Troop 74 Committee Meeting Minutes for September 8, 2016

Present: Jim Mosier, Mike Reeder, Janice Regan, Vince Rossi, Jolene Berry.

Secretary's Report reviewed and approved by Mike Reeder, seconded by Jim Mosier.

Treasurer's Report:

As of Aug 31st there is an account balance of $6,437.67, up from $5,116.34 the end of May.

Committee approved reimbursement of $50.00 each to Dr. Malone and Darryl Kieffer for expenses incurred hauling the trailer to summer camp.

Spring dues are caught up and fall dues pending.

Fund Raising:

Hummelstown Arts Fest/Whoopie Pie Sale, September 17th:

Volunteers are lined up for baking on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday prior to sale.

Each family is to make three batches of whoopie pies or pay a $50.00 buyout. All Scouts should sign up for a time slot on Saturday.

Set-up is 5:45 am. Scouts will receive credit for two service hours for participating in set-up.

Festival starts at 9:00 am, and will last until all whoopie pies are sold.

10/31: Hummelstown Halloween Parade concession stand: As in previous years, the Troop will sell hot items, drinks, and baked goods in front of TUMC. Janice will purchase supplies. Mike R. will be in charge of the event.

R & K Sub Sale

(Kelly Waters contact person) Info will be distributed Monday, September 26th and delivery is scheduled for October 3. Profits will be deposited to individual Scout accounts.

Upcoming Events

9/12 Parent meeting at the cabin.

10/7 -10/9 Camp out Friday and Saturday night at the cabin. Scouts will work on the Horsemanship Merit Badge.

The Scouts will also work on the Painting Merit Badge.

10/17 Fall Court of Honor. Cub Scout Pack 74 will be invited to attend. There will be a campfire and s'mores.

10/21-10/23 Camping at Hickory Run State Park. Scouts will participate in an Orienteering Course. Vince will lead the Scouts on a hike.

11/11 and 11/12 Fun night sleepover at the cabin 11/11 and Scouting for Food 11/12.

11/18 and 11/19 Sleepover. Webelos are invited. Wilderness survival will be discussed.

Other Business:

Jason Petula is constructing three patrol boxes for the troop. Estimated cost of approximately $270.00 per box. Mike Reeder and Brad Meloy are working on overhauling the trailer.

Motion to adjourn at 7:50 pm by Mike R. seconded by Jolene B.

Meeting minutes submitted by Jolene Berry, committee member.