York team. This team was from the church were we began our ministry over 30 years ago. Annika actually played in the church nursery with the young man who was leading the team! We also had a great work force from our own church again this year- both adults and young people! Our young people mixed in with the campers in order to provide conversation with English speaking kids. There was a wonderful spirit of camaraderie and unity! (see photos)
When the parents dropped off their children each morning they were invited to stay for coffee and a light breakfast. There were some very powerful times of sharing both about God, biblical principles and personal problems. This year we also added a program for teens that ran alongside the program for 5-12 year olds. (see photos)
Preceding the camp we had a Benefit Concert to raise funds for camp scholarships. It was called BROADWAY COMES TO ALHAURÍN. Daniel and two friends, all professional singers in New York City performed different songs from musical theater to a very enthusiastic crowd! (see photos)
BROADWAY comes to Alhaurín de la Torre!!
It has been a rough year with four people in our small congregation battling life-threatening cancer. One young Spanish lady died of breast cancer in Feb. just one week after she gave her heart to the Lord. Another member of our church battled breast cancer and has a clean bill of health after receiving chemo and radiation. Another 91 year old Spaniard who gave her heart to Jesus just last year was on her deathbed this past summer with Pancreatic cancer and is still living. Up until recently quite free of pain. Losing Jenna in October was hard. Her family is still processing their grief. They were an amazing example of living in the tension between total faith for healing and total surrender to God´s purpose (not my will but yours be done). Please continue to pray for the Sider family. (See photo)
Beautiful Jenna! The Sider family
Annika celebrated her 30th in November! She successfully completed her first semester of grad. school as she pursues her Masters degree in International Administration and Global Governance in the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She remains active in her church and her life is full.
Daniel lives in Manhattan now in his 2nd year of his program at New York University (Masters in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy). He is an adjunct voice professor at the university and continues to flourish and enjoy life in the big city!
We celebrated this Christmas in Sweden together along with Joy´s family. This included a special family gathering to celebrate Annika´s 30th birthday. (see photo)
Annika- celebrating 30 years! Family photo- Dec. 2014
Thanks for taking the time to read up on our year. We appreciate the part you have played in making these things a reality with your financial support and prayers. A huge THANKS!
To God be the glory!
Eugene (Eugenio) & Joy Helena Greco