Lectures and laboratory seminars in Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Іst year Dental medicine – 1st semester 2016/2017
Weeks / Laboratory seminars–
3h + 3h / Lectures - 3h
Prof. P.Atanassova, PhD
І week
09.01 - 13.01.2017 / 1. Cytoplasm. Cell organelles.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Nissl substance (granules)
2. Mitochondria
3. Golgi complex
Еlectron microphotographs:
1.Rough endoplasmatic reticulum
2.Smooth endoplasmatic reticulum
5.Golgi complex
Nucleus in interphase. Mitosis.
Microscopical preparations:
1.Nucleus in interphase
1.1H-E staining
1.2Feulgen staining
- Mitosis in cells of pea radix
1. Interphase nucleus
2. Cell inclusions.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Lipid drops
2. Glycogengranules inhepatic cells
3. Phagocytosis
4. Secretion (secretory granules)
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Lipid drops
2. Glycogen granules
3. Lysosomes
4. Secretory granules
5. The cell membrane
6. Microvilli
7. Desmosomes
8. Interdigitations
9. Cilia- longitudinal and transverse section / The cell.
Cell membrane (plasmalema)
Intercellular contacts.
Cell organelles - Еndoplasmatic reticulum,
Cytoplasm. Cell organelles.
Generalorganelles- structural, ultrastructuralandfunctionalcharacteristics.
Golgi complex
Nucleus. Interphasenucleus-structural, ultrastructuralandfunctionalcharacteristics.
ІI week
16.01 - 20.01.2017 / 1. Epithelia. Unilayered epithelia.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Simple squamous epithelium
2. Simple cuboidalepithelium
3. Simple columnarepithelium
4. Unilayered (pseudostratified) ciliatedcolumnarepithelium
5. Henle’s epithelium
Microscopical preparations:
- Stratified squamous epithelium
- Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
1.Simple tubular glands
2.Serous, mucous and compound alveolar (acinar) glands
Fibrous connective tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Loose connective tissue
2. Collagenousfibroustissue
3. Ellastic tissue
4. White adipose tissue.
4.1. Sudan III staining
4.2. H-E staining
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Multilocular adipocyte
2. Fibroblast
3. Mast cell
4. Plasma cell
5. Macrophage
6. Collagen fibers / Tissues – classification, properties.
Unilayered epithelia
Multistratified epithelia
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
Connective tissue.
- Histogenesis
- General characteristics
- Classification
- Cells
- Intercellular substance
Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.
1. Cartilage
2. The bone tissue
23.01 - 27.01.2017 / 1. Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.
Microscopical preparations:
- Hyalinecartilage
- Elastic cartilage
- Compact bone – decalcinated
- Compact bone – Shliff, demonstration
- Оsteocyte
- Оsteoclast
Microscopical preparations:
- Blood smear - examination
- Neutrophil granulocyte
- Еоsinophil granulocyte
- Lymphocyte
- Platelets
- Мuscle tissue.
- Smooth (visceral) muscle tissue
- StriatedSkeletalmuscletissue
- StriatedCardiac muscletissue
- Impulseconductivecardiac muscletissue
1. Smooth muscle cell
2. Myofibril – skeletal
3. Cardiomyocyte - myofibril / Blood tissue.
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
- Classification
- Cells
4.2 Leucocytes
4.3 Platelets
Мuscle tissue.
2.General characteristics
Nerve tissue
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
4. Cells – neurons, neuroglia
30.01 – 03.02.2017 / 1. Nerve tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
- Мultipolar neurons
- Pear-like neurons
- Pyramidal neurons
- Myelinatednervefiber
- Myoneural synapse
Microscopical preparations:
- Oocyte
- Spermatozoa
1. Oocyte
2. Spermatozoon
2. General embryology. Gastrulation.
1. Early gastrulation
2. Late gastrulation
Extra-embryonic layers
Microscopical preparations:
1. Umbilical cord of newborn baby
2. Placenta
- Extra lesson
Practicalpart– 20 points
5 microscopical preparations
5 electron microphotographsТheoretical part– 30 points
50 pointstotal
Discharge:80% /16p. + 24p. / / Reproductive tissue
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
4. Cells
4.1. Oocytes
4.2. Spermatozoa
General embryology.
Earlyhuman embryonaldevelopment.
Primitive organs
Extra-embryonic layers
Chorion, amnion, yolksack, alantoic diverticulum
Umbilical cord
Fetal sack
- Basic Histology, I.C. Janqueira
- Textbook of Human Histology, I. Singh
- Human embryology, Inderbir Singh, Sixth edition
- Clinical and Functional Histology for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell
- Histology, R. Henrikson
- Histology – A Text and Atlas, M. Ross, Sixth edition
- Practicum of Cytology, Histology and Embryology with CD, P. Atanassova, I. Koeva, E. Petrova, N. Penkova, V. Trichkova
- Handbook in cytology, histology and embryology, Prof. I. Koeva
Cytology Colloquium:
-80% (16p. from practical part and 24p. from theoretical test) - students discharge the Cytology section (practical and theoretical) during the Cytology, Histology and Embryology exam.
MadebyProf. P. Atanassova, MD, PhD