ARBS 2018Application to Present

Complete this form and email to: 5pm Thursday August31 2017.

Indicative timeline:

  • Presenters shortlisted October 2017
  • Papers/presentations due for peer review December 2017
  • Approval and final scheduling February 2018

Presenter Contact Information
Proposed Presentation:
Developments, technological innovations, best practice, compliance or regulatory issuesetc. relevant to the air conditioning, refrigeration or building services industries.
Title, brief session description, type of presentation (individual, panel, workshop)
Include objectives:
I.e. At the end of this session participants will be able to/demonstrate/understand…..
Has this been presented before? / Yes/No If Yes, where and when?
Intended Audience:
Sector (e.g. refrigeration, facilities management etc.):
Level: (e.g. Graduate, Engineer, Consultant etc.) / General or specific (please specify)
Presenter Biography:
A short summary of your professional credentials.
If you have presented before, list when, where and topics.
List books or articles previously published:
Three professional referee names and contact details:
AV requirements:
Projector, screen, microphone are provided / Other (please specify)
Would you be willing to have the session recorded? / Yes/ No

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The presentation must be solely owned by the presenter and does not infringe copyright, trademark, intellectual or other third-party proprietary rights and comply with all applicable laws.
  1. The session is for educational purposes and will not contain any sales pitches.(see attached anti-commercial info)
  1. Representatives from ARBS Exhibitions Ltd will review and select abstracts. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  1. Presenters are invited to provide handouts for attendees. These will be presented in hard copy at the presentation and made available electronically following the presentation.
  1. ARBS Exhibitions Ltd reserves the right to review the selected presentation prior to final delivery.
  1. ARBS Exhibitions Ltd may record the session and may reproduce, display, distribute and incorporate in any way, part or all of the session (images, audio, handouts), royalty free.
  1. The applicant is authorised by his/her organisation to approve these terms and conditions.

I understand and accept the above terms and conditions and that all details in the application form are correct.

Applicant Name: (print)
Date: / ………………………………………………………………………

For more information about the call for speakers and presenters, please contact:

Emma Higginson

ARBS Exhibitions Ltd


P: 0405 189 240

ARBS Exhibition Seminar Anti-commercialisation Policy

Statement of Intent:

ARBS Exhibitions Ltd will enforce an anti-commercialisation policy to prevent commercialisation, promotion and/or sales pitches during seminar presentations. The anti-commercialisation policy applies to all papers and research documentation presented during the ARBS 2018 Exhibition seminar program.

Commercialism is considered to be any promotional reference (visual, verbal, or written) to a

company or organisation for the purpose of gaining a commercial advantage over competitors.

Slide Information, Citing References, and Handouts:

1. There must be no inference in presentations or handouts that ARBS Exhibitions Ltd endorses any product, service, company or organisation, unless formally approved by ARBS Exhibitions Ltd.

2. Introductory slide - may include the name of presenter, e-mail address, company, supporting organisation, affiliations and corporate logo. A maximum of two company logos may be included within the presentation (first and last page recommended). These details are not to be repeated on subsequent slides.

3. Referencing - may only be used to clarify information related to HVAC & R and building services industry and not for promotional purposes:

i. case studies may include the facility, site and owner

ii. for research outcomes, including policy, statements and standards, an organisation may be listed where relevant

iii. government legislation, policy and referencing must be unbiased, relevant and must not imply endorsement of a product or service

4. Bibliographies - listed at the end of the presentation

5. Final slide - contains presenter details and 2nd version of corporate logo only

6. Seminar handouts - information may include the name of presenter, company, supporting organisation and affiliations and reference citation as above.

Policy Enforcement:

• ARBS Exhibitions Ltd will review and approve material prior to presentation and/or publication

• Nonconforming references will be removed or the presentation will be withdrawn

• Presenters who do not adhere to this policy will receive details why their presentation has been withdrawn and if appropriate, given the opportunity to resubmit their material according to the above guidelines.

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