February 22, 2018

Day 1

On Thursday, March 1st, the 5th Annual International Festival will take place. Don’t miss out on all the fun with your friends!

You’ll have time in the gym to play basketball or volleyball, or you can watch the movie, COCO, or if karaoke and music is your thing then you can do that. There will be all sorts of International cuisine to try! Gift cards will be raffled off throughout the event. Join your friends and have a great time!

Five dollar tickets are being sold this Friday, February 23rd through Thursday, March 1st during lunch. If you buy your entry in advance you will receive an extra raffle ticket increasing your chances of winning a gift card. A permission slip will be issued and the signed copy from your parent will be your entry ticket. Your ID will also be needed.

Calling all Writers!! Tri-County Literacy Council has announced its Young Author’s Competition, which is open to any student in grades 7 and 8. Submissions in poetry, personal narrative, short story and essay will be accepted. If you are interested in competing, please pick up an entry form in the Main Office by February 27th. Submit final work to Ms. Devine’s mailbox in the main office by March 1st. The top five entries that will represent Warren Hills will be announced by March 5th and entered into the competition.

There will be a brief mandatory softball meeting this Friday in the cafeteria at 2:10 for anyone interested in trying out this year.

Journalism Club meets Thursdays in room 202. See you there.

Yearbook Club will meet today in the library.

Attention all Track candidates: There will be a Mandatory meeting after school today in the gym. Late bus passes will be available.

Attention all Chorus Club members: Chorus Club will meet today, after school in the chorus room. Keep selling chocolate for your fundraiser. Orders are due next

Monday, Feb 26th.

The next Horizons meeting will be Tuesday, February 27 after school in room 96. Anyone participating in Debate or Battle of the Books should plan to attend. Late bus passes will be available.

International Club is having a meeting today after school in room 101. We are planning the International Festival on March 1st.

If you plan to play a spring sport, please check the list posted in the cafeteria hallway to see if you are cleared. If you are not on the list, please see the nurse to get the required forms.

And Remember… Let’s just be nice to each other today!