Invite a Friend and Volunteer Day Strategy (IAFV)

Purpose of Invite a Friend and Volunteer Day

Students learn to be missionaries by inviting friends to learn about Jesus.

Gives students opportunities to disciple friends.

IAFV Day may be the first time a student hears about Jesus.

Friends may begin a relationship with Jesus in the future.

Last year’s friends invite friends this year, multiplying the ministry.

Volunteers are invited to use their God-given gifts to impact children for eternity.

Provides an opportunity for God to stretch us and grow our faith.

Provides an opportunity for team building and unity.

The day is a great tool for evangelizing students.

One month in advance

AC strategizes with SC about IAFV Day.

SC explains benefits of IAFV Day to staff.

SC chooses IAFV date and informs staff.

Staff brainstorms what to do before, during, and after IAFV Day.

Consider having a contest between volunteers and students to see who brings the highest percentage

of guests.

Upcoming IAFV Day is announced to students.

SC and listeners/small group leadersencourage students to pray about who God wants them to invite.

Staff and students start praying for the invitees.

Inform your AC if you need Joy El to prepare IAFV invitations. Include the date and time.

Three weeks in advance

School coordinator prints invitations for students and volunteers.

SC contacts school about IAFV and gives the principal an invitation for his records.

SC plans an evangelistic staff devotion to coincide with IAFV outreach.

School coordinator, teachers, and listeners/small group leaders all remind students about IAFV Day.

For RTs with older students, involve them in planning the day. This will help them take ownership

and be more excited to invite their friends.

Tell students what their guests will do during teaching and listening/small group time when they visit.

Listeners/small group leaders pray with their students that their friends will come, and then continue

to pray for those students throughout the week.

Listeners/small group leaders ask students who they plan on inviting, record names, and pray for

themby name during listening time and Wrap Up.

Volunteers invite friends to visit and observe RT.

Two weeks in advance

Plan an evangelistic focus for staff devotions.

School coordinator, teachers, and listeners remind students about IAFV Day.

SC tells students that they will receive new verse cards today for IAF lessons for the next two weeks.

Only verses from those cards may be recited the next two weeks. Regular unit verses will be put on hold! (Invite a Friend verse cards are clearly marked “Fall” and “Winter”.)

Listeners/small group leaders give invitations to students, praying with them for those that will

receive them.Listeners hand Invite a Friend verse cards to students and tell them that they may say verses from that card for the next two weeks only!

Volunteers follow up with their invitees, offering to pick them up or meet them. Make sure they

know what time the staff meets and what to expect while at RT.

Volunteers may ask their guests to come a week early (next week) so they are better prepared for

friend day.

Hand out IAF unit verse cards to students. Explain that these verses are the only unit verses they can

say for points for the next two weeks.

One week in advance(Pre-Invite a Friend)

Planan evangelistic devotional for staff meeting.

Ask volunteers/students who are now attending as a result of IAFV Day to share why they attend and

how they came to be at RT.

Pray for prospects by name during staff devotions, teaching, listening/small group time, and

Wrap Up.

School coordinator informs staff of schedule for IAFV Day.

School coordinator, teachers, and listeners/small group leaders tell students about IAFV Day and

remind them to invite friends.

SC reminds students that they may only recite verses from the Invite a Friend verse card this week

and next week.

Teachers teach IAFV lesson #1, “Pre-Invite a Friend”.

Listeners/small group leaders give invitations to students.

Listeners/small group leaders ask students if they invited (name) yet.

Listeners/small group leaders pray with students for their friends that have been or are going to be


Listeners/small group leaders call students prior to RT to ask if they invited (name) to friend day and

if they are coming.

Listeners tell students they can only recite IAF verses today!

Week of Invite a Friend and Volunteer Day

Make the day special!

Welcome all guests!

Thank newcomers for coming and students and volunteers for inviting others.

Recognize/introduce friends and the students who invited them.

Consider giving guests and inviters a small gift of appreciation (bookmark, pencil, sticker).

Introduce staff to guests.

Explain RT-what class is like, awards, etc.

Meet with each guest and personally invite them to come back to RT. Give permission forms or

volunteer applications to guests who have not registered for the remainder of the year and ask

them to complete and return next week.

SC reminds students that next week they go back to their unit verse cards for reciting verses.

Teachers teach IAF lesson #2, “Invite a Friend”.

Listeners remind students that next week they go back to their unit verse cards for reciting verses.

Week following Invite a Friend and Volunteer Day

If friends came who were being prayed for, celebrate with your students during RT! Give God

the glory!

School coordinator or listeners/small group leaders call guests, thanking them for coming to RT.

Remind students that they are invited to returnto RT and ask if they plan on coming next week.

Answer questions about RT.

Thank their parents for allowing them to come.

Ask if parent(s) would like to volunteer or if they know of someonewho might.

SC calls adult visitors to ask if they will join their RT staff.

Give completed invitations, permissions, and volunteer applications to ACs.

Students go back to reciting verses from their regular unit cards. No more IAF verses may be recited

for points!