Accepted by Department council
Lectures and laboratory seminars in Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Іst year Dental medicine – 1st semester 2016/2017
Weeks / Laboratory seminars–
3h + 3h / Lectures - 3h
Prof. P.Atanassova, PhD
І week
09.01 - 13.01.2017 / 1. Cytoplasm. Cell organelles.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Nissl substance (granules)
2. Mitochondria
3. Golgi complex
Еlectron microphotographs:
1.Rough endoplasmatic reticulum
2.Smooth endoplasmatic reticulum
5.Golgi complex
Nucleus in interphase. Mitosis.
Microscopical preparations:
1.Nucleus in interphase
1.1H-E staining
1.2Feulgen staining
  1. Mitosis in cells of pea radix
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Interphase nucleus
2. Cell inclusions.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Lipid drops
2. Glycogengranules inhepatic cells
3. Phagocytosis
4. Secretion (secretory granules)
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Lipid drops
2. Glycogen granules
3. Lysosomes
4. Secretory granules
5. The cell membrane
6. Microvilli
7. Desmosomes
8. Interdigitations
9. Cilia- longitudinal and transverse section / The cell.
Cell membrane (plasmalema)
Intercellular contacts.
Cell organelles - Еndoplasmatic reticulum,
Cytoplasm. Cell organelles.
Generalorganelles- structural, ultrastructuralandfunctionalcharacteristics.
Golgi complex
Nucleus. Interphasenucleus-structural, ultrastructuralandfunctionalcharacteristics.
ІI week
16.01 - 20.01.2017 / 1. Epithelia. Unilayered epithelia.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Simple squamous epithelium
2. Simple cuboidalepithelium
3. Simple columnarepithelium
4. Unilayered (pseudostratified) ciliatedcolumnarepithelium
5. Henle’s epithelium
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Stratified squamous epithelium
  2. Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
2. Secretoryepithelia
1.Simple tubular glands
2.Serous, mucous and compound alveolar (acinar) glands
Fibrous connective tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
1. Loose connective tissue
2. Collagenousfibroustissue
3. Ellastic tissue
4. White adipose tissue.
4.1. Sudan III staining
4.2. H-E staining
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Multilocular adipocyte
2. Fibroblast
3. Mast cell
4. Plasma cell
5. Macrophage
6. Collagen fibers / Tissues – classification, properties.
Unilayered epithelia
Multistratified epithelia
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
Connective tissue.
  1. Histogenesis
  2. General characteristics
  3. Classification
  4. Cells
  5. Intercellular substance
Fibrous connective tissue.
Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.
1. Cartilage
2. The bone tissue
23.01 - 27.01.2017 / 1. Connective tissue with solid intercellular substance.
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Hyalinecartilage
  2. Elastic cartilage
  3. Compact bone – decalcinated
  4. Compact bone – Shliff, demonstration
Еlectron microphotographs:
  1. Оsteocyte
  2. Оsteoclast
Blood tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Blood smear - examination
Еlectron microphotographs:
  1. Neutrophil granulocyte
  2. Еоsinophil granulocyte
  3. Lymphocyte
  4. Platelets
  1. Мuscle tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Smooth (visceral) muscle tissue
  2. StriatedSkeletalmuscletissue
  3. StriatedCardiac muscletissue
  4. Impulseconductivecardiac muscletissue
Еlectron microphotographs:
1. Smooth muscle cell
2. Myofibril – skeletal
3. Cardiomyocyte - myofibril / Blood tissue.
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
  1. Classification
  2. Cells
4.2 Leucocytes
4.3 Platelets
Мuscle tissue.
2.General characteristics
Nerve tissue
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
4. Cells – neurons, neuroglia
30.01 – 03.02.2017 / 1. Nerve tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Мultipolar neurons
  2. Pear-like neurons
  3. Pyramidal neurons
4. Myelinatednervefibers
  1. Myelinatednervefiber
  2. Myoneural synapse
Reproductive tissue.
Microscopical preparations:
  1. Oocyte
  2. Spermatozoa
1. Oocyte
2. Spermatozoon
2. General embryology. Gastrulation.
1. Early gastrulation
2. Late gastrulation
Extra-embryonic layers
Microscopical preparations:
1. Umbilical cord of newborn baby
2. Placenta
  1. Extra lesson
Cytology Colloquium
Practicalpart– 20 points
5 microscopical preparations
5 electron microphotographsТheoretical part– 30 points
50 pointstotal
Discharge:80% /16p. + 24p. / / Reproductive tissue
1. Histogenesis
2. General characteristics
3. Classification
4. Cells
4.1. Oocytes
4.2. Spermatozoa
General embryology.
Earlyhuman embryonaldevelopment.
Primitive organs
Extra-embryonic layers
Chorion, amnion, yolksack, alantoic diverticulum
Umbilical cord
Fetal sack


  1. Basic Histology, I.C. Janqueira
  2. Textbook of Human Histology, I. Singh
  3. Human embryology, Inderbir Singh, Sixth edition
  4. Clinical and Functional Histology for Medical Students, Richard S. Snell
  5. Histology, R. Henrikson
  6. Histology – A Text and Atlas, M. Ross, Sixth edition
  7. Practicum of Cytology, Histology and Embryology with CD, P. Atanassova, I. Koeva, E. Petrova, N. Penkova, V. Trichkova
  8. Handbook in cytology, histology and embryology, Prof. I. Koeva


Cytology Colloquium:

-80% (16p. from practical part and 24p. from theoretical test) - students discharge the Cytology section (practical and theoretical) during the Cytology, Histology and Embryology exam.

MadebyProf. P. Atanassova, MD, PhD